
xiān zhī
  • prophet;prescience;a person of foresight
先知 [xiān zhī]
  • [prescience;person of foresight] 认识事物在众人之前;亦指认识事物在众人之前的人;宗教中指受神启示而传达神的意旨或预言未来的人

先知[xiān zhī]
  1. 他亵渎了这位神圣先知的圣名。

    He had defiled the sacred name of the Holy Prophet .

  2. 他深信自己是当代先知。

    He holds the belief that he is a latter-day prophet .

  3. 那时,信徒们尊他为先知。

    The faithful revered him then as a prophet .

  4. 那个小女孩说约拿(一位西伯来先知)就是被鲸鱼吞掉的。

    The little girl stated that a whale swallowed Jonah .

  5. 那说语言的,是建立自己;那讲先知话的,却是建立教会

    Whoever speaks in a tongue builds himself up , but whoever prophesies builds up the church .

  6. (他的预言书在犹太教正典中是较大的“十二先知书”〔theTwelve〕的一部分)。

    His prophecy is part of a larger book , The Twelve , in the Jewish canon .

  7. 这是否意味着,巴菲特这位一向都不愿投资硅谷公司的奥马哈先知(OracleofOmaha)现在已经将目光瞄准了谷歌?

    Does this mean that the oracle of Omaha , who has mostly shunned investments in Silicon Valley , now has his sights set on Google ?

  8. 在新上映的《乐高大电影》(LegoMovie)中,弗里曼为维特鲁威(Vitruvius)配音,这位盲人乐高先知在本片中有很多滑稽的台词。

    In the new Lego Movie , Freeman voices Vitruvius , a blind Lego guru who has his share of silly lines .

  9. 伊朗总统MahmoudAhmadinejad说作为复活节的礼物和先知Muhammed生日诞辰的礼物,他已经下令释放了英国人。

    Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he had ordered the release of the Britons as an Easter gift and out of respect for last week 's anniversary of the Prophet Muhammed 's birth .

  10. 试论冰心的《先知》翻译

    On the Translation of 《 The Prophet 》 by BING Xin

  11. 我必须读先知剩下的给你。

    I must read the rest to you from the Prophet .

  12. 因为众先知和律法说豫言,到约翰为止。

    For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John .

  13. 信他的先知就必亨通。

    Have faith in his prophets and you will be successful .

  14. 犹太人先知,早期基督教会以他为耶稣基督的先驱。

    Jewish prophet revered in Christianity as the forerunner of Jesus .

  15. 参加一些宗教课程并研读先知穆罕默德的传记。

    Attend religious lessons and study the biography of Prophet Muhammad .

  16. 成为先知的妻子很荣耀。

    It 's an honor to be the prophet 's wife .

  17. 谁是马奇亚维利,除了是一名原型非武的先知之外?

    Who is Machiavelli but an archetypal , unarmed prophet ?

  18. 在圣经里,我们读到关于古代的先知。

    In the Bible , we read about prophets who lived anciently .

  19. 且有好些假先知起来、迷惑多人。

    And a number of false prophets will come , causing error .

  20. 你觉得先知预言的背后是什么意思?

    What do you think is the message behind the Seers prophecy ?

  21. 是那先知吗,他回答说,不是。

    Art thou that prophet ? And he answered , No.

  22. 你的先知刚杀了个警察。

    Your prophet just shot and killed a police officer .

  23. 先知在自己的国家不被接受。

    A prophet in his own country is not accepted .

  24. 所以我差谴先知和智慧人并文士,到你们这里来。

    Therefore I am sending you prophets and wise men and teachers .

  25. 又蒙着他的眼,问他说:“你是先知,告诉我们打你的是谁?”

    64They blindfolded him and demanded ," Prophesy ! Who hit you ?"

  26. 先知耶利米写给被掳者的信中对他们有何劝勉?

    What encouragements were there in Jeremiah 's letter to the exile ?

  27. 先知撒母耳迅速处决了亚甲王。

    While the prophet Samuel put a swift end to King agag .

  28. 你为什么叫他先知?

    Why do you refer to him as the oracle ?

  29. 勇敢的先知在巨大的疼痛中挣扎着站起身来。

    The brave horse struggled to his feet , in great pain .

  30. 先知的灵,原是顺服先知的。

    And the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets .