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  1. 《红楼梦》是封建社会末期的“盛世危言”。

    The novel expressed a warning in the flourishing age of late feudal society .

  2. 1985年,尼尔·波兹曼发出了《娱乐至死》的盛世危言。

    In 1985 , Neil Postman was responsible for the alarmist talk named " Amusing Ourselves To Death " in prosperous times .

  3. 长期以来,郑观应的生平活动和他的代表著作《盛世危言》,以其对当时社会所产生的巨大震撼及对后世所产生的深远影响,而引起了众多学者的研究兴趣。

    For a long time , his activities of life and representative book " Blunt Words in Times of Peaces and Prosperity ", which caused a great stir in the society at that time and immensely influenced the later generations .