
  • 网络GAME
  1. 与此同时,艺电(ElectronicArts)等大型游戏发行商意识到,玩家日益倾向于使用这些设备来玩游戏。

    Meanwhile , major game publishers , like Electronic Arts ( ERTS ) , are realizing that gamers increasingly prefer to use those devices to play titles .

  2. 在整合一个大型游戏时,拥有一个一次性的NPC池十分有用。

    When you 're putting together a big game , it 's useful to have a pool of disposable NPCs .

  3. 就连索尼(Sony)和微软(Microsoft)等大型游戏机制造商也纷纷通过当前主打的游戏机和下一代游戏机向这些独立开发商示好。

    Even big console makers likeSony ( SNE ) and Microsoft ( MSFT , Fortune 500 ) are embracing indies with their current and next-gen consoles .

  4. 但是,目前为止不说暴雪、EA、育碧等大型游戏公司没有参展,就连西方的中小型游戏公司也很少。

    However , so far do not say Blizzard , EA , Ubisoft and other large game companies not participating , even the Western game companies rarely small .

  5. 在2008年加入CAH之前,他为大型游戏工作,并因此得到证书。

    He worked on some huge game titles before coming to CAH in2008 , and his credentials has built since then .

  6. 而且,除每年都拒绝参加TGS的任天堂,参展的大型游戏企业也是屈指可数。

    Moreover , in addition to TGS every year , Nintendo refused to participate , participation is also one of the major game companies .

  7. 随着个人电脑走入每一户家庭,人们对CPU的性能要求越来越高,从简单程序处理,到办公辅助系统,再到休闲娱乐,特别是大型游戏与多媒体对CPU的性能要求越来越高。

    With the personal computer going into every family , the performance of the CPU is required higher and higher , from simple procedures , to office support systems , to the entertainment , especially for large game and multimedia .

  8. 再说,WOW是一个大型游戏,多人玩是正常的,难道您希望没有人玩你们的游戏,您不能以这个为依据就封我的账号,这对我很不公平。

    Besides , WOW is a big game , many people play is normal , difficult way do you hope no one to play your games , you can not with this basis is sealed my account , this to my very unfair .

  9. 几周前,大型游戏业零售商GameStop也传来类似的严峻消息,它认为,盈利报表之所以令人失望,主要是由于截至10月31日,新的游戏软件与硬件都销量不佳。

    A couple of weeks earlier , there was similarly grim news from GameStop , the big specialty retailer , which blamed a disappointing earnings report for the period ending Oct. 31 on weak new game software and hardware sales .

  10. 设计制作人员储备充足,能够承接大型游戏音效的制作;

    Enough human resources to take over big scale game sound projects ;

  11. 不过,即便是业务更为多元化的大型游戏公司,目前也遇到了不小麻烦。

    But even more diversified games firms have suffered .

  12. 大型游戏文件需要花好几个小时下载,会很快装满电视游戏设备的硬盘。

    Large game files could take hours to download and quickly fill a console 's hard drive .

  13. 大型游戏发行商纷纷登门洽谈收购事宜,据说报价已经接近10亿美元。

    Large publishers have come knocking with acquisition bids , rumored to be worth close to $ 1 billion .

  14. 丰富的,马尔代夫的海洋生物吸引了大型游戏鱼壮观数组其水域。

    The rich , marine life of the Maldives attracts a spectacular array of big game fish to its waters .

  15. 大型游戏机,模拟机,娱乐机,连线机,各种游乐设备,厂家直销欢迎选购!

    Large-scale games , simulators , entertainment machine , connected machine , all kinds of amusement equipment , factory outlets are welcome !

  16. 首先,在西方大型游戏公司当中,除微软之外,基本就没有其他大型游戏公司参展。

    First , in the western big game companies , in addition to Microsoft , the basic no other major game companies took part .

  17. 尽管游戏机游戏软件市场还是被一些大型游戏出版集团占据主导地位,但是旧的商业模式是不会继续维持下去的。

    While the console game software market is dominated by a consolidated group of large publishing firms , the old business model is unsustainable .

  18. 《英雄联盟》受益于电子竞技游戏业的蓬勃发展,如今已成为中国大陆地区以及世界其他地区玩家甚众的大型游戏。

    The game , which thrives of eSports , has become a huge spectator sport in China , as well as throughout the rest of the world .

  19. 现在,外包的经验让成都游戏企业日趋成熟,这也是包括优特力、法国育碧等在内的全球大型游戏开发商进驻成都的主要原因。

    At present , outsourcing experience made chengdu game enterprise to be more mature , this is also because many big company garrison in Chengdu such as Eutechnyx , ubisoft .

  20. 这时,一名小学六年级的孩子端着一个装满游戏币的盆来到了大型游戏“海魂”旁,然后开始投币玩游戏。

    At this time , a sixth-grade children , carrying a basin full of game currency to the big game " Sea Spirit " next , and then began to play the game coin .

  21. 大型家用游戏开发商没有准备好迎接iPhone,而智乐正好填补了这一空白。

    Major console developers were unprepared for the iPhone , and Gameloft filled the void .

  22. 官方研究机构中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC)11月24日发布的网游市场年度研究报告显示,在中国大型网络游戏的7000万玩家中,近半数的玩龄已超过3年。

    Almost half of China 's 70m users of large online games have been playing for more than three years , the China Internet Network Information Center ( CNNIC ), a government research institution , said in its annual survey of the industry last week .

  23. 同样的,大型街机游戏也有各种各样的周边产品。

    Similarly in the arcades there were all sorts of spin offs .

  24. 基于排队网络的大型网络游戏服务器性能分析

    Performance Analysis of MMOG Server Based on Queuing Networks

  25. firepowerex摘要国内的三维游戏开发技术正处于赶超国外的关键时期,以大型的游戏作为主流。

    In three-dimensional space development of technology was crucial in emulation of foreign , in large game as the mainstream .

  26. 大型联网游戏的提供者中的一大部分已经创建了专用的游戏体系结构,用于他们的游戏名称集合的一部分。

    A select number of larger online game providers have created proprietary game architectures dedicated to a select set of their game titles .

  27. 让我们从最后一篇设计者日志中来了解一下这个集动作,探索,及贸易于一身的大型太空游戏中的生活是什么样的。

    Get an idea of what life in this epic space action , exploration , and trading game is like in our final designer diary .

  28. 《英雄联盟》受益于电子竞技游戏业的蓬勃发展,如今已成为中国大陆地区以及世界其他地区玩家甚众的大型“游戏”。

    The game , which thrives of eSports , has become a huge spectator " sport " in China , as well as throughout the rest of the world .

  29. 在各类仿真器、大型三维游戏、地理信息系统和计算机辅助设计、制造中,许多成熟的阴影渲染技术得到了广泛的应用。

    In various types of simulators , large-scale three-dimensional games , geographic information systems and computer-aided design , manufacturing , many mature technology of shadow rendering has been widely used .

  30. 大型网络游戏作为一种分布式系统在高峰时要承载巨量用户在线负荷,这就对大型网络游戏通信系统的设计提出了非常高的要求。

    As a distributed system , a large scale network game must bear the numbers of players connected at the same time . It needs a high level design in communication system .