
  1. 游侠与中国古代文学有着非常特殊的关系。从先秦散文到清代游侠小说,游侠一直在文人笔下走动,并不时扮演着不同角色。

    There is a very special relationship between knight-errant and Chinese antiquity literature .

  2. 在先秦散文史上,七十子后学散文处于上承史官记言散文、启诸子说理散文的枢纽地位。

    In the Pre-Qin prose history , the position of seventy Confucian disciples ' prose was between the historians and the various masters .

  3. 与先秦散文比较,可以看出这一形象塑造方式为《晏子春秋》所独有,为后世叙事性文学作品所继承。

    From these we can see that Shanghai in her novels is typically her Shanghai . Compared with the proses in the Pre-Qin days , we can see that the mode of creating image is solely bared in Yan Zi Chun Qiu , which is followed by later narrative literatures .

  4. 先秦诸子散文中两种文化差异成因之浅探

    Differences on the Cultural Reasons were Explored among Pre-Qin Dynasty Proses

  5. 20世纪先秦诸子散文研究之回顾与思考

    Research in Pre-Qin Philosopher Prose during the 20th Century in China

  6. 先秦诸子散文的审美特征

    The Aesthetic Characteristic of Prose of Philosophers of Pre-Qin Period

  7. 先秦诸子散文对话研究

    A Study on the Dialogue of Zhu-Zi Proses in the Period of Pre-Qin

  8. 先秦诸子散文是特殊的文学现象。

    Pre-Qin Zhuzi prose is a special literary phenomenon .

  9. 先秦诸子散文写作理论初探

    Initial Study on Theory of Prose Writing by the Pre - Qin Scholars

  10. 简论先秦历史散文的文化特性

    On the Cultural Traits of Pre-Qin Historical Prose

  11. 情采纷呈,显一家之“文”:是千恣百态的先秦诸子散文表现的鲜明审美特征。

    Its aesthetic characteristic is easily and distinctly found in the colorful and various expressions .

  12. 论先秦儒家散文中的喜剧意识

    On the Consciousness of Comedy in the Prose of the Confucianist in the Pre Qin Dynasty

  13. 人本主义视角下先秦诸子散文的价值发现。

    Second , the valuable discovery of Pre-Qin thinkers ' prose humanism under the humanistic perspective .

  14. 先秦诸子散文教学的现状及实施人本主义教育理论的策略。

    Third , the status of Pre-Qin thinkers ' prose teaching and strategy of humanistic education .

  15. 先秦诸子散文是中国小说产生的主要源头之一。

    Proses of various scholars in pre Qin times was one of the main resourses that produced Chinese fictions .

  16. 《国语》作为先秦历史散文的代表之一,以长于记事为人们所熟知,其叙事艺术亦有独到之处。

    As one of the representative historical prose before Qin Dynasty , Guoyu was well known for its artistic narration .

  17. 先秦诸子散文的最突出的写作经验就是将丰富的、富有个性的思想寄予字里行间。

    The most outstanding writing experience of Great Masters ' proses before Qin Dynasty is to consign rich and individual ideas in lines .

  18. 摘要先秦两汉散文经常出现以声观气事象,根据人的声音判断生命力的强弱及其功能属性。

    The proses of the Pre-Qin and Han Dynasties often have the images which judge the strength of vitality and their functional attributes according to the voice .

  19. 先秦两汉散文对于人的形貌描写,贯穿着巫术与理性精神的矛盾并存、壮观秀丽之美和怪异荒诞之美的错杂。

    The appearance description of characters in the prose of the pre-Qin and the two Han dynasties is filled with necromancy , spirit of reason , the beauty of elegant delicacy and monstrous absurdness .

  20. 他翻译过大量中国古代诗歌及先秦诸子散文,同时他还对中国古代几位重要诗人生平及思想进行过研究。

    He translated a great number of ancient Chinese poems and the great works of the masters of the Pre-Qin Era . Meanwhile , he studied the lives and thoughts of several great poets in ancient China .

  21. 首先明确先秦诸子散文在中国文化史上的地位及影响,先秦诸子散文文学范式、哲学思想及美学都对后世产生了深远的影响,是中华民族精神的滥觞。

    The prose of Pre-Qin thinkers clear position and influence in the history of Chinese culture first , the prose of Pre-Qin thinkers literary paradigm 、 philosophy and aesthetics had a profound impact on future generations , is the origin of the Chinese national spirit .

  22. 《韩非子》是先秦说理散文的名篇,长期以来,人们对这本书的研究多集中于文学研究和语法词汇方面的研究,在修辞这一方面相对缺乏。

    Han Feizi is the reason , the pre-qin prose masterpiece , for a long time , people to the study of the book focuses on literature research and vocabulary grammar study , in which on the one hand , the relative lack of rhetoric .

  23. 先秦至宋代散文山水游记发展概述

    A Brief Account of Development of Natural Scenery Prose of Travel from Pre-Qin to Song Period

  24. 综观先秦两汉历史散文的嬗变轨迹,我们发现文学、史学、哲学、经学四种要素在其间起伏消长,在不同的时期呈现出核心化或边缘化的地位。

    There are four formations , literature , history , philosophy and study of Confucian classics rising and falling in the transmutation of historical prose before Qin and Han . They are in central or frontier status during different periods .

  25. 先秦两汉史传散文教学与中学生素质的培养

    The Teaching of Historical Prose During Western Han and Eastern Han of Pre-Qin Period and Education for All-round Development of Middle School Student