
  • 网络objective law of teaching;teaching laws
  1. 地球科学概论课教学规律探析

    Discussion on the Teaching Laws of the Course of Introduction to Geoscience

  2. 探索教学规律提高教学质量&高中物理教学中四轮教学法的实施

    Discovering Teaching Laws and Improving Teaching Quality Discovering Belgium

  3. 普通高校女生体育课教学规律的探讨

    Research on Teaching Regularity of Physical Education for College Female Students

  4. 工程热力学教学规律和方法的探讨

    A Discussion on the Teaching Method of the Subject of Engineering Thermodynamics

  5. 从语言教学规律谈医学专业双语教学

    Analysis of Bilingual Medical Education on the Basis of Language Teaching Rules

  6. 因此,必须根据高职教育的培养目标和高职教育教学规律,重新构建高职教育教学模式,以适应高职教育教学的需要。

    According to the fostering objective and teaching rules of higher vocational education .

  7. 体育教学规律探讨

    An exploration of the laws of the PE Course

  8. 英语专业视听教学规律初探

    The Regularity of Audio visual Teaching for English Speciality

  9. 所以多媒体课件的制作应符合教学规律,片面强调声形兼备,会导致许多环节与课堂脱节。

    So we should obey the teaching discipline in making multimedia computing technology courseware .

  10. 心理学教学规律探寻

    Discussion on the rule of Psychology Teaching

  11. 关于高职教学规律体系的探索

    On Higher Vocational Teach in g System

  12. 这是违背学生心理发展规律和作文教学规律的。

    This is a violation of the psychological development of students and the teaching structure .

  13. 探索两课教学规律增强两课教学效果

    Exploring " Two Lessons " s Teaching Regulation Strengthening " Two Lessons " Teaching Result

  14. 结构化学教学规律探索

    Research on teaching rule of structural chemistry

  15. 阅读教学规律探析

    Rule of Teaching in Reading Classes

  16. 探索高职高专英语教学规律适应新世纪对实用型人才培养的需求

    Exploration of teaching regularity and research of meeting the need of new century for practical talent

  17. 关于教学规律的思考

    On the Regular Rules of Instruction

  18. 再论教学规律

    Further Study of Teaching Law

  19. 三是加强研究高等音乐教育的社会关系规律,教学规律与研究规律;

    Strengthening the studies of the rules of social relations , instruction and research of music education ;

  20. 试论教学规律

    On the Law of Teaching

  21. 体育的自然内在价值论体育教学规律探讨

    A study of the natural intrinsic value of sport AN EXPLORATION OF THE LAWS OF THE PE COURSE

  22. 它不是力求发现客观存在的尚不为人知的体育教学规律,而是运用已知的体育教学规律去创造性地解决体育教学中的问题。

    Teaching rules , but for creatively solving the problems in P.E. teaching with known P.E. teaching rules .

  23. 通过探索情趣教学规律,从而使课堂真正焕发出生命的异彩。

    Exploring the law of temperament and interest teaching method can bring out the splendor of classroom life .

  24. 在生活情境中明理导行&小学品德课教学规律初探

    Understand and Conduct in the Real Life Situation & on the Law of Moral Course Teaching in Primary School

  25. 教学规律有教学内部规律和教学外部规律两大类;

    The law of teaching can be classified into two categories : the internal law and the external law .

  26. 高校学生评教量表是依据高校教学规律及特点而制定的。

    The university students comment teach the meter are formulate based on the university teaching rule and the characteristic .

  27. 遵循教学规律实践教学改革&地球科学概论课程教学改革与实践

    Following the Teaching Rules and Practicing the Teaching Reformation & Reform and practice of the course Introduction to Earth Science

  28. 总结了艺术体操教学规律,分析探讨了几种艺术体操教学方法和示范方法。

    The teaching rules of rhythmic gymnastics was summarized and several commonly-used teaching and demonstration methods of rhythmic gymnastics were analyzed .

  29. 随着中医术语翻译的规范化,中医专业英语的教学规律也将逐步确立。

    With the standardization of the Chinese medicine terminology , the teaching law of English for TCM purpose will be gradually established .

  30. 实践表明,该系统是符合电工学教学规律,特色鲜明的计算机辅助教学系统。

    The system accords with the law of electrotechnics teaching , computer assisted instruction and has distinct character in computer assisted instruction .