
  • 网络operation and management mode
  1. CRM是一种以客户为中心为核心思想的企业经营管理模式,它首先是一种营销理念,同时也是一种先进技术的集成系统。

    CRM is a kind of enterprise operation and management mode considering " customer-centric " as its core idea . It is first all a marketing idea , and also a kind of advanced technology integration system .

  2. 企业绿色经营管理模式是我国企业实现可持续发展的必然选择。

    This paper analyzes the main contents of green operation and management mode of enterprises , points out that this mode is the necessary choice for the enterprises in our country to keep sustainable development .

  3. DY工业园经营管理模式研究

    The Research of the Managing Pattern of DY Industry Park

  4. 企业资源计划(EnterpriseResourcePlanning,ERP),作为运用现代信息技术形成的经营管理模式,是一种融合了企业最佳实践和先进信息技术的新型管理工具。

    Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ), as a modern management mode applying the information technology , is a new management tool which combines enterprise optimum practice with advanced information technology .

  5. CS管理是目前流行于西方国家的一种全新的经营管理模式,并于近年来被我国越来越多的企业所导入。CS即英文CustomerSatisfaction的缩写,意为顾客满意。

    CS ( the abbreviation of Customer Satisfaction management ) is a very popular new management mode in western countries now , which has been adopted by many companies .

  6. 流程银行(PBS)是当前国际先进银行普遍采用的经营管理模式。

    Processing Bank System ( PBS ) is a kind of widely used management model for many international advances bank .

  7. 以企业CIMS系统实施过程中营销管理系统的设计与开发为背景,分析了目前我国大、中型企业的经营管理模式和在营销活动中普遍存在的问题。

    The managing mode and the problem to the enterprise in the marketing activity are analyzed based on design and implement of product marketing management system , which has been used in CIMS system for the enterprise .

  8. 本论文首先分析了现代企业经营管理模式与外部环境之间的主要矛盾以及现今知识经济时代的主要特征,描述了与BPR(业务流程再造)理论相关的思想和观点,论述了BPR的内涵及其起源。

    First , this paper analyses the main conflict between management mode of modern corporation and environment , and the main characteristic of knowledge economy , describes some thoughts and views that related to BPR , discusses the implication and its origin .

  9. 市政免费公园经营管理模式探讨

    Study on Management and Operation Model of Chinese Free-Charge Civil Park

  10. 流程工业企业集成化经营管理模式研究

    Research on the integrated corporation mode for enterprises in process industry

  11. 城市规划与城市的企业化经营管理模式

    City planning and managing city following the mode of enterprise management

  12. 我国文化遗产经营管理模式创新问题&以文化遗产景区为中心

    Present Innovation of Operation and Management Mode of Chinese Cultural Heritage

  13. 运检分离则为其提供了一种好的经营管理模式。

    The operation-maintenance separation is regarded as a good mode for them .

  14. 汽车维修企业经营管理模式发展趋势分析

    Developing Trend of Automobile Repair Company ′ s Management Models

  15. 关于国外足球彩票经营管理模式的研究

    The Research on Management Model of Soccer Lottery at Abroad

  16. 新经济组织经营管理模式分析

    An analysis on the management mode of new economic organizations

  17. 新时期军队农场经营管理模式构想

    Modes of management in military farms in the new period

  18. 大型施工企业区域经营管理模式探讨

    A Discussion on Regional Marketing Strategy of Large Construction Enterprises

  19. 国有商业银行采取连锁经营管理模式的探讨

    Discussion on Chain Operation Management Mode Adopted by the State-Run Commercial Banks

  20. 我国大型体育场馆经营管理模式研究

    Research on the Operation and Management Model of Large Stadiums in China

  21. 城市连锁加油站经营管理模式应用研究

    Research on Application of Urban Chain Service Station Management Mode

  22. 基于项目推动的知识型企业经营管理模式研究

    A Study On the Management Mode of Project-driven Intellective Enterprise

  23. 我国企业绿色经营管理模式探讨

    The Research on Green Operation and Management Mode of Enterprises in China

  24. 铁路专用线共用与经营管理模式研究

    Study on the Community and Management Mode of the Special Railway Line

  25. 新植林地两种经营管理模式效果评价

    Evaluation of Result of Two kinds of Management Model of New Planted Stand

  26. 用统计的视觉分析五统一经营管理模式

    On the Five Unities Management Model with Statics Means

  27. 探讨了一些关于社区图书馆经营管理模式和服务的设想。

    This paper discusses the special managements and services in the community libraries .

  28. 物流园区开发建设与经营管理模式分析

    The Patterns of Exploitation and Management of Logistics Park

  29. 5建立科学的经营管理模式。

    Fifthly , build up scientific model for management .

  30. 以提高企业运行效率为目标的经营管理模式创新;

    The innovation of operation and management mode aimed for improving enterprise operation efficiency ;