
jīnɡ jì dú lì
  • economic independence;autarchy
  1. 在美国的自由理想中,公民们发现了经济独立带来的尊严和保障,而不是徘徊在生存边缘的辛苦劳作。

    In america 's ideal of freedom , citizens find the dignity and security of economic independence , instead of laboring on the edge of subsistence .

  2. 此外,虽然缺乏经济独立往往是孩子们不离巢的一个因素,但实际上,许多人出于各种原因继续住在家里,“袋鼠族”现象并不像流行文化中经常描绘的那样简单和片面。

    Furthermore , while a lack of economic independence is often a factor for why children don 't leave the nest , the truth is that many continue to live at home for a variety of reasons , and the kangaroo tribe phenomenon is not as simple and one-sided as often depicted in popular culture .

  3. 这部小说强化了这个观点——女人要经济独立。

    The novel reinforced the idea that women should be economically independent .

  4. 又美又可爱又会做饭又永远不会老又经济独立又以你为中心的,那是你妈正用着美的电饭煲给你煮樱桃小丸子。

    And who is both beautiful and cute , good at cooking and never grow old , economically independent and put you first ? It 's your mum using Midea electric cooker to stew3 Chibi Maruko for you .

  5. 对东南亚地区-中国加入wto将不断增强地区经济独立性-解除促进贸易和繁荣的壁垒。

    For South East asia-china 's WTO accession will promote the growing economic interdependence in the region-breaking down barriers to trade and prosperity .

  6. 大城市经济独立型老年人的养老需求及其家庭关系&对北京市K小区的实证研究

    Demand of Being Supported and Family Relationship of the Economic Independent Old People in Big City & The Research of K District in Beijing

  7. 拟议的由欧洲央行(ECB)、欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)和国际货币基金组织(IMF)提供帮助的政策将削弱意大利,并破坏其经济独立性。

    The proposed policies for help from the European Central Bank , European Commission and International Monetary Fund would weaken Italy and undermine its economic independence .

  8. 他实现了儿时要经济独立的目标。

    He had achieved his childhood goal of assured financial independence .

  9. 护理病区实施经济独立核算的方法与效果

    The practice and effectiveness of economic accounting independently in nursing units

  10. 你的投资或许会让你经济独立,甚至致富。

    Your investments might make you financially independent or even wealthy .

  11. 就能越快经济独立摆脱这段婚姻

    The faster I 'll be fiscally independent from this marriage .

  12. 也很容易受到伤害,因为她们并没有经济独立能力,

    and they remain vulnerable because they have no economic independence ,

  13. 重建我们的繁荣,恢复我们的经济独立。

    restore our prosperity , and reclaim our economic independence .

  14. 经济独立的,相貌普通的。

    The economy is independent , the looks is common .

  15. 她们中的大多数都拥有一份体面的工作,经济独立。

    Most have decent jobs and are financially independent .

  16. 我可是个经济独立的女人。

    I 'm a separate accounts kind of woman .

  17. 也许等到26岁能实现经济独立,这个人才算真正地长大。

    Someone isn 't grown up until age26 , probably with financial independence .

  18. 韩寒的另外一张王牌就是他的经济独立性。

    His other trump card is his financial independence .

  19. 非洲合作、发展和经济独立宣言

    African Declaration on Cooperation , Development and Economic Independence

  20. 他是一个经济独立的年轻人。

    He 's a young man of independent means .

  21. 同理,有能力且经济独立的单身女性也得找个老公。

    Like wise , skilled , financially independent single women must need a husband .

  22. 她们有经济独立的权利。

    They have the right to financial independence .

  23. 修行人应该经济独立,原因何在?

    Why should spiritual practitioners be financially independent ?

  24. 她们能争取到经济独立吗?

    And , would they earn financial independency like the ones in the past ?

  25. 经济独立作为国家政策。

    Economic independence as a national policy .

  26. 经济独立,将在全体被压迫人民解放的总过程中得到发展。

    Economic independence would develop in the context of the liberation of all oppressed people .

  27. 第一,从争取经济独立到建设社会主义现代化国家。

    First , from the fight for economic independence to build a socialist modernized country .

  28. 在解除管制的电力市场中,经济独立的发电公司面临参与多种市场交易问题。

    In deregulated power market , economically independent power company will participate in multi-market transaction .

  29. 她通过写作获得了经济独立,为艺术创作提供了物质保障。

    Through writing she gains financial independence , which ensures her work for her art .

  30. 经济独立是一个国家经济发展和社会进步的基础。

    Economic independence is the foundation of a nation 's economic development and social progress .