
  • 网络Equity ratio;ownership ratio
  1. 股权比例要求方面,应学习西方先进的立法内容,将成员股和非成员股区分开来,为合作社拓宽融资渠道,同时限制非成员股控制合作社。

    In the respect of the request of ownership ratio , we should learn western advanced legislation to discern between member share and non-member share and broaden the financing channels of cooperatives , and restrict non-member share control cooperatives .

  2. 排外主义者:想把他人排除于某项权利或特权之外的人.股权比例可以商量,不排除各占50的合资。

    " exclusionist : One that advocates the exclusion of another or others , as from having or exercising a right or privilege . " We are flexible about the ownership ratio and do not rule out a 50 / 50 JV .

  3. 去年,市场信息服务S&PLCD公司称,价值超过10亿美元的杠杆收购交易的平均股权比例为39.28%。

    Last year , S & P LCD reported that the average equity portion of a $ 1 billion + leveraged buyout was 39.28 % .

  4. 今年6月,凯斯又将其在Flexcar的股权比例提高至85%,日本汽车制造商本田汽车(Honda)是该公司的少数股东。

    Mr Case raised his stake in June to 85 per cent . Honda , the Japanese carmaker , is a minority shareholder .

  5. 在印度,美林去年向当地合作伙伴DSP支付了5亿美元,将其在双方一家合资企业中所持股权比例从40%提升至90%,从而取得了这家合资公司的控制权。

    In India , Merrill Lynch last year took the driving seat in its joint venture with local player DSP , paying it $ 500m to raise its stake from 40 per cent to 90 per cent .

  6. aig有一项特殊选择权,可视需求将出售股权比例从49%左右提高到59%左右。

    AIG has a special option to increase the size of the stake it is selling from about 49 per cent to about 59 per cent , depending on demand .

  7. 其次,就准入条件来看,主要有两种:第一,企业组织形式和股权比例限制,这种限制与GATS第16条关于市场准入的精神不相符;

    As far as the terms to get permitted is concerned , there are two such terms . The first one is restriction on the organic form of business .

  8. 克里姆林宫表示,在俄罗斯正式加入WTO之后,外资电信企业将不再受到持有俄企业股权比例不得超过49%的规定限制,外资银行也能够设立分行,且参股俄罗斯金融机构的比例没有上限。

    The Kremlin agreed that , in the years following accession , foreign telecommunications companies will no longer be limited to 49 per cent equity in Russian businesses , while foreign bank will be allowed to establish subsidiaries , with no cap on foreign capital participation in individual Russian institutions .

  9. 但Brookside投资的股权比例相对较小,很多时候都不足以影响企业做出改变。

    With Brookside , however , the positions would be relatively small and , in many cases , powerless to effect change .

  10. 第一,Qinetiq的管理层辩称(在凯雷被选定为该公司优先竞标人之前),凯雷拟向该公司管理层发放的10%股权比例过低。

    First , Qinetiq management argued – before Carlyle was chosen as preferred bidder for the company – that the 10 per cent of the equity Carlyle was proposing to offer the management was too low .

  11. 目前尚不清楚新加坡航空最终购入的股权比例。

    It was unclear what size stake SIA would eventually buy .

  12. 融资中的债权和股权比例尚未确定。

    The amount of debt versus equity to be used has yet to be determined .

  13. n-人博弈中的策略选择及股权比例与实际势力不对称问题分析

    The strategy selection in n-person game and analysis of equity proportion unsymmetrical to real influence

  14. 另外,跨国公司所要求的股权比例会随着技术创新竞争到达的速度和影响程度的增加而减小。

    In addition , equity share of multinational corporation is decreased with competition of future innovations .

  15. 根据中国的外资监管规定,20%的股权比例是澳大利亚国民银行能够购买的上限。

    The 20 per cent stake is the maximum nab could buy according to Chinese foreign regulations .

  16. 作为该交易的一部分,标准人寿所持恒安标准人寿的股权比例将降至25%。

    As part of the deal , Standard Life 's holding would be cut to 25 per cent .

  17. 同时,根据协议,在未来3年内,中方的股权比例将限制在10%以内。

    Meanwhile , that stake is limited by agreement to 10 per cent in the next three years .

  18. 降低国有资本股权比例、实现国有企业股权多元化是国有企业发展的一般趋势;

    Reducing the proportion of state-owned equity share capital and diversifying the shareholder 's equity become a common trend ;

  19. 本文用横截面回归法研究了具体的股权比例与公司绩效的关系。

    This paper uses cross section regression method to study the relationship between real stock right proportion and company performance .

  20. 双方应按其各自的股权比例分享合资公司的利润及承担合资公司的亏损。

    The parties shall share the profits and bear the losses of the EJV in proportion to their respective equity interests .

  21. 高级管理人员获得超高回报的关键在于两项所谓的股权比例递增条款,这种做法在私人股本交易中较为普遍。

    The key to the extraordinary returns for the top people were two so-called ratchets , customary in private equity deals .

  22. 事务所更多应按照专业技能的贡献程度进行利润分配,不应过多的按股权比例进行分配。

    Firms should follow the contribution of expertise to distribute the profits , not according to the equity ratio too much . 3 .

  23. 我国资本市场上长期存在着股权比例不合理,相应法律法规不健全等问题,导致上市公司内部控制失效。

    The capital markets of our country long-term existence the problems that the equity proportion is not reasonable , corresponding legal regulations un-sound , etc.

  24. 研究结果表明,内部人股权比例与投资者法律保护程度存在替代关系,而这种替代关系在投资者法律保护较差的国家中尤为显著;

    The result indicates that insider ownership concentration and legal shareholder protection are both substitute that can be more robust when the law is poor ;

  25. 外部大股东的股权比例与企业价值在投资者法律保护一般的国家中呈非线性关系,而在投资者法律保护较差的情况下外部大股东的股权比例与企业价值可能仅呈负相关关系。

    ( 2 ) the relation of outside block ownership and performance is nonlinear and the relation can be negative only when investor protection is poor .

  26. 为了实现这些目标,我们敦促我们的股东信守诺言,使发展中国家的股权比例在本月达到47%或更多。

    Reflecting these needs , we are urging our shareholders to keep their promise to move to47 percent or more ownership by developing countries this month .

  27. 这笔交易之后,索尼爱立信的品牌可能也会消失。自从索尼和爱立信以50:50的股权比例建立合资企业以来,这个品牌已经有10年历史。

    It is likely that the Sony Ericsson brand name will disappear in the move , which comes 10 years after the 50:50 joint venture was created .

  28. 然而,亚投行的章程限制了大股东的影响力,因为15%的投票权被同等分配给创始成员国,而无论其股权比例是多少。

    However , it limits the influence of large shareholders because 15 per cent of voting rights are allocated equally to founding members regardless of equity stakes .

  29. 它在每家公司的股权比例通常较小,使这些公司远远不会感到受到投资带来的威胁,因此往往欢迎它入股。

    Its stakes are typically small in each company so , far from feeling threatened by its investments , companies often welcome it to their share registers .

  30. 这项交易要获得通过,参与投票的股权比例须达到75%以上,并须获得50%以上投票股东的同意。

    To be passed , the deal required approval from more than 50 per cent of voting shareholders , and for 75 per cent of shares to be voted .