
rì tuō
  • day care;daycare
日托 [rì tuō]
  • [daycare] 白昼托儿服务

日托[rì tuō]
  1. 她工作的那家公司有日托。

    Day care is provided by the company she works for .

  2. 日托服务能够让妇女有时间参与其他活动。

    Day care enables women to get involved in other activities .

  3. 我一开始先问了问美国有多少所日托中心。

    I started by asking how many day-care centers were located in the United States

  4. 你的孩子是日托还是全托?

    Is your child in a day nursery or a boarding nursery ? or does your child board at the nursery or go home in the evening ?

  5. 他们讨论的最常见的话题包括孩子的睡眠、营养、纪律、行为问题、日托和学前教育。

    The most common topics they discussed included kids ' sleep , nutrition , discipline , behavior problems and day care and preschool .

  6. 丹麦于周三(4月15日)放宽了对冠状病毒的限制,重新开放了学校和日托中心。

    Denmark eased its coronavirus restrictions on Wednesday by reopening schools and day care centers .

  7. 对某幼儿园414名日托儿童采用5日称重法和膳食记录法进行膳食调查、氰化高铁法测定Hb。

    The dietary survey and the hemoglobin analysis were made of 414 children in a day nursery school .

  8. 哦,天啊,这真是太好了,Simms公司那根本没有日托。

    Oh , my gosh , this is fantastic ! They don 't have day care at Simms .

  9. 目的通过对日托儿童口腔中变形链球菌(S.mutans)水平传播的研究,为儿童龋的早期预防提供新思路。

    Objective To analyze genotypic diversity of oral Streptococcus mutans ( S.mutans ) and find out horizon-tal transmission possibility of the microbe in day-nursery children .

  10. 那天他们在Murrah联邦大楼内的一个日托中心,后来,爆炸将大楼的一边整个的炸了下来。

    They were at a day care center inside the Murrah Federal Building that day when that blasts ed pretty much a whole side of that building off .

  11. 劳拉·基普尼斯(LauraKipnis)写道,她“特别害怕被拉入其他妈妈的团体,害怕游乐场和日托中心的交际,以及那些没完没了的活动和课程——如今这些活动和课程是中上层阶级养育子女的常规内容”。

    Laura Kipnis wrote about her " profound dread of being conscripted into the community of other mothers - the sociality of the playground and day-care center , and at the endless activities and lessons that are de rigueur in today 's codes of upper-middle-class parenting . "

  12. Warren和Tyagi写道,与上世纪70年代相比,越来越多的家庭现在是夫妻双方都全职工作,生活方式的改变引发了新的需要,比如买第二辆车和孩子的日托。

    Warren and Tyagi write that compared with the1970s , more families now have two full-time incomes , but the change in lifestyle led to new needs , such as a second car and day care .

  13. 即使你已经表明你的初衷只是想知道能不能弹性工作,以满足那些合理的要求-比如去日托所接小孩-但Barrett-Poindexter建议别问这个问题。

    Even if you make it clear that you 're hoping for a flexible schedule to accommodate a legitimate concern such as picking up your kids from daycare , Barrett-Poindexter advises against this question .

  14. 日托机构儿童营养状况追踪观察

    The follow-up observation of nutritional status of children in the Day-nursery

  15. 但其中却惟独缺少了一项福利:儿童日托。

    One perk missing from that list : daycare for kids .

  16. 不只是单纯照看而且还负担教育任务的幼儿日托工作。

    Day care which is educational and not just custodial .

  17. 另外,一些倡导者认为明尼苏达州需要更好的日托所视察。

    In addition , some advocates believe Minnesota needs better day-care inspections .

  18. 中国六城市日托幼儿园儿童的膳食营养状况

    Dietary status of preschool children from day-care kindergartens in six cites of China

  19. 双休日,日托所不开门。

    There 's no day care on the weekends .

  20. 计划在附近创办一个日托中心。

    There are plans to start up a day-care center in the neighborhood .

  21. 瑞贝卡:你确定你是在日托所工作?

    Rebecca : Are you sure you 're working in a daycare center ?

  22. 最近有人问我,为什么日托的小孩是如此的自信和开朗。

    Someone recently asked me why daycare children are so confident and outgoing .

  23. 不好意思,日托中心满了

    Unfortunately , the day care center is full .

  24. 他们还需要增加日托资金。

    They will also need to increase day-care funding .

  25. 我们在9点半到了日托中心。

    We arrived at the day care by 9:30 .

  26. 孩子被送去日托。

    The baby was sent to a day .

  27. 日托设施不足使许多带小孩的人无法上班工作。

    Lnadequate daycare facilities are preventing many people with young childrenfrom returning to work .

  28. 福州市区6所幼儿园日托幼儿营养调查及评价

    A Nutritional Surveys on the Children at Six Urban Day care Kindergartens in Fuzhou

  29. 主播人们对优质学龄前教育和日托的日益增长的需求,给这个行业带来新的商机。

    The growing demand for quality pre-school and daycare is creating new business opportunities .

  30. 家长们竭力搜索日托服务。

    Parents searched frantically for day care options .