
  • 网络Clarify responsibilities;make their duties clear
  1. IMF的明确职责是,通过基于原则的严格外汇监督,促进国际再平衡和调整。

    The Fund has an explicit mandate to promote international rebalancing and adjustment through strict , principle-based foreign exchange surveillance .

  2. 一个(也可以是一组)具有明确职责的服务,即为给定对象上的增、查、改、删(CRUD)操作进行后端处理。

    A service ( or a set of services if you want ) with a very clear responsibility : doing the back-end part of CRUD on a customer .

  3. 一是加强领导,明确职责。

    First , strengthen leadership , clearly define their responsibilities .

  4. 完善管理明确职责提高仪器设备使用效益

    Perfect the Management , Clear the Work Duties , Improve the Utility of Instrument Equipment

  5. 这是拉斯金对商人提出的唯一明确职责。

    This is virtually the only explicit duty that Ruskin lays out for a merchant .

  6. 明确职责,落实责任;

    Crystallize responsibility , fulfil duty ;

  7. 介绍了中国石化山东石油分公司在加强设备管理,保证企业安全工作方面的经验,其做法是:健全组织,明确职责,确保设备管理工作顺利进行;

    Experience of Sinopec Shandong Oil Company to strengthen equipment control and ensure safety production is introduced .

  8. 因此,要加强领导、规范制度,明确职责,提高审计人员素质。

    Therefore , we should strengthen guiding , standardize system , make duty clear and promote auditors'quality .

  9. 金融服务业最重要的治理改革要让风险管理成为董事会的明确职责。

    The most important governance reform in financial services would make risk management the explicit duty of the board .

  10. 高校系级领导班子合力的形成,来源于明确职责,相互配合,协调一致;

    The formation of resultant force of department leading group in universities results from clear-cut responsibility , cooperation add harmony .

  11. 要科学设置组织机构,合理分工授权,明确职责。

    Institutional framework shall be set up scientifically for rational division of labor and authorization , and to define responsibilities clearly .

  12. 而要履行好使命,就必须在进一步明确职责的同时,严格坚持标准、遵守规范。

    To achieve the goal , it is a must to further specify the responsibilities and stick to the norms and standards .

  13. 做好教职工思想政治工作,加强领导,明确职责是保证;

    In order to do the work , it is a guarantee to strengthen the leadership and make clear the functions and responsibility ;

  14. 通过对失败的跨团队项目案例的分析,学员可以学习如何设定目标、明确职责和建立关系。

    Using a case study of a failing cross-group project , participants are taught to set goals , define roles and build relationships .

  15. 组织应对参与设计和开发的不同小组之间的接口进行管理,以确保有效的沟通,并明确职责分工。

    The organization shall manage the interfaces between different groups involved in design and development to ensure effective communication and clear assignment of responsibility .

  16. 因此保育员,保健医师,厨师,保安等都应该正确定位,明确职责,不断提升自我。

    Therefore , a nurse care physicians , cooks , security guards , etc should be correct positioning , clear responsibility , constantly improve yourself .

  17. 战队拥有完善的架构,严格规章制度和明确职责,以及得到店家的极力支持和官方的认证和协助。

    Team has a sound structure , strict rules and clear responsibilities , and get the store 's strong support and assistance and official certification .

  18. 首先要在管理决策层达成共识,明确职责,通过会议和培训的方式,逐步统一认识。

    First of all , the management decision-making class should reach an agreement , clear their duties and unify their understanding gradually through meeting and training .

  19. 因此应该从明晰角色、明确职责、摆脱依附关系几个方面对工会主席进行角色调试。

    So the role of leaders in trade unions should be adjusted in such ways as clarifying roles , confirming responsibilities and getting rid of dependent situations .

  20. 这样将精简监管机构,对机构部署进行重大调整从而明确职责,提供与其职责相称的权力,并改进问责机制。

    This would be a drastic realignment and simplification of regulatory agencies in order to clarify responsibilities , provide powers commensurate with those responsibilities and improve accountability .

  21. 不管部部长是指没有明确职责的政府部长。完善管理明确职责提高仪器设备使用效益

    Minister without Portfolio is a government minister with no specific responsibilities . Perfect the Management , Clear the Work Duties , Improve the Utility of Instrument Equipment

  22. 针对目前会计委派制实施中的认识不足和职权不实等问题,提出了明确职责、完善制度等改进措施。

    Based on the problems of insufficient understanding and unureal powers at present , the system such as the clear duty and perfect measures are put forward .

  23. 因此应明确职责,认识差距,通过制定规划,完善机制,优化结构,提高素质来尽快建立一支精良的学科馆员队伍。

    What ` s more , we should work out regulations , perfect mechanism , strengthen the organization and enhance the quality to build an excellent librarian team in specific branches learning .

  24. 本文探讨的可以实践的应对策略集中在组织层面,通过明确职责、共同应对的方式实现组织和个体的共同发展。

    This strategy applicable in this article is concentrated in the organizational level by means of clarifying the responsibility and dealing in common in order to realize individual and organizational development in common .

  25. 需要发挥政府综合管理的职能优势,有关职能部门之间要明确职责,形成社会治安综合治理的协调联动机制。

    The functional advantage of the comprehensive administration of the government will be given a play , and the related departments should clarify their duties so as to form the coordinated mechanism of social comprehensive administration .

  26. 文章从建立安全机构、明确职责、制定各种安全管理规定等方面说明建立安全生产管理制度的必要性,并阐述了规范生产、确保安全的方法。

    This paper expounds the necessity of setting the managing system for safe-production and gives measure for standard producing and ensuring security from the aspects of setting security mechanism , definiting duty and making rules for ensuring safety .

  27. 结合中国石化工程建设公司大型石化项目建设经验,介绍了工程总承包项目中进行施工管理及控制的方法,具体包括:(1)确定机构,明确职责,统一协作,各负其责;

    Construction management and control of turkey project are expounded based on the experience of large-scale petrochemical engineering projects . It includes : ( 1 ) Determining the management organization , defining their responsibilities and making a good cooperation .

  28. 结果健全和完善制度,加强各级人员的培训,明确职责,保证购入产品的质量和正确合理使用一次性使用医疗卫生用品。

    RESULTS The rules and institutions must be cultivated and perfected , the training of persons at all level be strengthened , the duty made clear to insure the quality of purchasing product and use the disposable medical device reasonably and correctly .

  29. 等等。针对这些问题,笔者提出了青岛市高等职业教育发展的宏观对策:一是明确职责,从体制上保证青岛市对所属高职院校的管理服务;

    According to these problems , the author makes the macroscopic countermeasure of Qingdao higher vocational education 's development . The first is to definite duty to guarantee that Qingdao serves for the management of the higher vocational college attached from system .

  30. 主要包括加强思想教育、通过立法进一步明确职责、加强依法管理基础工作、健全各项执法责任制度、建立行政主体行政作为的激励机制、完善水行政执法程序等内容。

    Strengthening ideological education , mainly including legislation to further clarify the duties according to law , strengthen management , improving the system of administrative enforcement responsibility , the administrative body as incentive mechanism , perfect the administrative law enforcement procedures as water content .