
  • 网络michelangelo;michelangelo buonarroti;Michaelangelo
  1. 自米开朗琪罗(Michelangelo)开始,建筑师就有了资助他们工作的老主顾。

    Since Michelangelo , architects have had patrons who finance their work .

  2. 你可以成为莎士比亚、米开朗琪罗活着是贝多芬。

    You may become a Shakespare , a Michelangelo , a Beethoven .

  3. 这是少数几件流传到意大利境外的米开朗琪罗作品之一。

    It is one of the very few Michelangelos that have found their way out of Italy

  4. 我对米开朗琪罗的非凡天才一向钦佩。

    I used to worship the mighty genius of Michael angelo .

  5. 旁边是米开朗琪罗的大卫,那也是你的脸。

    next to a Michelangelo 's David that also has your face .

  6. 你可以成为莎士比亚,米开朗琪罗,或者是贝多芬。

    You may become a Shakespeare , a Michelangelo , a Beethoven .

  7. 他后来受到米开朗琪罗的影响。

    He was influenced by Michelangelo later on .

  8. 米开朗琪罗别具一格的绘画风格。

    Michelangelo 's highly idiosyncratic style of painting .

  9. 你能让米开朗琪罗快点吗?

    Would you tell Michelangelo to hurry up ?

  10. 这幅画是米开朗琪罗画的吗?

    Is this painting attributable to Michelangelo ?

  11. 这是对米开朗琪罗生活和工作的社会与文化背景的研究。

    It is a study of the social and cultural milieu in which Michelangelo lived and worked .

  12. 但这确实是米开朗琪罗和达芬奇踱步于此时所看到的现象。

    Yet , that 's exactly what Michelangelo or Da Vinci could expect to see strolling through town .

  13. 罗丹是自米开朗琪罗之后最著名的雕刻家:人们热爱罗丹,对米开朗琪罗则只是尊敬。

    Rodin is the most famous sculptor since michelangelo : people love rodin , while Michelangelo is merely respected .

  14. 这是米开朗琪罗的圣母怜子雕像,这里的圣母玛丽与耶稣同龄而且都十分开心,无忧无虑。

    that 's Michelangelo 's Pieta , where Mary is the same age as Jesus and they 're both awfully happy and pleasant .

  15. 朱莉娅:我观赏了米开朗琪罗、伯恩尼尼、达芬奇和其他很多我记不住名字的艺术家的作品。

    Julia : I saw works from Michelangelo , Bernini , da Vinci and many more but I can 't remember their names .

  16. 除了上面说到的艺术形式、艺术技巧方面的价值以外,这一点可以说是米开朗琪罗的西斯廷天顶画给后人留下的最高的艺术价值。

    It can be said that this , besides the artistic styles and techniques mentioned above , is Michelangelo 's most valuable bequest to future generations .

  17. 他的兴趣非常广泛,就像达芬奇或米开朗琪罗一样,“文艺复兴人”(形容多才多艺的人)这个词实际上就是为他们这种人创造的。

    very wide-ranging interests , like Da Vinci or Michelangelo , the sort of guy for whom the term " Renaissance Man " was in fact created .

  18. 他年纪六十开外,有一把像米开朗琪罗的摩西雕像上的胡子,从萨蒂尔似的脑袋上顺着小鬼般的身体卷垂下来。

    He was past sixty and had a Michael Angelo 's Moses beard curling down from the head of a satyr along with the body of an imp.

  19. 例如米开朗琪罗和达?芬奇决不可能想像到借助电视或计算机图像为手段来创作艺术品。

    Michelangelo and da Vinci could never have imagined having the ability to create works of art in the mediums of television or computer imagery , for example .

  20. 这些文艺复兴时期的雕塑,比如米开朗琪罗的大卫雕像的影响带来了雕塑的新标准,这些标准强调的是形式而不是颜色。

    The impact of these Renaissance statues , such as Michelangelo 's David , gave rise to new standards for sculpture , standards that emphasized form rather than color .

  21. 当米开朗琪罗刚开始创作雕像的是后,所有的雕像都是裸体的,后来才被其他艺术家遮住了重要或者关键的部位。

    When Michelangelo made all these sculptures , he made everything naked but later the main part of the body was covered up by another artist I didn 't remember the name .

  22. 在米开朗琪罗的例子中,他也很理解女性,并尤其创作了诗歌,在生命尽头,那是爱情的诗歌,是各式各样描写男女的诗歌。

    In the case of Michelangelo , he also understood women and wrote poetry particularly towards the end of his life and it is love poetry of sorts that people were writing men about women .

  23. 每个国家自然都有自己的英雄。如果一个国家运气好,它就会有一个不论做什么事都有非人才干的英雄,他留下的遗产是多方面的。我们自然会想到米开朗琪罗。

    Every nation has its heroes , of course , If a nation is lucky , it has one who was so able in everything he or she did that the person 's legacy stretches in many directions .

  24. 对精神活动方面的天才,老年是不起影响的,象但丁和米开朗琪罗这类人物,年岁越高,才气越盛;对汉尼拔①和波拿巴这类人物,才气难道会随着岁月消逝吗?

    Old age has no hold on the geniuses of the ideal ; for the Dantes and Michael Angelos to grow old is to grow in greatness ; is it to grow less for the Hannibals and the Bonapartes ?