
shènɡ zhuānɡ wǔ bù
  • dressage
  1. 很好奇盛装舞步比赛的赛马是如何被运到海外的。

    Curious how dressage horses are transported overseas .

  2. 其它解释就是:盛装舞步是马术中的芭蕾。

    Dressage is often called the " ballet " of equestrian sports .

  3. 盛装舞步骑术、障碍赛和三日赛每个项目包括个人和团体比赛。

    Jumping and three-day event-each with individual and team competition .

  4. 遗憾的是她最终止步于盛装舞步的第44名。

    She missed out on qualification in the dressage , finishing 44th .

  5. 还有类似的解释:盛装舞步是法语调教动物的意思。

    Dressage is a French word that means the training of an animal .

  6. 盛装舞步名瑞制造我国马术盛装舞步骑手的比赛负荷

    Competition load of Chinese equestrianism dressage players Elegant Fashion

  7. 他们生活完全以盛装舞步为中心,其他所有的事都要退居其次。

    The professional 's life centers wholly on dressage and everything else takes second place .

  8. 现代的盛装舞步马匹大多属于轻巧型,具备其自身家族谱系的纯种血统。

    The modern-day dressage horse is definitely of the lighter type , with more thoroughbred breeding within its pedigree .

  9. 尽管瑞士在夏季奥运会项目方面实力并不强,但凭借其马术传统,它迄今已经赢得了15块盛装舞步奖牌。

    Although the Swiss are summer Olympic minnows , their equestrian tradition has won them 15 medals for dressage .

  10. 动作花样:盛装舞步赛的表演中的若干单个有艺术特点的动作。

    Movement : A single characteristic style of motion of a horse , several of which make up a dressage performance .

  11. 不管是盛装舞步、障碍赛还是三日赛,骑手和赛马只有很好地合作,才能以得好成绩。

    Whether it is dressage , show jumping , or three-day event , good results won 't occur unless the rider and the horse cooperate well .

  12. 如果你是一名或者希望成为一名选手,那么你应该认识到盛装舞步的训练方法贯穿于我们对马做的任何事情当中。

    If you are an eventer , or want to become one , then you have to realize that dressage permeates everything we do with horses .

  13. 现代奥林匹克运动会确立于1986年,而1912年斯特哥尔摩奥运会便包括马术比赛和盛装舞步。

    The modern Olympic Games were established in1986 and at the1912 Olympic games , held in stockholm , equestrian events , together with dressage , were included .

  14. 你经常能够在有关盛装舞步的文本中看到这样的表达,它通常被赞许的称道是应当发展和鼓励的特征。

    You often find this expression in the source documents of dressage , and it is always spoken of approvingly as a trait to be developed and encouraged .

  15. 由于担心马匹健康,瑞士决定退出2008年北京奥运会马术项目中的盛装舞步比赛,成为中国的奥运筹备工作在参赛方面遭受的第一个打击。

    Switzerland has dealt the first sporting blow to China 's preparations for the Olympics by withdrawing its dressage team from the games because of concerns over the health of its horses .

  16. 配乐盛装舞步的比赛在全世界都相当受欢迎,比赛门票经常早早销售一空。销售部门对上半年欧洲的销售情况进行了总结。

    The Kur is tremendously popular with audience around the word and is usually a sell-out event . The sales department has given a summary of sales in Europe for the first six months .

  17. 它是对两匹或多匹马速度的检验,包括不同盛装舞步赛,有鞍纯种马赛场赛和障碍赛。

    It is trials of speed between two or more horses , and involves races among harnessed horses with different gaits , saddled thoroughbreds along a flat track , and saddled horses over an obstacle course .

  18. 出于同样原因,滑冰,体操、跳水、盛装舞步、艺术体操、花样游泳、拳击以及其他任何由评委掌控结果的比赛都应该取消。

    By the same token , out would go ice skating , gymnastics , diving , dressage , rhythmic gymnastics , synchronised swimming and boxing , and any other event in which judges rule the roost .