
  • 网络teaching quality
  1. 其主要特征包括语文教学由教学模式转向教学品质、由教学趋同转向教学个性、由封闭教学转向开放教学和由教学技术转向教学艺术。

    Its main features contains the turning of Chinese teaching from teaching mode to teaching quality , the turning from teaching convergence to teaching personality , the turning from closed teaching to open and the turning instructional technology to teaching art .

  2. 物理教师的主体性是一种优秀的教学品质。

    The subjectivity of physics teachers is a kind of excellent quality .

  3. 学校规定教材以提升教学品质。

    The school regulates teaching materials to enhance the quality of teaching .

  4. 提供本院大学部及研究所学生一流的教学品质及学习机会,藉以达成知识传播的目的。

    Disseminate knowledge by providing quality instruction and learning opportunities to our undergraduate and graduate students .

  5. 我一直坚持着提供好的教学品质给我的学生,因为他们值得这一切。

    It 's been my advocacy to provide quality education to my students simply because they deserve it .

  6. 我们的师资都是著作等身,拥有影响力的学者和有创造力的作者,同时也以其优质和投入的教学品质闻名。

    Staffed by well-published , influential scholars and creative writers , the Literature faculty is recognized for its superior and committed teaching .

  7. 教师认为评鉴的主要用途,偏重以提高社会对教师的信心及提升教学品质最为重要。

    Teachers consider the most important usage of teacher evaluation is to enhance the society 's confidence in teachers and increase quality of instruction .

  8. 新手教师成长为优秀教师或专家型教师,教学品质和行为是核心内容,教学专长是教师职业区别于其他职业的核心要素。

    The fine qualities and action of teaching are highly important for a novice teacher becoming an expert or excellent teacher . The expertise in teaching is a core factor to discriminate teaching from other occupations .

  9. 有关每个大学的资讯可以从USNews的网页www.usnews.com的教育版篇幅中获得。教授与学生的比例可以用来评估教学的品质。从每个学校的碌取率可以看出们们挑选申请人的严格程度。

    and on campus housing are all factors that should be taken into consideration.Information about every college can be obtained from the education section of the US News website at www.usnews.com.The faculty to student ratio can be an indicator of the quality of their classes.The acceptance rate of each school shows how selective they are with

  10. 参读教学与思维品质训练探讨

    Teaching of Comparable Text Reading and Training of Thinking Ability

  11. 在中学数学教学中学生思维品质的培养

    Training Students ' Thinking Character in the Teaching of Mathematics

  12. 体育教学中学生心理品质培养的理论研究

    A Study of Nurturing Students ′ Psychological Quality During the Teaching of Physical Education

  13. 高中作文教学中学生思维品质培养的研究

    Research of Cultivating the Quality of Students ' Thought in Senior High School Thesis Teaching

  14. 论体育教学中学生兴趣品质的形成与发展

    Talking about the Formation and Development of the Quality of Interest of Students in Physical Education

  15. 目的评价以问题为基础(problem-BasedLearning,PBL)的教学模式对医生品质培养的作用。

    Objective To evaluate the role that problem based learning ( PBL ) teaching plays in the education of doctors .

  16. 散打教学对学生意志品质影响的研究

    The Effect of Sanda Teaching on the Students ' , Willpower

  17. 现代体育教学中学生个性心理品质的培养

    On Fostering the Students ' Personality in Modern Sports Teaching

  18. 浅谈中学物理教学对学生思维品质的培养

    On the Cultivation of Thinking Quality in School Physics Teaching

  19. 计算机辅助教学与创造性思维品质的培养

    Computer & assisted Teaching of Mathematics and the Development of Active Thinking Quality

  20. 教学机房室内空气品质现状调查及改善措施

    Investigation and Improving Measures of Indoor Air Quality of A Teaching Computer Lab

  21. 高校公体教学与学生意志品质的培养

    PE in Universities and Development of Students ' Characters

  22. 论语文阅读教学中的思维品质培育

    Training students ′ thinking in the teaching of reading

  23. 体育教学中优良心理品质的构建

    Quality of Good Psychology Construction in Gymnastic Teaching

  24. 体育教学中大学生心理品质控制研究

    The Study on the Control of Psychological Quality of University Students in PE Classes

  25. 谈反例教学对数学思维品质的培养

    Analyzing the Function of Inverse Teaching in Cultivating Students ' Thinking Quality in Mathematics

  26. 概率统计教学中批判性思维品质的训练

    The training of the quality of critical thought in the instruction of possibility statistics

  27. 浅谈生物实验教学与现代人品质的培养

    A brief talk about biological experimental teaching and cultivation of qualities of modem persons

  28. 加强体育教学中的意志品质培养提高大学生就业心理素质

    Strengthen the Cultivation of Students ' Character and Advance Students ' Mental Diathesis for Obtaining Employment

  29. 以问题为基础的教学模式与医生品质的培养

    Problem-Based Learning and Education of Doctors

  30. 我们的观点是:历史教学是历史思维品质的教学。

    Our common view is : " History teaching is the teaching of history thinking quality " .