
  • 网络mount sinai;Mt Sinai;Mt. Sinai;Mount Moses
  1. 西奈山医学院(MountSinaiSchoolofMedicine)微生物学教授克里斯托弗·F·巴斯勒(ChristopherF.Basler)说,这给了这种病毒巨大的优势,有助于它的增长和传播。

    That gives the virus a big advantage to grow and spread , said Christopher F. Basler , a professor of microbiology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine .

  2. 消费者对自己给自己美容的想法越发痴迷,纽约西奈山医院(MountSinaiHospital)皮肤科美容与临床研究部主任约舒亚·蔡克纳博士(JoshuaZeichner)说。

    Consumers are fascinated with the idea of fixing themselves , says Dr Joshua Zeichner , director of cosmetic and clinical research in the dermatology department at Mount Sinai hospital in New York .

  3. 据人民网报道,在西奈山伊坎医学院,海尔斯参与了一个颇具竞争性的生物医学研究项目,她还上过大学水平的课程,GPA(平均分)达到了99.63分;此外,她还是班上的毕业生演讲者代表。

    Hyles participates in a competitive biomedical research program at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai , takes college-level courses , has an impressive 99.63 GPA and is valedictorian of her class , People.com reported .

  4. 纽约市西奈山医院(MountSinaiHospital)一名食物过敏症专科医生的研究表明,美国儿童中的花生过敏症患病率从1997年的0.4%上升到了2010年的1.4%,增加了两倍还多。

    The prevalence of peanut allergy among children in the United States has risen more than threefold , to 1.4 percent in 2010 from 0.4 percent in 1997 , according to a study by food allergists at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City .

  5. 纽约西奈山以色列堂医院(MountSinaiBethIsrael)化学品依赖研究所的研究负责人唐·德夏莱(DonDesJarlais)说,最成功的针头更换项目会让参与者把注射器传递给身边那些仍然躲在暗处的人,而不是要求每个人去登记。

    Dr. Don Des Jarlais , the director of research for the chemical dependency institute at Mount Sinai Beth Israel hospital in New York , said the most successful needle exchange programs let participants pass out syringes to peers who remain in the shadows instead of requiring everyone to sign up .

  6. 像斯隆o凯特灵和西奈山伊坎研究院(Mt.Sinai’sIcahnInstitute)这样的大型癌症研究机构也在很多方面想利用自己的数据积累开展和Flatiron一样的业务。

    Large cancer institutes such as Sloan Kettering and Mt. Sinai 's Icahn Institute are in many ways trying to do the same thing as Flatiron with their own sets of data . Those institutions are considered to have more expertise to deal with the data ;

  7. 放寒假的时候,Carcassonne教授回家乡去看他的母亲。不久以后,他回到了西奈山,第二次被授予了十诫。

    When winter vacation came , Prof. Carcassonne went home to visit his mother . Soon after , he went back up Mount Sinai and was given a second set of the Ten Commandments .

  8. 在西奈山上他从上帝那里接受了十戒。

    Moses received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai .

  9. 他在雪松西奈山医院接受癌症治疗。

    She was in t cancer ward at Cedars-Sinai hospital .

  10. 但我知道神来了西奈山会隆隆作响。

    But I do know that the mountain rumbles when God is there .

  11. 摩西两次到西奈山,每次时间长达40天。

    Moses went on top of Mount Sinai for 40 days ? twice .

  12. 喉轮:吉萨大金字塔和埃及的西奈山,耶路撒冷的橄榄山。

    Throat chakra : Great Pyramid of Giza and Mt Sinai , Egypt ;

  13. 上帝召摩西上西奈山并给他十条戒律。

    God called Moses up Mount Sinai and gave him the Ten Commandments .

  14. 到了西奈山下,他爬上山与上帝交谈。

    They arrive at Mt Sinai , which Moses ascends to commune with God .

  15. 西奈山医院发言人并没有详细说明81岁的里弗斯目前的状况。

    Spokesman in Mt Sinai hospital gave no detail on the 81-year-old Rivers condition .

  16. 纽约西奈山医院的研究人员发表了一项新的研究。

    A new study was released by researchers at Mount Sinai hospital in New York .

  17. 这就是耶和华在西奈山为以色列人所吩咐摩西的命令。

    These are the commands the Lord gave Moses on Mount Sinai for the Israelites .

  18. 第四章西奈山约所讨论的是伯纳德·马拉默德的小说〖伙计〗。

    Chapter Four " The Covenant on Mount Sinai " is on The Assistant by Bernard Malamud .

  19. 爱因斯坦登上西奈山与上帝近距离交谈。

    Einstein climbs to the top of Mt. Sinai to get close enough to talk to God .

  20. 山见耶和华的面就震动,西奈山见耶和华以色列神的面也是如此。

    The mountains melted from before the LORD , even that Sinai from before the LORD God of Israel .

  21. 格拉斯表示,侯德于周末在纽约的西奈山圣路加医院去世。

    Glass said Holder died over the weekend in Mount Sinai St Luke ' s Hospital in New York .

  22. 不久以后,他回到了西奈山,第二次被授予了十诫。

    Soon after , he went back up Mount Sinai and was given a second set of the Ten Commandments .

  23. 西奈山医学一项从2002年启动的计划研究了肥胖者在日常生活中所使用的化学物质。

    The Mount Sinai findings parallel those from a 2002 study into obesity and the chemicals present in our daily lives .

  24. 西奈山医学院研究人员发现一个重大成果,揭露吗啡治疗慢性疼痛的耐受机理。

    Researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine have discovered a major mechanism underlying the development of tolerance to chronic morphine treatment .

  25. 正是基于这一点,西奈山医学院的研究组就想确定是否胎儿干细胞在母体恢复的过程中起作用。

    Based on this evidence , the Mount Sinai team wanted to determine whether fetal stem cells played a role in maternal recovery .

  26. 随后,以色列众人都近前来,他就把耶和华在西奈山与他所说的一切话都吩咐他们。

    Afterward all the Israelites came near him , and he gave them all the commands the Lord had given him on Mount Sinai .

  27. 2041年,在伊娜娜的指引下,阿玛辛形成了一个东方的联合王国,向迦南和西奈山发动军事远征。

    2041 guided by inanna , amar-sin forms a coalition of kings of the east , launches military expedition to Canaan and the sinai .

  28. 这是在西奈山所命定为常献的燔祭,是献给耶和华作为馨香的火祭。

    This is the regular burnt offering instituted at Mount Sinai as a pleasing aroma , an offering made to the Lord by fire .

  29. 按照口头传统,七七节是摩西律法在西奈山产生的日子。

    According to oral tradition , Feast of Weeks was the time of giving The Torah or The Law of Moses at Mount Sinai .

  30. 这夏甲是指着阿拉伯的西奈山,相当于现在的耶路撒冷,她和她的儿女都是作奴仆的。

    For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia , and answereth to Jerusalem which now is , and is in bondage with her children .