
  • 网络model;mode of study;research model;study mode;research method
  1. 证据医学(Evidence-basedMedicine)是传统临床研究模式的发展。

    Evidence - based medicine ( EBM ) was developed from the progress of traditional clinical model trail patterns .

  2. 矿山灾害学的研究模式、特征与方法

    Model , Characteristic and Method of Study for Mine Disaster Science

  3. 与研究模式不同,了解ModelerXML的更容易方法是从简单的导出开始。

    Rather than dealing with the schema , an easier way to understand Modeler XML is to begin with a simple export .

  4. 药品不良反应成本测算的研究模式和意义

    Study mode and significance of cost calculating to adverse drug reactions

  5. 中国历境主义也是一种经验研究模式。

    The Chinese Contextualism is a model of the empirical research .

  6. 复杂断裂油田小构造研究模式

    Study pattern of small structure in complicated fault oil field

  7. 介绍了学习动机的相关理论与研究模式。

    Introduce the study of motivation theory and research mode .

  8. 试论会计教育研究模式

    On the Study Mode of Accounting Education in China

  9. 陈平原:非意识形态化文学研究模式的构建

    Chen Ping-yuan : construction of literary research model of " non-ideological method "

  10. 信息法学研究模式对比分析

    The contrast in study model of information Law Science

  11. 多学科合作与利用的研究模式。

    Another research mode is to conduct the co-operation and utilization of multiple disciplines .

  12. 笔者采用的研究模式突破了传统的和最新的管理研究在研究角度和研究方法上的局限性,对印度管理的探讨也是突破了仅从文化角度出发这一现象。

    This study method breaks the exist management research mode limitation on study point .

  13. 组织传播的研究模式及思考

    Reflections on the Research Models of Organization Communication

  14. 美国项目研究模式的学习概论

    Study on Project - based Learning in America

  15. 研究模式,其实是掌握故事结构的捷径。

    Pattern research is actually a shortcut to get hold of the structure of a story .

  16. 论文研发工作以薄膜电感的设计与制作为重心,采用理论计算与实验制作共进的研究模式。

    We adopt the method that mode of calculating by theories and make inductors by experiments .

  17. 倡导多元化的研究模式;

    Initiating multiple research pattern ;

  18. 本文探讨了博客在图书馆导读中的应用思路、应用场景、基于博客的导读层次模式以及基于博客的导读研究模式。

    This paper discusses the idea , application situation , pattern and research pattern of library leading .

  19. 只有从情景研究模式入手,我们才能更加准确定位并解释言语交际中的性别差异。

    Only from a situational perspective can we better locate and interpret gender differences in speech communication .

  20. 目前世界上各国进行的课堂学习研究模式能给我们一些启示。

    The on-going model of lesson study in some countries may shine some light on our classroom assessment .

  21. 在种种对翻译转移的研究模式中,鲁文-兹瓦特的模式普遍认为是最广泛和最详尽的分析模式。

    Of the available models for studying translation shifts , Leuven-Zwart 's is generally considered the most comprehensive .

  22. 现代心理学危机产生的根源在于过分依赖实证主义及过分追求自然科学的研究模式。

    The crisis of modern psychology originates from its over-dependence on positivism and exceeding pursuit for natural science research pattern .

  23. 伊瑟尔摈弃了单纯从文学自身出发去探讨文学的研究模式,转而从读者角度去研究文学及文学本文。

    Iser studies literary and literary text from the point of view of the readers , not from the literary itself .

  24. 跳出单个城市的研究模式,从一定区域范围来考察城市群体的变迁,是近十余年来历史城市地理学研究的新方向。

    To study urban groups with regional perspective has been new trend in the research of historical urban geography in past decade .

  25. 从而形成循环上升的计算机模拟和实验相结合的系统生物学湿干研究模式,大大提升了系统生物学研究生物复杂巨系统的能力和效率。

    The wet-dry cycle works to create a new approach for systems biology , which integrates both computer modeling and modern biological experiments .

  26. 实际上,华大基因与北京方面有着矛盾的关系,代表着对中国教育和研究模式的挑战。

    In fact , BGI has an ambivalent relationship with Beijing and represents a challenge to the Chinese model of education and research .

  27. 区域土地资源承载能力研究模式雏议&以甘肃省定西县为例

    A preliminary study on the study model of the regional land resource carrying capacity & taking Dingxi County of Gansu Province as an example

  28. 要充分利用突变小鼠作为研究模式,则需要诱发突变或自发基因突变之正确基因表现型特徵。

    Making full use of mutant mice as research models requires correct characterization of the phenotypes that result from induced or spontaneous genetic mutations .

  29. 这是因为基于跨文化研究模式上的药物功效研究尚未得到广泛认可。

    This is because investing in efficacy studies based on interculturally sensitive research models has not yet been recognised as an important enough area .

  30. 文章指出,以庙宇为中心,从历史文化地理角度考察民间信仰的研究模式是可行的。

    The research shows that it is possible to study on the pattern of folk faith by focusing on temples , from the historical-cultural geographical angle .