
tóu zī chǎnɡ suǒ
  • outlet for investment
  1. 如果它是一个纯粹的投资场所,那么市场将是有效的;

    If it is a pure outlet for investment , then it will be effectual .

  2. 在俄罗斯,西伯利亚地区由于石油天然气储量巨大,前景相当广阔,是国际石油人士普遍看好的投资场所,也是竟争最激烈的地区。

    In Russia , with greatness petroleum and gas reserve , and quite amplitude foreground , Siberia is considered general good outlet for investment by international petroleum person , and is a furthest area to race .

  3. 双方都是富有吸引力的投资场所。

    We both are attractive investment markets .

  4. 浦东开发区,享有多种优惠政策,是理想的投资场所。

    Pudong Development Zone enjoys many preferential policies and is the ideal place for investment .

  5. 他补充称,欧元区所取得的进展足以让整个地区成为一个颇具吸引力的投资场所。

    And progress is sufficient to make the region as a whole an attractive place to invest , he adds .

  6. 不管怎样,不信任定量宽松的资金持有人没有明显的投资场所。

    In any case there is no obvious place for fund holders , distrustful of quantitative easing , to go .

  7. 另一方面,就单个国家而言,许多国家仍被外国投资者视为高风险投资场所。

    The other part of the story is that , individually , many are still considered high-risk destinations by foreign investors .

  8. 完善、有序的场外交易市场,可以为那些高风险性与高成长性的中小型企业提供便捷的融资渠道,为风险投资者提供投资场所。

    A regulated OTC market can give a convenient financing channel to those small and middle-scale enterprises and good chances to investors .

  9. 这次会议本被视为一个很好的机会,可以炫耀改进的成果,并证明非洲大陆是一个具有吸引力的外资投资场所。

    It was billed as a chance to show off improved results and offer proof that the continent isan attractive home for foreign investment .

  10. 四是我国政治稳定、货币稳定、市场潜力大,仍是一个较理想的投资场所。

    Fourth , our country enjoys political and monetary stability , and our market has a huge potential , and it is still a fairly attractive investment site .

  11. 上周英国接到可能丧失最高信用评级的警告后,富裕国家作为最安全投资场所的地位面临威胁。

    Rich countries face a threat to their status as the safest places to invest after the UK was warned last week that it could lose its top-notch credit rating .

  12. 我国的资本市场为企业的发展提供了融资渠道,为广大的投资者提供了投资场所,其促进了资源的有效配置,推动了我国经济的快速发展。

    Our capital market provides financing channels for the development of the enterprises and provides investment location for investors . It promotes the resources effectively configuration and our economic development .

  13. 我国产业结构的调整迫切需要发挥平均利润率规律的作用,充分展开对投资场所的竞争,只有如此,才能根本解决产业结构不合理的问题。

    Unless we follow this guiding principle of Marx and allow adequate competitions for investement , we would find it impossible to solve the problem of irrationality in the industrial structure .

  14. 其实质是生产力的发展所引起的生产要素在全球范围流动,以寻找更有利的投资场所的过程。

    The essential of economic globalization is a course of the flow of production factor in the area of world to search more advantaged investing location arising from the development of productivity .

  15. 同样毫无疑问且受到密切关注的是,中国经济的快速发展给世界提供了最为广阔和最为有利的投资场所,中国已经成为世界上吸引外资最多的国家。

    It is surely paid attention to that the rapid development of China provides the most amplitude and advantageous place for investment in the world , which has been the country possessing of the most FDI .

  16. 近几年的实践证明:中国已经是东盟的广阔贸易市场、巨大投资场所、农业发展的强大动力和旅游业的新兴客源。

    These years practice proves that China has become the strong driving force for ASEAN ' trade market , investment market and agricultural development . China is also a new guest source for ASEAN ' traveling industry .

  17. 新兴市场的拥护者们高声辩称,这里仍是最佳投资场所,因为新兴市场迅速的经济增长,已转化为远高于英美等发达市场的投资回报率。

    Emerging market advocates argue vociferously that they remain the best place to be because their rapid economic growth translates into substantially better investment returns than those received in developed markets such as the UK and us .

  18. 一方面,金融业可以为住房建设与消费融通资金,解决住房产业中存在的资金不足问题,另一方面,住房业又是一个有利的投资场所,可以满足金融业对利润的需求。

    One hand , finance industry can finance money for housing construction and consumption to solve problems of money deficiency . On the other hand , housing industry is a favorable investment area that can satisfy the need for profit in finance industry .

  19. 江西三板市场的构建不但能解决中部部分中小企业融资难的问题而且也为广大投资者提供一个新的投资场所,为促进中部区域经济的发展和完善我国的多层次资本市场建设做出贡献。

    Constructing the third market in Jiangxi province can not only solve the financing problems in the central part but also provide a new investment platform for the investors , even more promote the development of regional economy and perfect the construction of in the multi-level capital market .

  20. 这里是美国人进行货币投资的场所。

    It is the place where America invests its money .

  21. 证券市场为投资者进行投资提供场所和机制。

    Security market offers place and mechanism for the thing that the stockholder makes the investment .

  22. 资本市场是一个资源配置市场,同时也是投资的场所和投机场所。

    The capital market is a market of resources distribution of investment and of investment and speculation .

  23. 随着世界经济的一体化及我国改革开放的不断深入,中国日益成为跨国投资的理想场所。

    With the integration of world economy and the deepening of China 's opening-up , China has been an increasingly ideal place for multinational investment .

  24. 台湾与福建农业的巨大的互补性,也使福建成为台湾农业投资的理想场所。

    Taiwan and Fujian agriculture industry can complement each other to a large extent , which also make Fujian an ideal investment place for Taiwanese agriculture .

  25. 中国是投资最安全的场所,中国有很好的经济、法律和人文环境,有很强的竞争力。

    With a sound economic , legal and human environment and strong competitiveness , China is the safest investment place .

  26. 该区域交通运输便利,水、电等生产、生活辅助设施配备较为完善,有利于工程建设,是投资兴业的理想场所。

    In the region to facilitate the transportation , water , electricity and other production and auxiliary facilities with life better , in favor of the project construction is the ideal place to invest .

  27. 论文首先介绍了证券市场的投资环境,一是投资者所处的物的环境:投资工具证券和投资场所证券市场;二是投资者所处的人的环境:证券市场的各方参与者。

    At first , the article introduces the investment circumstance in security market , the first one is the " thing " circumstance : invest tool ( security ) and invest location ( invest market ), the second one is the " human " circumstance : the participators in market .