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chán yú
  • Shan Yu;chief of the Xiongnu in ancient China
单于 [chán yú]
  • [chief of the Xiongnu in ancient China] 汉时匈奴人对其君主的称呼。泛指外族首领

  • 月黑雁飞高,单于夜遁逃。--唐. 卢纶《塞下曲》

  • 单于使卫律治其事。--《汉书.李广苏建传》

单于[chán yú]
  1. 实际上使用WEKAAPI让数据通过回归模型得到处理非常简单,远简单于实际加载数据。

    It 's actually quite easy to put our data through the regression model using the WEKA API , far easier than actually loading the data .

  2. 争夺单于继承权的斗争直接导致了匈奴的分裂。

    The direct causation is the fighting for the Chanyu 's heirdom .

  3. 爹爹我给您带来单于的剑

    Father . I brought you the sword of Shan-Yu .

  4. 大多数定货单于年初达到。

    Most of the order come in the early day of the year .

  5. 阻止单于摧毁这个村庄

    and stop Shan-Yu before he destroys this village .

  6. 所以应该是呼韩邪单于。

    So his name is Huhanye Chanyu .

  7. 单于是指匈奴的首领。

    Chanyu means the chief of Xiongnu .

  8. 该榜单于上周六发布,《财富》强调了滴滴在减少温室气体排放上的积极影响。

    Published last Saturday , Fortune highlighted Didi 's positive impact on cutting emissions of greenhouse gases .

  9. 呼韩邪单于和王昭君向汉元帝谢恩的时候,汉元帝看到昭君又美丽又大方,多少有点舍不得。

    Grateful to the emperor Hanyuan and Wang Zhaojun huhanye Chanyu when Emperor Hanyuan see lady beautiful person , somewhat reluctant .

  10. 新莽在发兵徼讨匈奴知单于的同时,施以分匈奴为十五单于的政策。

    When Wang Mang dispatched troops to suppress Xiongnu Zhi Chanyu , he carried out the policy of dividing Xiongnu into fifteen Chanyu .

  11. 没几年,匈奴的郅支单于侵犯西域各国,还杀了汉朝派去的使者。

    Not years , the king of the western regions Zhizhi Chanyu violations states , the scrapping of the Han Dynasty sent envoys .

  12. 公元前33年,呼韩邪单于到长安,汉元帝将宫人王昭君嫁与呼韩邪单于。

    In 33 B. C. , Khan Huhanye paid a visit to Chang'an . Emperor Yuan married Wang Zhaojun , a beauty at that time , to him .

  13. 从总体来看,维也纳仍旧蝉联全球最宜居城市。这份榜单于本周二公布。

    Overall , Vienna retains the top spot as the city with the world 's best quality of living , also keeping its first place ranking , said the survey released on Tuesday .

  14. 最新一期超级计算机500强榜单于上周一对外发布。这个每半年发布一次的榜单显示,我国“神威·太湖之光”不出意料地再次成为全球运算速度最快的机器。

    China 's Sunway TaihuLight has unsurprisingly taken the crown of the world 's fastest machine again , according to the latest edition of the semiannual Top 500 list of supercomputers released last Monday .

  15. 公元前72年,宣帝与乌孙联合攻打匈奴,后趁匈奴内部分裂之机,与呼韩单于建立友好关系。

    In 72 B. C. , the emperor allied with Wusun to attack Xiongnu , and then taking opportunity of the Xion-gnu 's internal splitting established a friendly relationship with Khan Han Chan Yu .

  16. 这一制度是对此前匈奴王位继承制度的改进,它使得匈奴单于位的继承更趋规范,并对日后匈奴及北方游牧民族的继承制度有着极大的影响。

    This system was improved at the base of the former system . It made the inherit system of Hun 's kingship more canonical and affected the inherit system after Hun and other northern nomadic nationalities greatly .

  17. 西汉建立之初,匈奴在冒顿单于领导下,在我国北方迅速崛起,成为一个足以与西汉王朝相抗衡的民族。

    In the beginning of the Western han dynasty , Xiongnu leaded by Modu Chanyu grew up rapidly in the north of our nation , and developed to be a nationality that could match the Western han dynasty .

  18. 每个所显示的资料不单于地图上标示了准确的位置,而且提供了详尽的资讯如服务范围、泊车费用,甚至街道上的咪表数目。

    Not only does it provide the exact location of each business , it has detailed information on what services are provided , what the parking rate is , and even the number of parking meters on the street .

  19. 公元384年,姚苌自称大将军、大单于、万年秦王,年号白雀,这标志着后秦政权的建立。

    In A.D.384 , Yao Chang named himself as Big General , Big Chan Yu , Thousand Years Qin King , and called the year & Bai Que . It was the symbol of the foundation of Hou Qin regime .

  20. 工程造价和主要工程量是评价一建筑工程的重要经济指标,特别是工程量清单于2003年7月1日在全国范围内展开以来,快速估算工程造价和主要工程量更具有其重要意义。

    Engineering cost and main quantities are the important economy index evaluating construction projects . It is important to quickly estimate engineering cost and main quantities since July . 1 2003 when the Bill of Quantity is put into practice in our country .

  21. 同时,巩俐也确定将饰演剧中的反派——一个强大的女巫(真人版的剧情与98年的动画稍有出入,女巫原来的角色是入侵的匈奴人首领——单于)。

    Meanwhile , Gong Li is confirmed as the villain in Mulan , a powerful witch ( this appears to be a departure from Disney 's 1998 animated version , in which the primary antagonist was Shan Yu , leader of the invading Huns ) .