
  • 网络r&d team;R & D Team
  1. 基于对研发团队角色构成的研究,首先建立了一套研发团队整体能力的评价指标体系。

    Based on the study of role construction in a R D team , a capability evaluation index model of R D teams is established .

  2. 研发团队异质性与报酬模式对研发效率的影响分析

    Study on the Influences of R D Team Heterogeneity and Reward Mode on R D Efficiency

  3. 研发团队开始在百保力最畅销的网球拍产品PureDrive的基础上进行开发。

    They started by modifying the company 's bestselling model , the Pure Drive .

  4. 我们的研发团队都是由在LED行业有着丰富开发经验,并具有较高学历的中青年专家组成。

    Our research and development teams consist of young and middle-aged experts having rich experience in LED industry .

  5. BP神经网络在知识型企业研发团队知识创新绩效评价中的应用研究

    An Empirical Study on Knowledge Innovation Performance of R & D Teams in Knowledge-based Enterprises Using BP Neural Network

  6. Mop研发团队:网络时代的技术偏执狂

    Mop 's R & D Team : Technology Paranoid in Internet Age

  7. 目前公司的主要研发团队在上海,在深圳北京成都都有自己的Office给客户提供良好的关于电源方面的技术支持。

    The company 's main R & D team in Shanghai , Shenzhen , Chengdu , Beijing has its own Office to provide good technical support on the supply side .

  8. 基于模糊TOPSIS的复杂产品研发团队知识集成能力评价

    Evaluation of Knowledge Integration Capability Based on Fuzzy TOPSIS in Complex Product Development Team

  9. DanFletcher是CellScope研发团队的负责人。

    Dan Fletcher heads the team that developed the CellScope .

  10. 借助关键绩效指标(KPI)以及平衡记分的思想,初步建立了研发团队的绩效考核指标体系;

    The basic performance indicators system is established under the help of KPI and balanced score theory .

  11. 我们的研发团队(总部设在巴黎)正在不断的设计越来越高效和创新的产品,目的是为了让顾客享受LED产品杰出的潜力和全新的应用。

    Our Research and Development teams ( based in Paris ) constantly design new products always more efficient and more innovative , with the outstanding potential of the LED and its new applications .

  12. CORe是哈佛商学院势必将推出的一系列在线课程和项目的第一个。这所商学院一直在学院内部悄无声息地组建一个被冠以哈佛商学院之名的在线学习研发团队,这支团队目前已有32名全职员工。

    CORe is the first of what will inevitably be a portfolio of online courses and programs from the Harvard Business School , which has been quietly assembling an in-house online learning group dubbed HBS that now numbers 32 full-time staffers .

  13. 根据HTC表示,他们智能手机研发团队的一半--大约2000人将会前往谷歌。

    According to HTC half their smartphone research and development team - about 2000 people - will go to Google .

  14. TCI在我国的有效性验证:研发团队创新氛围的测度

    Chinese Validation of the Team Climate Inventory : A Measure of Team Climate for Innovation in R & D Teams

  15. 我最近和Bing的研发团队成员谈及一种能够将研发和产品化连为一体的协作模式。

    I was talking to people on the Bing search team recently about collaboration models in which we can build a continuum from research to productization .

  16. EPON终端设备ONU的成功研制,能够完善我公司无源光网络产品系列,提高公司研发团队的水平。

    The success of EPON terminal equipments ONU , can perfect my company have EPON product line and raise the level of company development team .

  17. 厦门ABB公司是一家典型的公司,拥有优秀的研发团队、优秀的生产团队、优秀的服务团队,以及优秀的销售团队。

    ABB Xiamen company is a typical corporate with excellent R & D team , excellent production team , good service and outstanding sales team .

  18. 然后,LivingProof的研发团队将安妮斯顿请到他们的实验室,向她展示了这款洗发水背后的科技原理——这次访问给人的感觉有点像高中的化学课,安妮斯顿当时笑着说:“化学是我高中学得很好的一门课。”

    The company 's R & D team then took her into their lab , showing her the science behind the shampoos , a tour reminiscent of a high school chemistry class . " And that was the one subject that I was good at , " Aniston laughs .

  19. 费因斯是从事多点触控硬件研发团队的一员,他说,他第一次看到这种硬件带来的“捏拉缩放”等软件功能,是乔布斯在iPhone发布会上展示的时候。

    Mr Fiennes , who was part of the team working on multitouch hardware , said the first time he saw the resulting software features such as " pinch to zoom " was when Jobs unveiled it at the iPhone 's launch event .

  20. 前者由资本市场上交易者的交易行为决定;后者由企业的经理人来决定。就研发团队的长期激励问题,提出了一种新的长期激励模式&基于经济增加值(EVA)的激励。

    The first allocation process is determined by the transactions in capital market and the latter one is at the disposal of corporation managers . We try to use EVA to solve R & D team 's long-term incentive problem in the first allocation .

  21. 由HellenJ.Wang带领的一个微软研发团队提出了浏览器上的操作系统Gazelle(PDF),目的是加强网上冲浪的安全性。

    A Microsoft Research team led by Helen J.Wang has created Gazelle ( PDF ), a browser-based OS , with the declared intent to tighten security when going online .

  22. 运用I-P-O模型从虚拟研发团队的组织结构层面来研究不同组织结构的虚拟研发团队的差异。

    The model of I-P-O is used to research the differences among the four types of virtual R & D teams .

  23. 一个研发团队试图改造诺基亚大多数智能手机所使用的老旧的塞班(Symbian)系统,而另一个团队则试图从头开始打造一个名为MeeGo的全新操作系统。

    One team tried to revamp Symbian , the aging operating system that ran most Nokia smartphones . Another effort , eventually dubbed MeeGo , tried to build a new system from the ground up .

  24. 中国工业和信息化部5G研发团队的负责人表示:“研究和测试的目的在于支持全球5G标准的制定,同时促进电信业的发展。”

    The purpose of the research and test is to support the formulation of global 5G standards and boost the development of the telecom industry , said Cao Shumin , head of a 5G R & D team under the MIIT .

  25. NX10令人印象深刻的特色设置成为数年来致力于该产品开发的三星研发团队的实力证明。

    The NX10 's impressive feature set is testament to the strength of the Samsung research and development team 's work on the product during the years it has taken to bring the Samsung NX10 to market .

  26. 虚拟型研发团队的组织模式构建探讨

    The Construction of Virtual R & D Team 's Organization Model

  27. 研发团队创造力影响因素的探索与验证

    Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Influencing Factors of Team Creativity

  28. 研发团队绩效的模糊评价系统研究

    On a Fuzzy Appraisal System of R & D Team Performance

  29. 企业研发团队薪酬体系研究

    Studies on Compensation System for R & D Team of Corporation

  30. 论企业研发团队的管理

    The Management of the R & D Team in the Enterprise