
  1. 同时,在各类培训及北师大研究生课程班进修时学习的管理理论,让作者对CIS给企业带来的巨大影响印象颇深。

    At the same time , in various training and big graduate student in north teacher course a further studies is study that management theories that bigness influence impression , let me bringing the business enterprise to the CIS rather deep .

  2. 广东省专科护士研究生课程班培训项目的启动

    Initiation of training project of Guangdong specialized nurse graduate course class

  3. 广东省卫生厅委托南方医科大学和香港理工大学联合承办首批专科护士研究生课程班的教育项目。

    Southern Medical University combined with Hong Kong Polytechnic University undertook first education project of specialized nurse graduate course class which entrusted by National Health Ministry .

  4. 加强研究生课程进修班教学与管理工作的几点思索与实践

    How to Enforce Postgraduate Course Teaching and Its Administration

  5. 我国研究生课程进修班现状分析与对策研究

    Analysis of the Situation and Strategy Study on the Training Course of Graduate Students in China

  6. 介绍了全国第一届包装研究生课程进修班的教学模式;

    We will also introduce the teaching mode of the national wide first graduate student 's courses advanced studies class .

  7. 2009年考入“中国人民大学艺术学院第四届油画创作研究生课程研修班”;

    Admitted to the Fourth Postgraduate Diploma Programmes in Oil Painting by School of Arts , Renmin University of China in2009 ;

  8. 影响研究生课程进修班办班质量的相关因素有教师水平、学习要求、复习巩固、课程设置和实验课。

    And the factors affecting the quality of the class are teaching level , study requirement , review , the course , and experiment class .

  9. 结论安徽省医学研究生课程进修班学员主要是30-40岁之间的业务骨干;

    Conclusions : Most of the trainees in the class of graduate course for advanced medical workers in Anhui Province are key workforces aged between 30 and 40 ;

  10. 方法利用信函问卷方式,对参加安徽省医学研究生课程进修班学习的学员人群分布特点、学习情况、学员对办班质量的评价及其影响因素等进行调查与分析。

    Methods : The author investigates and analyzes the students ' differences , the learning conditions , their evaluations of the quality of the class as well as the affecting factors by the questionnaire through letters .