
  • 网络investment direction
  1. 根据投资方向的不同,私募基金可以分为私募证券投资基金、私募股权投资基金(PE)、风险投资基金(VC)等等。

    Depending on the investment direction , private placement fund can be divided into private securities investment fund , private equity fund ( PE ) . venture capital fund ( VC ) .

  2. CAMC公司实业投资方向的选择

    The Choice of CAMC 's Industry Investment Direction

  3. 下面是IBM云计算的一些计划和投资方向

    Here is a list of some of the IBM cloud computing initiatives and investments

  4. 利用AHP方法实际计算出了选取我院新校区的优先等级,计算结果与江苏省政府的投资方向相符合。

    With the approach , the author has worked out the prior grade for the new site of the college , which corresponds to the investing orientation of the provincial government of Jiangsu .

  5. 通过发起人或者投资人对具体投资方向的确立,将暂未流动的资金通过SPV机构将风险打包,转移到拥有流动资金运作的资本市场,收益人则承担了高风险高回报的风险利益。

    Sponsors or investors through the investment direction of the establishment of specific , yet the flow of funds to agencies through the SPV package of risk transferred to the operation of a capital market liquidity , income of people bearing the risk of high-risk high-return benefits .

  6. 铁路运输企业固定资产投资方向控制模型

    A Control Model for Railway Transport Enterprises Fixed Assets Investment Direction

  7. 台湾海峡海洋捕捞业管理策略和投资方向

    An approach to marine fishing management and investment in Taiwan Strait

  8. 以需求为导向,正确引导民间资本的投资方向;

    To correctly guide the orientation of private investment based on need ;

  9. 任何系统管理员的最佳投资方向都是培训。

    The best investment any systems administrator can make is in education .

  10. 投资方向:公债和股份投资。

    Our investment focuses on : bond investment , equity investment , etc.

  11. 要研究投资方向问题。

    You should study ways of channeling investment into the proper areas .

  12. 投资方向上的变化需要适用于这种情况。

    The change in the investment orientation is to adapt to the situation .

  13. 政府经济职能的定位与国债投资方向的判断

    Fuction of the Government in Market-Oriented Economy and Direction of National Debt Investment

  14. 南非:投资方向和优惠政策

    South Africa : Investment Orientation and Preferential Policy

  15. 安全投资方向决策的研究

    Study on the Decision of Safety Investment Direction

  16. 合理界定财政投资方向;

    Finance investment direction should be reasonably defined .

  17. 投资方向为:高科技产业、矿产资源、特色地产和股权投资等。

    Scope of business : venture capital business and consultative services on venture capital .

  18. 政府投资方向狭窄;

    Direction of government investment is narrow ;

  19. 你应该改变一下你的(经纪公司/策略/投资方向)。

    B : You should change your ( brokerage firm / strategy / investments ) .

  20. 山西林业建设投资方向和重点探析

    Exploration on forestry investment in Shanxi Province

  21. 在实证研究中,本文按照投资方向的划分,对全体数据进行了行业上的细分和地区上的细分。

    In the empirical analysis , the paper divides the samples into different industries and regions .

  22. 由于税收原因,对于那些低收入和中等收入家庭来说,如果选择其它的投资方向,他们会生活得更富裕些。

    For tax reasons , some lower-and middle-income families may be better off choosing other investments .

  23. 这个越来越富裕的崛起中的中产阶级,正是中国确定的投资方向。

    This emerging and increasingly wealthy middle class is exactly where China has decided to invest .

  24. 安全投资方向准确与否直接关系安全经济效益的高低。

    Whether the orientation of safety investment is reasonable has direct effects on safety economic benefit .

  25. 0&1多目标规划优化法在矿业投资方向决策中的应用

    Application of optimization method with 0-1 multi-goal programming to making investment direction decisions in mining industry

  26. 固定资产投资方向调节税

    Fixed asset investment regulation tax

  27. 国内外私人公司在中国农业科研的投资方向和投资项目也证明了这一点。

    The investment direction and project choice of the private investors , domestic and foreign , all proved this .

  28. 其次,在反周期的宏观经济政策所能调节的周期性失业方面,由于宏观经济政策所引导的投资方向往往是就业密集度较低的行业,进而导致反周期措施拉动就业的能力大为降低。

    Second , the investments driven by expansive macroeconomic policies since 1998 have overwhelmingly concentrated in low employment sectors .

  29. 投资方向:石化、油和煤气、力和水利、运、空和电信。

    Focus primarily on : petrochemicals , oil and gas , power and water , shipping , aviation and telecommunications .

  30. 正确进行区域开发项目的可行性研究与评价,加强宏观控制,确保投资方向和重点,对于提高投资的生态经济效益、实现可持续发展有着非常重要的意义。

    It is very important to study the feasibility of regional eco-economic project for regional sustainable development and right decision-making .