
huà zhuānɡ wǔ huì
  • masquerade;fancy dress ball;masked/costume ball;costume party
  1. 我想说的是,意大利的化装舞会在全世界很有名的。

    I mean Italy 's masquerade is very famous around world .

  2. 他们都盛装去参加那个化装舞会。

    They were all dressed up to attend the masquerade .

  3. 他扮成足球运动员出现在化装舞会上。

    He turned up at the fancy dress party as a footballer .

  4. 客人们被告知要身穿化装舞会服装前来。

    Guests were told to come in fancy dress

  5. 他扮成白兔在复活节化装舞会上亮相。

    He turned up at a fancy dress Easter dance in the guise of a white rabbit

  6. 她在化装舞会上穿了一件过时的长袍。

    She wore an antique gown to the costume party .

  7. 化装舞会上的许多跳舞者戴着五颜六色的面具。

    Many of the dancers at the fancy dress ball wore colorful masks .

  8. 今晚有化装舞会。

    There is a fancy ball tonight .

  9. Jenny新人是不能参加化装舞会的,这是个传统。

    Blair : Jenny , freshmen don 't get to go to the masked ball . It 's just tradition .

  10. freshman:[美国英语]四年制高中的新生Jenny新人是不能参加化装舞会的,tradition:传统这是个传统。

    Blair : Jenny , freshmen don 't get to go to the masked ball . it 's just tradition . -

  11. 嘿,我是Blair,很抱歉现在不能接电话。但我正在为化装舞会做准备,晚上见,如果你能能认出我的话,当然不太可能。

    Blair : Hey , it 's Blair . I 'm sorry I can 't come to the phone right now , but I 'm getting ready for the masked ball . See you tonight , if you recognize me , which you won 't.

  12. 根据卡特的讲述,3K党成员之所以前来,是因为他们听说非裔美国人被邀请来化装舞会。妮尔的父亲A.C.李(A.C.Lee)和他们展开对峙,而后3K党成员离开。

    According to an account given by Mr. Capote 's cousin , Klan members came because they heard African-American guests had been invited to the costume party , and left after Nelle 's father , A. C. Lee , confronted them .

  13. 她正在考虑参加这个化装舞会。

    She is thinking of taking part in a masquerade party .

  14. 具有某一时期服装或化装舞会所穿着的服装特点。

    Characterized by the use of period costume or fancy dress .

  15. 他参加化装舞会时打扮得像一只香蕉。

    He went to the fancy-dress party dressed as a banana .

  16. 姑娘们已打扮好了准备参加化装舞会。

    The girls have dressed up for the fancy dress ball .

  17. 文明是野蛮在羔羊皮上的化装舞会。

    Civilization is the lamb 's skin in which barbarism masquerades .

  18. 她们打扮成两个女警察来参加化装舞会。

    They came to the fancy-dress party dressed as two policewomen .

  19. 她穿上伊丽莎白时代的服装去参加化装舞会。

    She dressed up in Elizabethan costumes for the fancy-dress ball .

  20. 乔装;伪装他们都盛装去参加那个化装舞会。

    masquerade They were all dressed up to attend the masquerade .

  21. 我们不是去参加化装舞会。

    We are not going to a fancy dress ball .

  22. 他们把自己打扮成牧羊人来参加化装舞会。

    They got themselves up as shepherds for the fancy dress ball .

  23. 我了解他,化装舞会?

    Serena : I know him . a masked ball ?

  24. 四年级学生在感恩节举行了化装舞会。

    The Seniors threw a masquerade party on Thanksgiving Day .

  25. 他为参加化装舞会匆匆制作了一个假面具。

    He patched together a mask for the fancy party .

  26. 怎么了?是化装舞会。

    Dan : What ? It 's a masked ball .

  27. 在布达佩斯会举行一个华丽的化装舞会。

    Here in Budapest there is a wonderful masquerade ball .

  28. 我想化装舞会是比一般的派对要有意思。

    I guess a masked ball is better than a regular party .

  29. 古怪的化装舞会一向很有趣,因为人们来时都穿着稀奇古怪的服装。

    A masquerade is always interesting because people come itt such outlandish costumes .

  30. 我女儿有一次打扮成修女去参加了一个化装舞会。

    My daughter once went to a fancy dress party as a nun .