
  1. 西方微观经济学现状及前景

    Western microeconomic : its present situation and prospects

  2. 根据西方微观经济学基本理论,通过实证分析,对职业体育市场中存在的外部性问题进行了研究和探讨。

    The study analyzed the externalities of the professional sports market using the basic theories of microeconomics .

  3. 而这正是西方微观经济学的一项基本原则,但比较优势理论恰恰与这一原则相悖,从而造成了比较优势理论与微观经济学的矛盾。

    This is a radical principle of micro-economics , but the theory of comparative advantage is contrary to it .

  4. 成本收益分析法是基于西方微观经济学的利润最大化理论,通过对一国持有储备的成本和收益进行分析,根据储备持有的边际成本和边际收益的均衡求出储备需求的最适度水平。

    It also analyzes the independent variables that affect the reserve level . Cost-benefit method is based upon the basis of profit maximizing theory of microeconomics .

  5. 在最近几十年间,西方微观经济学取得了很大的发展,增加了不少新的分析、新的见解,并使经济学研究领域大大扩展了。

    In recent scores of years Western micro economics has developed greatly , i.e. much new analysis and new original ideas increased and the domain of economics research expanded .

  6. 进行博弈研究的时候,采用了西方微观经济学对市场研究的方法,分别分析了各方之间的博弈情况及均衡情况。

    When studying the game theory of the second level of the real estate market , I have adopted the research methods of western microeconomics and analyzed the situations of game among the three objects and the balance conditions respectively .

  7. 应用西方微观经济学效用理论,针对当前绿色食品消费现象,及消费者在既定收入情况下选择绿色食品或非绿色食品消费取得效用最大化问题进行讨论,提出扩大绿色食品消费的对策。

    Proceeding from the utility theory of microeconomics , this article discusses the issue of how to acquire utility maximization under the condition of fixed incomes during current green food consumption . It also puts forward the countermeasures to enlarge green food consumption .