
xiān jìn shì jì
  • exemplary deeds;meritorious deeds
  1. 文章记叙了他的先进事迹。

    The article tells about his exemplary deeds .

  2. 并推选为“陕西省农村科技致富带头人”等殊荣,先进事迹被录入《农科之星耀三秦》一书。

    And elects is " the Shanxi Province countryside science and technology becoming rich leader " and so on great honor , the exemplary deeds are input " Star of Yao Agricultural Branch Three Qin " a book .

  3. 他的先进事迹都上了电视了。

    His model deeds have been publicized on TV .

  4. 美国的学校系统里不乏一些可圈可点的先进事迹。

    AMERICA 'S schools are dotted with stories of progress .

  5. 那时的我们都从老师的嘴里学着王进喜、时传祥的先进事迹!

    At the time we have teachers from the mouth of the Wang Jinxi , when Chuanxiang the advanced deeds !

  6. 海南测绘局精心组织,广泛开展学习国测一大队先进事迹,掀起学习先进的热潮。

    Hainan Bureau of Surveying and Mapping carefully organized and extensive measurement study of a group of advanced countries deeds , set off a wave of advanced learning .

  7. 法官角色视野下的裁判理性&以2005中国法官十杰先进事迹介绍为分析范本

    The Judicial Rationality from the Perspective of Current Judge 's Role : Based on the Analysis of the Outstanding Deeds of the Chinese Top Ten Judges in 2005

  8. 在政策实施的过程中,一些基层政府已经取得了显著成效,在云南省文山州、德宏州等都有大学生村官带领群众寻找致富出路的先进事迹。

    During the process , some grassroots government has made remarkable progress : there are deeds that village officials lead the masses to be rich in Wenshan and Dehong .

  9. 本报讯昨日,省传染病医院、省艾滋病关爱中心和省心理卫生中心举行学习王春同志先进事迹报告会。

    Yesterday to the Provincial Hospital for Infectious Diseases , the provincial AIDS care center and the provincial Mental Health Center to learn the advanced deeds of Comrade Wang report .

  10. 大学生的道德自我修养要与拓展有关知识相结合,与实际行动相结合,与心理调适相结合,与遵守规章制度相结合,与学习先进人物事迹相结合。

    This self-cultivation in ethics should be integrated with the extension of knowledge , with actual deeds , with psychological adjustment , with the observance of rules and regulations , and with learning from the advanced .

  11. 职业道德教育要贯穿教学的全过程,要与学生的课外活动、社会实践以及心理健康教育结合起来,并通过职业指导、自我教育、学习先进人物事迹等形式不断提高学生的职业道德水平。

    Professional ethics education should be taken across the whole course of teaching , what ′ s more , be connected with students extra-curriculum activities , social practice and mental health education . In addition , students ′ professional ethics should be increased gradually by professional guidance and self-education , etc.