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  1. 另外,所有经教资会资助的全日制高级文凭课程的学生需于毕业前完成一个通识科目。

    Full-time students of ( UGC-funded ) sub-degree programmes will be required to take and to pass one General Education subject within their study period .

  2. 网格曲里做为一类外示三维物体的方式,未经反在图形教外得到普遍的当用。

    Three-dimensional ( 3D ) meshes , As one of the representation of3D objects , have been widely used in computer graphics .

  3. 学校现已成为一所以文、工两大学科门类为主,文、工、艺、管、理、经、法、教多学科协调发展的综合性大学,以鲜明的特色和独具的优势屹立于全国高校之林。

    CUC has successively developed into a comprehensive university of liberal arts , engineering art management , science , economics , law and education with the two disciplines of liberal arts and engineering as its characteristics.All these , together with its distinctive features and unique advantages , have won CUC an outstanding place among universities in China .