
  • 网络MICROECONOMIC THEORY;microeconomics theory
  1. 二十世纪中国在微观经济理论研究方面从摸索到停滞到发展经历了从宏微观不分到微观经济理论分立出来并逐渐发展起来的过程。

    This paper reviews the history of research on microeconomic theory in China in the 20th century from groping , stagnation to development .

  2. 在微观经济理论中,不管生产什么和生产多少这一基本问题由全体消费者的总合偏好所决定。

    In microeconomic theory , the basic questions of what and how much to produce are assumed to be determined by the aggregate preferences of all consumers .

  3. 发达国家微观经济理论的批判与借鉴

    Microeconomic Theories of the Developed Countries : Criticism and Reference

  4. 金融风险及其微观经济理论分析

    Analysis on Financial Risks and Micro - Economy Theory

  5. 主要思路是:首先,本文从微观经济理论出发分析外汇市场效率评价的标准;

    First , we brought forward the criterion of FX market based on economic theory ;

  6. 微观经济理论的发展、扬弃提炼与缺陷分析&发达国家微观经济理论的批判与借鉴

    The Development of Microeconomics Theory , Discarding and Defect Analysis & Use and Criticism of Microeconomics Theories of Developed Countries

  7. 按照微观经济理论,技术要素的供给理论和需求理论是技术要素定价的基础。

    According to micro economic theory , the supply and demand theory of factor technology is the base of the pricing of factor technology .

  8. 本文就知识经济对西方经济学中的微观经济理论和宏观经济理论的挑战进行一些探索。

    Therefore , knowledge economy presents to the western economics the challenges of which this paper discusses the macro-economic theory and the micro-economic theory .

  9. 产业经济理论是介于宏观和微观经济理论研究中间的独特的中观研究领域,是一个不可被替代的独立存在。

    The theory of property economy is a research field between macro and micro-economic theoretical studies , a unique sub-branch never to be substituted .

  10. 微观经济理论认为竞争是有效的、垄断是无效的。但寡头垄断已成为产业组织结构的主流。

    Microeconomic theory suggests that competition is efficient while monopoly is inefficient in spite of the fact that oligopoly has become the main stream of the structure of industrial organization .

  11. 西方微观经济理论尽管以瓦尔拉斯一般均衡范式构建了统一的框架体系,但微观经济理论大厦的根基仍不坚实牢靠,逻辑范式也并非尽善尽美。

    Although uniform framework has been constructed in the paradigm of Walrasian general equilibrium for Western microeconomic theory , its foundation is not firm , and its logical paradigm not imperfect .

  12. 采用微观经济理论的分析方法,借助数学矩阵对学生选择与教育供应的相关性进行了探讨和研究。

    Adopt the analytical method of the tiny view economy theories , the choice that asks for help student 's consumer of mathematics matrix for high school carried on the study and researches .

  13. 本文运用微观经济理论,以模型比较分析了消费者、厂商和社会经济对大规模定制生产与大规模标准生产模式的选择条件;

    The author analyses with micro - economical theory , by a comparison of models , the condition of choice to mass customized production or mass standard production among consumers , producers and social economics .

  14. 微观经济理论的分析建立在企业竞争行为、产品价格和供求规律基础上,随着经济实践的发展博弈论、信息经济学及不确定性逐步引入。

    The analysis of micro-economics theory is based on corporation competition action , product price and rules of need and demand . With the develop-ment of economic practice , game theory , information economics and its uncertainty are taken in .

  15. 十一届三中全会以后是中国微观经济理论形成和发展的重要阶段。在这一阶段,企业理论、家庭的经济理论、农户的经济理论、市场理论得到了不同程度的发展。

    Three stages can be identified according to the historical development , and a detailed discussion is made of the microeconomic research on firms , households and farmers after the reform and opening , with a view to fostering deeper research on microeconomic theory in China in the new century .

  16. 宏观、微观经济法理论及体系完善

    Theories and Systems of Macroeconomic Law and Microeconomic Law

  17. 美国金融创新基础理论残缺与时点价值科学发现&微观经济空间理论问世

    American financial innovation basic theory deformity and time value 's scientific discovery & forming of micro economy space theory

  18. 因此,经济体制改革的深化要求理论界加强微观经济规制理论的研究。

    Thus , with the deepening of economic system reform , economic theory circles are desired to reinforce research of microeconomic regulation .

  19. 产业组织理论是以企业之间竞争和垄断关系为主要研究对象的微观应用经济理论。

    Industrial organization theory is one of the key applied microeconomic theories taking the relationship between competition and monopoly as the research object .

  20. 沿着上述三个层面进行深入探究,可望在中国特殊背景下的微观经济空间理论发展上有所建树。

    Based on the above three levels , the study of economic geography expects to develop the spatial theory of micro-economy in China .

  21. 依据福利经济学和微观经济政策理论,对公路服务业实施政府公共管制的原因、方法和内容进行了研究。

    According to welfare economics and theory of microeconomic policy , the reason , content and method of government regulation for road service are studied .

  22. 其中微观经济制度理论主要阐述了产权理论、企业制度和公司治理理论,宏观经济制度理论主要梳理了公共选择理论。第三章运用公共经济学理论对商业银行制度进行分析。

    It is mainly analysis the theory of property rights , enterprise systems and corporate governance theory in microeconomic system , and the theory of public choice theory in macroeconomic system . Chapter III analysis commercial banking system by the theory of public economic .

  23. 土地退化微观经济评估的理论和方法。

    The theory and method of micro-economic evaluation to land degradation .

  24. 微观经济干预:理论基础与制度边界

    Micro-economic Intervention : Theoretic Foundations and Institutional Boundaries

  25. 这样,市场失灵论就成为微观经济干预的理论基础。

    The theory of market failure therefore turns into the theoretic foundation of micro-economic intervention .

  26. 进一步扩大商品卡特尔协议成功的可能性,完全可用微观经济的基本理论来检验。

    The potential success of the further extension of commodity cartel arrangements can be assayed using fairly elementary microeconomic principles .

  27. 地勘队伍微观经济管理模式的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice on Microeconomic Management Modals of Geological and Prospecting Enterprises

  28. 目前多从宏观角度分析网络给劳动市场带来的利弊及网络条件下劳动市场的建设完善等问题,而从微观角度利用劳动经济理论模型进行分析的研究尚属空白。

    Further , current studies mostly take a macro - perspective to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet-based labor market , as well as specific methods for developing job-sites .

  29. 需要从经济法调整宏观经济关系和微观经济关系着手,建立宏观、微观经济法的理论及体系。

    From the angle of regulating both macro and micro economic relationships by law , this paper observes the theories and structures related to macroeconomic law and microeconomic law .