
  • 网络micromanagement;micromanage;micromanaging;micro management
  1. 市场经济下工业企业设备的宏观管理与微观管理

    Macromanagement and Micromanagement of Eqipment in Industrial Enterprise in Market Economy

  2. 经过大量的研究、计算和现场试验,在沈阳油田实现了多点并网泵到泵输油工艺,使矿区输油系统真正实现了从微观管理到宏观管理的飞跃。

    Thus makes the leap in oil delivery system from micromanagement to macromanagement truly realized .

  3. 换言之,CEO在进行微观管理。

    In other words , CEOs micromanage .

  4. 虽然这似乎有违常识,好像我在诱惑这些CEO变成最可怕的怪物——微观管理者。

    It may seem counterintuitive , as though I am urging CEOs to act like that most dreaded creature , the micromanager .

  5. 在企业建立ERP系统就是为了更好的解决这两个问题,本文强调的在ERP系统中加入质量成本管理子系统就是为了进一步强化企业信息系统的微观管理职能。

    To establish the ERP is to resolve the two issues . This paper emphasize to establish the QCM sub-system , which is to strengthen the function of microcosmic management .

  6. 此外,被称为薪酬沙皇的肯尼斯费恩伯格(KennethFeinberg)将对股票奖金的结构进行微观管理,并取消他认为过分的福利。

    Kenneth Feinberg , the pay tsar , will also micromanage the structure of stock bonuses and eliminate perks that he regards as excessive .

  7. 最近在与一些年轻CEO们合作时,我强烈建议他们尝试一下我关注小事的管理方法。虽然这似乎有违常识,好像我在诱惑这些CEO变成最可怕的怪物&微观管理者。

    These days , when I work with young chief executives , I urge them to try my sweat the small stuff management method . It may seem counterintuitive , as though I am urging CEOs to act like that most dreaded creature , the micromanager .

  8. 高校社科学报质量提升与微观管理

    Quality Improvement and Micro Management of Social Science Journals in Colleges

  9. 教师人力资本价值评估及其微观管理研究

    Research on Human Capitol Value Evaluation of Teachers and Its Microcosmic Administration

  10. 一名团队成员将得到升迁,并开始对他的同事进行微观管理。

    A team member will get promoted and start micromanaging his teammates .

  11. 无论是在微观管理还是在宏观管理方面,会计工作在社会经济生活中都发挥着重要的作用。

    Accountant has important function in both micro-management and macro-regulation .

  12. 一些老板喜欢微观管理,经常沟通工作项目进展;

    Some micromanage and prefer constant communication about the status of projects ;

  13. 同时提出商业银行微观管理手段必须在一定的宏观条件下才能得以有效的实现,因此要不断加快经济市场化和银行改革进程,逐步实现利率和费率的市场化。

    The reformation of market economic system and banking system should be quicken .

  14. 奠定市场信用的基石&法律和政府的微观管理

    Laying a Foundation Stone for Marking Credit & Law and Micro-management of Government

  15. 第二个弱点是一种进行微观管理的本能。

    The second weakness is an instinct to micro-manage .

  16. 彻底解决房地产业结构失衡并不能完全寄希望于宏观调控,关键在于实行两级政府联动,强化宏观管理和微观管理。

    The key to solve the problem is to reinforce macro-management and micro-management .

  17. 学校体育微观管理模式及未来发展趋势探讨

    Physical Education in School Tiny View Management Mode and Future Development Trend Study

  18. 我该怎么做,才能让她的微观管理松松劲儿?

    What can I do to mitigate her micromanaging ?

  19. 边际理论在企业生产微观管理中的作用

    The Effect of Marginal Utility Theory on the Microcosmic Management of the Business Production

  20. 自然垄断产业的微观管理再造

    Micro - management Restructuring of Natural Monopoly Industry

  21. 微观管理松散,宏观督促乏力;

    Loose micro management ; weakened macro supervision ;

  22. 生态脆弱区森林资源管理机制的研究。针对生态脆弱区特点、森林资源现状,从微观管理角度提出森林资源分区分类管理;

    The analysis on the status of forest resources management in the fragile ecological area .

  23. 文章研究了数字图书馆的定义、特点、发展及微观管理。

    The paper studies digital library 's definition , features , development and microcosmic management .

  24. 文章认为,防止煤矿事故的根本途径在于宏观监管水平的提高与微观管理能力的增强。

    It is basic method to avoid accident by improving macro-administration and buildup micro-management ability .

  25. 我国绿色营销的微观管理模式及其运作

    Analysis of the Operation of Microscopic Management Mode for the Green Marketing in Our Country

  26. 同样的,巴尔默也不太相信微观管理。

    In the same vein , Mr. Ballmer is not a big believer in micromanagement .

  27. 国债转贷资金的宏观定位与微观管理

    An Analysis of Macro-Localization and Micro-Management of the Treasury Bond Fund Using in Way of Lending

  28. 他非常专业地扮演着自己的角色:他无意对这家企业进行微观管理。

    He also plays his role professionally : he has no ambition to micromanage this company .

  29. 政府进行宏观调节和微观管理,安全地转移农村剩余劳动力;

    The government undertakes macro-modification and micro-administration so as to safely transfer the surplus labor force ;

  30. 产业化和产业化经营二者的关系是宏观布局与微观管理的关系;

    The relation of industrialization and industrialization operation is the relation of macro layout and micro management .