
dān xíng dào
  • one-way street;one-way traffic
单行道[dān xíng dào]
  1. 他停都不停地冲过交叉路口,然后错拐进了一条单行道逆向飞驰。

    He zoomed through junctions without stopping and sped the wrong way down a one-way street .

  2. 但迄今为止,这些限制使经济联系成为了一条单行道,摩根大通(JPMorgan)驻香港的经济学家吴向红(GraceNg)表示。

    But the restrictions have so far made economic contacts a one-way street , says Grace Ng , an economist at JPMorgan in Hong Kong .

  3. 而且他们决不能忘记单行道!

    Moreover they must never forget the one-way streets !

  4. 通向混乱之路是条有去无回的单行道。单通道大功率LED热阻测试仪的研制

    The road to disorder is a one-way street . Development of Single-Channel High-Power LED Thermal Resistance Testing System

  5. 因此,移植是一个典型的单行道过程,而不是同步的;也就是说,您从一种UML工具中导出信息,并将信息导入到另一种UML工具中。

    Migration is therefore typically a one-way process and not a synchronization ; i.e. , you export information out of one UML tool and import it into another .

  6. 本文研究由城市环形街道所引起的强连通定向(单行道设计)图的问题,即研究由n1条环形道和从中心向外辐射的n2条路组成的城市街道图。

    The problem of finding strongly connected orientations ( one way street assignment ) for graphs , Specifically , the annular street graphs consisting of n 1 annular streets and n 2 avenues radiating from the center , which arise from annular streets of cities is studied .

  7. 这是单行道,到底是谁不对?

    But who 's going the wrong way down a one-way ?

  8. 他喜欢走偏僻小路和单行道。

    He took to the little byways and one-way streets .

  9. 就好比是一条禁止掉头的单行道。

    It is like a one-way street with no U-turns .

  10. 然而,投资并非都是单行道。

    However , the traffic is not all one way .

  11. 未来的进程不可能是单行道。

    The future doesn 't proceed along a single course .

  12. 我学到成功不是一条单行道。

    I learned that success isn 't a one-way street .

  13. 他正好把我们撞到反方向的单行道。

    He sent us right into the oncoming lane .

  14. 单行道上发生了交通事故。

    A traffic accident occurred in the one-way street .

  15. 有人在单行道开错方向。

    Guy going the wrong way on a one-way .

  16. 通向混乱之路是条有去无回的单行道。

    The road to disorder is a one-way street .

  17. 疼的单行道我逆行。

    Converse in painful one way street ii .

  18. 人们已经发现或重新发现华尔街不是单行道。

    People have discovered or rediscovered that Wall Street is not a one-way street .

  19. 同我们的预期相反,罗马尼亚渠道后来证明是条单行道。

    Contrary to our expectations , the Romanian channel turned out to be one-way .

  20. 友谊不是单行道。

    Friendship is not a one-way street .

  21. 最主要的原因之一是,我们把成功当作一条单行道。

    One of the big reasons is , we think success is a one-way street .

  22. 下个右转是单行道。

    The next right is one-way .

  23. 这里是单行道。

    This is a one-way street .

  24. 人生,单行道,小心走路,以免摔倒!

    Life , one-way street , be careful to walk , so as not to fall !

  25. 沿看一条单行道也会逆向行车,实在愚蠢。

    Driving the wrong way down a one-way street was a fairly daft thing to do .

  26. 这里是单行道吗?

    Is it one-way traffic here ?

  27. 那个商店在一条单行道的街上,这使停车很困难。

    The shop be in a one-way street , which make it very difficult for parking .

  28. 生活是一条单行道。

    Life is a one-way street .

  29. 这是单行道。

    This is one-way street .

  30. 走这条考试&大单行道。

    Take the one-way street .