
  • 网络Samurai;japanese samurai;ninja
  1. 你是日本武士龟吗?

    So you 're a Ninja Turtle this time ?

  2. 尽管名字是萤火虫式,然而做这个动作时,一点也不像萤火虫,看起来却像日本武士。

    Despite its name , you don 't really look like a firefly when you do this pose . You look like a ninja .

  3. Nagashima解释道,日本武士曾经在这里的寺庙居住,担任一种名为boukan的护卫。

    Samurai once lived in Buddhist templeshere , Nagashima explained , working as security guards called boukan .

  4. 唯一能做到的日本武士!

    The only one Japanese martial artist who can do it !

  5. 武士道是形而上的思想准则,两者结合支撑了日本武士社会。

    Both of them sustain the Japanese samurai society .

  6. 中国绅士与日本武士比较研究

    Comparative Study Between the Chinese Gentry and Japanese Warrior

  7. 就像一位分析师欢呼的那样:“日本武士已经王者归来!”

    As one analyst gleefully exclaimed , " the Samurais are back ! "

  8. 日本武士是封建的、军事、贵族成员的。

    A Japanese warrior who was a member of the feudal military aristocracy .

  9. 日本武士首选的兵器就是刀。

    The samurais'weapon of choice was the sword .

  10. 1885年的今天,日本武士伊藤博文成为日本的第一任首相。

    1885-Ito Hirobumi , a samurai , became the first Prime Minister of Japan .

  11. 当然,多数日本武士从来没有享受过如此奢侈、和平的生活。

    Of course , most samurai in Japan never lived this luxurious , peaceful lifestyle .

  12. 这种训练与禅宗的战士、日本武士一样&这是一样的。

    The training is the same for a Zen warrior , for a Samurai & the same .

  13. 日本人的军刀因其坚硬和极端锋利而闻名,是日本武士的武器。

    Japanese swords are renowned for their hardness and extreme sharpness ; they were the weapons of the samurai .

  14. 日本武士屡战屡败,眼看要遭歼灭,又一个强烈台风突然吹向日本海岸。

    Just when it appeared that they would be extermined , another powerful typhoon suddenly slammed into the Japanese coast .

  15. 是有关于十六世纪的日本武士的,他们全副武装,相互决斗。

    It 's about samurai in the 16th century , wearing full armor , battling it out with each other .

  16. 我看了很多日本武士的书和片子,揣摩其言谈举止和心理活动。

    I read a lot of books and Japanese samurai films , try to figure out their behaviors and mental activities .

  17. 至少,这是在观看了《最后的武士》和《十三刺客》等影片后,日本武士给我留下的印象。

    At least , thatwas how I 'd imagined samurai to be , thanks to films like The Last Samurai and13 Assassins .

  18. 日本武士九次进攻,却一次又一次地被一波又一波浓烈的地狱之火击退。

    The Japanese samurai struggled up the hill nine times , only to be repelled again and again by a rain of pure hellfire .

  19. 比如,日本武士阶级之中,平均每个父亲仅有略多于1个子嗣。

    In most other countries the rich were less fecund : the Japanese samurai produced little more than one son per father , for example .

  20. 柔道部分起源于一种古代日本武士空手搏斗的技术:柔术。

    Of course , it is derived in part from jujitsu , the hand-to-hand combat technique of ancient samurai warriors , and everything is relative .

  21. 另外,你会喜欢上那个叫广.主角的主人公,他是一名黑客、日本武士兼披萨饼快递员。

    Plus , you 've gotta love a main character named Hiro Protagonist who 's a hacker , samurai-swordsman and pizza-delivery guy for The Mob .

  22. 我一直都对日本武士非常着迷,这些剑客就像一群毫无人情味的冷血杀手,他们甘愿为了主人结束自己的生命,或者杀死任何心怀不敬的人。

    I 'd always been fascinated by samurai , those warriors who were almost inhumanly stoic and ever willing to fall ontheir sword for their masters or slay anyone showing disrespect .

  23. 尽管如此,现在他正在与威拉德进行头脑风暴,如何从年轻、有革新精神的日本武士历史出发,来阐述一下领导力。

    Even so , now he is brainstorming with Willard about how to make the history of the young , revolutionary samurai in Japan an explicit opportunity to talk about leadership skills .

  24. 为日本的武士历史和文化感到骄傲。

    I 'm proud of Mexico for its rich , vibrant history .

  25. 传统上,日本的武士用面具来威吓他们的仇敌。

    Warriors such as the Samurai have traditionally used masks to intimidate their enemies .

  26. 第二,在社会力量上,日本的武士阶层是市民社会的特殊力量,而中国的士绅阶层,却成为维护封建制度和秩序的顽固势力。

    Second , the knights of Japan were a main force of citizen society and they had the spirit of knight soul with merchant talent ' .

  27. 中国的侠士与日本的武士同为古代尚武术精神的产物,本文从源起、本质特征、思想渊源和文化品质等角度对它们进行比较,力求发掘出其各自特色及其给予我们的启示。

    Both the Chinese chivalrous swordsman and Japanese warrior were the product of ancient martial spirit . In the light of origin , nature , ideological sources and cultural quality , this essay compares them and tries to dig up respective features and enlightens .

  28. 剧情:狼獾前往日本学习以及武士步兵。

    Plot : Wolverine travels to Japan to learn as well as a samurai infantryman .

  29. 过去日本有很多武士,也特别喜欢引用孙子的这个讲法。

    Similarly , many Japanese samurai warriors in the past had quoted aspects of this particular famous phrase by sun tzu .

  30. 金泽位于日本西部,地处日本海与日本阿尔卑斯之间,是了解日本武士历史发展最好的样本城市之一。

    Located between the Sea of Japan and theJapanese Alps in western Japan , Kanazawa is considered one of the country'sbest places to learn about samurai history .