
  • 网络return on investment;Return of investment;Roi;Rol;ROIC
  1. 本部分主要归纳总结了国内外学者在BT回购基本概念及回购总价影响因素、回购基价理论、回购投资回报率等方面的研究成果。

    This section summarizes the major domestic and foreign scholars in the basic concepts of BT repurchase pricing and repo total factors , repurchase price theory , repurchase ROI and other aspects of research results .

  2. 好的广告排名并不一定意味着好的投资回报率。

    Top advertising place doesn 't necessarily mean top ROI .

  3. 公司正在收获他们的投资回报。

    The company is now reaping the rewards of their investments .

  4. CRM的投资回报模型及其应用研究

    Application and Research on ROI Model of CRM

  5. 市场的投资回报(ROI)到底是多少?

    How much will be the ROI of the market ?

  6. 将服务器用于多个服务的投资回报(ReturnonInvestment,ROI)优势非常直接:减少了购买多个服务器的需要。

    Using servers for multiple services has a simple Return on Investment ( ROI ) advantage : the reduced need to buy more servers .

  7. 前面的表格是一个债券投资回报计算(BondInvestmentReturnCalculation)实例:利息率的基准保持不变的前提下,分析了利差缩小的状况。

    The table on the previous page is an example a Bond Investment Return Calculation , illustrating the tightening of spreads and with the benchmark interest rate remaining constant .

  8. 尽管这种降幅并不明显,但它降低了攻读mba的投资回报。

    This drop , though not dramatic , diminished the return on investment of studying for an MBA .

  9. EVA(EconomicValueAdded,经济增加值)的基本理念可以阐释为:公司必须为股东带来高于相同风险条件下的平均利润水平的投资回报。

    The essence of EVA ( Economic Value Added ) is that a entries must bring stockholder a investing return which is higher than average profit in the same venture .

  10. 由于平均应用程序集成工作需要三到六个月,因此没有太多的时间获得投资回报(ReturnonInvestment,ROI)。

    With the average application integration effort taking from three to six months , there 's little room left for a return on investment ( ROI ) .

  11. 他表示,吉利“对汽车行业理解深刻”,在投资回报方面比私人股本公司(pe)更有耐心。

    He said Geely had a " deep understanding of the auto industry " and more patience about return on investment than private equity owners .

  12. 根据《财富》(Fortune)杂志的分析,哈佛大学捐赠基金过去5年的投资回报落后于任何同类基金。

    It also has worse investment returns than any of its peers over the past five years , according to a fortune analysis .

  13. 与此同时,反SOA的强烈冲撞与对于SOA业务价值和投资回报的怀疑从未有所缺少。

    At the same time , there has been no shortage of anti-SOA backlash and skepticism about the return on investment and business value of SOA .

  14. 传统的IT需要通过提前计算好投资回报率(ROI)的分析来决定投资和部署什么。

    Traditional IT requires upfront return on investment ( ROI ) analysis to decide what to invest in and deploy .

  15. 取得正的投资回报率(ROE)很重要,尽管这并非唯一考量。

    Positive return on investment ( ROI ) is important , though not the only consideration .

  16. 到那个时候,曼联在C罗身上5倍的投资回报,或AC米兰在卡卡身上7倍的回报,就将成为历史。

    Then the five-fold return on investment Manchester United made on Ronaldo , or the 700 per cent return AC Milan made on Kaka , would become trades of the past .

  17. 据凯鹏华盈的一位投资者介绍,在谷歌对Nest的收购中,夏斯塔创投将获得20倍的投资回报。

    According to a Kleiner Perkins investor , the firm will recognize around a 20x return on that investment , via the sale to Google .

  18. 一旦建立系统,就必须不断地监视和访问系统,以确保适当的性能和投资回报(ROI)。

    Once established , the system must be constantly monitored and accessed to ensure proper performance and return on investment ( ROI ) .

  19. Mosaic承诺每位投资者获得投资回报,通常情况下,5年回报率为4%至6%。

    Each investor in mosaic is promised a return on his or her investment , typically around 4 % to 6 % a year over 5 years .

  20. 本文说明了一些很有帮助的方法,以便通过SOA从遗留应用程序和大型机应用程序获得更大的投资回报(ROI)。

    This article shows the ways in which SOA can help extend your ability to reap a greater return on investment ( ROI ) from legacy and mainframe applications .

  21. 因此,如何在风险分担的基础上确保回购基价调整的准确性以及合理的投资回报率是BT项目顺利进行的关键问题。

    Therefore , how to ensure the accuracy of the buyback base price on risk-sharing basis and a reasonable return on investment is the key to success of BT project issues .

  22. 允许渐进式实现和资产迁移&这将支持开发这种体系结构的一个最关键的方面:获得更大的投资回报率(ROI)的能力。

    Allow for incremental implementations and migration of assets-this will enable one of the most critical aspects of developing the architecture : the ability to produce incremental ROI .

  23. 本文正是在此基础上,提出了房地产企业客户关系管理(CRM)设计模型,并探讨了实施客户关系管理(CRM)后如何进行投资回报(ROI)评价。

    So , in this paper , a CRM model is proposed , and more important , how to do the Return On Investment ( ROI ) estimate after the implementation is discussed .

  24. 排序和选择项目的过程应该根据组织的财政目标,比如收益率、投资回报率(ROI),预算成本以及税收增长。

    The process for prioritizing and selecting projects should go beyond financial objectives , such as profitability , return on investment ( ROI ), budgeted costs , and revenue growth .

  25. 这方面要吸取的关键经验教训是,您需要尽可能具体地说明业务价值,最好能提供采用Web2.0的预计投资回报(ReturnOnInvestment,ROI)。

    The key lesson to take away from this is that you need to be as concrete as possible on business value , and even better provide projected return on investment ( ROI ) for adoption of Web2.0 .

  26. 但近几个月来,国家外汇管理局变成了更为激进的强大投资者,追逐中投公司(cic)受命寻求的那种海外投资回报。

    But in recent months , safe has emerged as a powerful and more aggressive investor , chasing the kind of returns offshore that CIC was mandated to go after .

  27. 在许多企业,证明一个要求是有必要的意味着你要给出满足你的要求后,你认为的定量费用节约,投资回报(ROI)和提高生产率的速度是多少等等一系列指标。

    In many enterprises , justifying a request means quantifying the costs savings , return-on-investment ( ROI ), and speed and / or productivity gains you will realize by instituting your request .

  28. 简单地说,虚拟化能够帮助企业降低技术的总拥有成本(TCO),同时增加投资回报(ROI)。

    The short answer is that virtualization enables businesses to lower their technology Total Cost of Ownership ( TCO ) while increasing their Return on Investment ( ROI ) .

  29. zEnterprise能够快速实现投资回报(ROI),使其成为其他硬件平台和数据库环境的强有力竞争者。

    The zEnterprise can quickly deliver return on investment ( ROI ), making it a strong competitor against other hardware platforms and database environments .

  30. 可重复性当在程序或组织层应用时,MDD尤其强大,来自开发转换的投资回报在每次复用时都有所增加。

    Repeatability MDD is especially powerful when applied at a program or organization level ; the return on investment from developing the transformations increases each time they are reused .