
  • 网络Meter gauge railway;meter-gage railway
  1. 介绍了米轨铁路用P31型棚车的性能、尺寸、主要结构及用途。

    Introduced in this paper are the performance , dimensions , main structure and application of the box car type P 31 applied on the meter gauge railway .

  2. 云南省西南部发展米轨铁路的探讨

    Exploration of Developing One Meter Gauge Railway in Southwest Yunnan Province

  3. 为缅甸制造的米轨铁路客车(上)

    The Metre Gauge Railway Coaches Made for Burma ( lst part )

  4. 米轨铁路的运能运量及运输安全研究

    Research on the Transportation Capacity and Traffic Volume and the Transportation Safety System of Meter-gauge Railway

  5. 马来西亚南部米轨铁路主要技术标准研究山西中南部山西组晚石炭世双壳类的发现

    Study on the technical standards of Electrified Double Track Project between Seremban and Johor Bahru in Malaysia Discovery of Late Carboniferous Bivalves from Shanxi formation in Central and South Shanxi

  6. 一方面,核算方法已经跟国际标准基本接轨;马来西亚南部米轨铁路主要技术标准研究

    On the one hand , the country 's calculating method has dovetailed international practices . Study on the technical standards of Electrified Double Track Project between Seremban and Johor Bahru in Malaysia

  7. 并对九五期间和今后几个五年计划中,米轨铁路的修建顺序、技术标准、筹资渠道、管理模式等问题进行了论述。

    The Paper expounded the construction order , technical specification , financing channel and management mode of one meter gauge railways in the 9th Five Year Plan period and the next several Five Year Plans .

  8. 结合米轨铁路的线路特点、运量情况及东方红21型内燃机车在米轨约20年运用检修的实践,对新型米轨机车的选型问题进行了论述,对其应用前景进行了展望。

    Based on track features and traffic volume of meter-gauge railways , and some 20 years of application and maintenance of DFH 21 diesel locomotive on meter-gauge track , the lectotype of new meter-gauge locomotive was expounded , and its future was predicted .

  9. 滇越铁路作为云南境内唯一一条仍在使用中的米轨铁路,在云南交通史上是一个伟大的奇迹,历时7年完成的铁路承载了中法越三国人民智慧的结晶。

    Dian-Viet Railway , in Yunnan traffic history as the only one meter-gauge railway still in use , is a great miracle . The railway , which took seven years to complete , is also the crystallization of the wisdom of the chinese , french and Vietnam people .

  10. 昆明铁路局(以下简称昆明局)米轨(轨距1000mm)铁路有827km,是我国铁路网中唯一的米轨铁路。

    There is a meter gauge railway line of 827 kilometers in KunMing Railway Bureau , which is the only meter-gauge line in China .