
  • 网络Educational Ecology;Ecology of Education
  1. 高职英语课堂教学的教育生态学解读

    On College English Classroom Teaching From the View of Educational Ecology

  2. 教育生态学视野下的教师专业发展

    Teacher professional development in the view of educational ecology

  3. 阿什比高等教育生态学思想研究

    A Study of Ashby 's Idea of Ecology of Higher Education

  4. 论教育生态学视角下的高等教育质量工程建设

    Surveying on the Education Ecology of the Higher Education Quality Construction

  5. 第二部分论述了教育生态学理论的主要内容。

    The second part is about the main content of ecology of education .

  6. 基于教育生态学基本规律分析信息技术与课程整合

    Analyzing the Integration of Information Technology and Curriculum from Educational Ecology 's Rule

  7. 基于教育生态学原理的高职英语教学思考

    Reflections on English teaching at higher vocational college based on educational ecology theory

  8. 教育生态学原理在作文教学中的运用

    Application of the Theory of Education-Ecology to Composition Teaching

  9. 高等教育生态学视野中澳门高等教育的发展

    The Development of Higher Education in Macau from the Perspective of Higher Education Ecology

  10. 教育生态学的基本原理对课堂教学监控会产生全面而深刻的影响。

    The basic principle brings complete and deep effect of instructional supervision in class .

  11. 语文生态课堂以教育生态学、生命科学、接受美学理论为基础。

    It bases on ecology , education , life science , accepting esthetics theory .

  12. 发展性教学监控的教育生态学思考

    Reflection on Developing Teaching Supervision Educational Ecology

  13. 基于教育生态学的高校教师素质提升模式探讨

    Exploration on the model of improving qualities for University Teachers Based on ecology of Education

  14. 对生态课堂的研究是教育生态学研究的具体化。

    In general , the study on ecological classroom is the specification of educational ecology .

  15. 第一部分阐述克雷明教育生态学理论的历史成因。

    The first part describes the origins of the formation of Cremin 's ecology of education .

  16. 高等教育生态学研究已成为我国教育科学研究的重要领域之一。

    Ecological study of higher education has become very important in the study field of Chinese education research .

  17. 教育生态学是一门在二十世纪下半叶兴起的新学科。

    Educational Ecology is one of the new discipline springing up from the second half of the twentieth century .

  18. 第三部分阐释了克雷明如何将教育生态学理论运用于教育史研究。

    The third part is about how Cremin included his definition of education into the study of American education .

  19. 教育生态学视角下人文素质教育探析从教育人类学视角看教育主体的特点

    Analysis of Human Quality Education From the Perspective of Education Ecology The Characteristic of Education Subject from Anthropology Visual Angle

  20. 生态学、教育生态学、系统论等理论对于研究思想政治教育的生态系统提供了理论的支持。

    Ecology , education , ecology , systems theory and other theories provides theoretical support for the study of the ecological system of ideological and political education .

  21. 生态哲学、教育生态学、生态心理学、生态语言学等理论为本研究提供了基础,为教学问题的理论研究和实践研究提供了可行的思考方向。

    Ecology of education , Ecological linguistics , Ecological psychology and so con providing a reasoned normal form to theoretical and practiced study of the english teaching problem .

  22. 教育生态学在外语课堂研究中的应用并不是简单地移植生态学术语,而是对整体主义的生态教学论的深刻领会。

    Adopted in foreign language classroom study , this new methodology does not provide an easy transplant of ecological terminology , but requires a profound understanding of holistic ecological pedagogy .

  23. 从教育生态学的视角研究高校学生就读生态环境,意味着将大学生在高校中的就读环境看做是一个有机统一的复杂的生态系统。

    According to the educational ecology , the Studying ecological environment of College students ( SEECS ) means the Studying ecological environment is regarded as an organic and complex ecosystem .

  24. 本文以运用教育生态学原理,分析区域教育生态系统,主要是区域基础教育生态系统内外部关系。

    In this paper , the use of education , ecology principles , analysis of regional education ecosystem , mainly on a regional basis the relationship between internal and external education ecosystem .

  25. 随着对教育生态学研究的深入,教育生态已成为教育界的一个热门话题,教育生态化也正成为教育的发展方向。

    With the in-depth research on the educational ecology , ecological education has become a hot topic in the education field , the ecology of education is becoming the direction of the development of education .

  26. 教育生态学的诞生,既是生态学发展、分化的产物,也是教育研究者自觉运用生态学的原理和方法研究教育问题的开始。

    The birth of education ecology is not only the outcome of ecology development and differentiation , but also the start that education researchers consciously use the principles and methods of ecology to study education problems .

  27. 生态型教学是新课程理念与教育生态学理论体系中生命观、生活观和发展观的教学论诠释,是对传统教学的解构与合理性超越。

    Ecological teaching is the teaching theoretical interpretation of life views and development views in the theoretical systems of the new curriculum and educational ecology , which is the deconstruction and rational transcendence of the traditional teaching .

  28. 借鉴教育生态学的环境分类法,对新建地方本科院校的内外部环境进行了发展,即是包括自然环境、社会环境和规范环境在内的复合生态环境。

    Reference from the environmental classification on Educational Ecology , the paper develops the inside and outside environment of the newly-founded local colleges to a compound ecological environment which includes Natural Environment , Social Environment and Normative Environment .

  29. 教育生态学是依据生态学的原理,研究教育与其生态环境相互关系的科学,其主要目的在于建立适宜教育健康运转的生态环境。

    In terms of the theory of ecology , ecology of education is the science to study the interrelation of education and its eco-environment with its main purpose to establish an eco-environment suited to an ordinarily operated education system .

  30. 在此基础上勾画了一个教育生态学模型。通过这个模型,传统校园教育跟网络教育就可以进行有效的对比研究。

    This serves as a basis for the construction of an ecological model of education , which can be used to make a meaningfully contrastive study of traditional campus learning environment ( TCLE ) with virtual learning environment ( VLE ) .