
  • 网络education journals;Educational Journal
  1. 中国近代教育期刊的发展起伏振荡;

    The development of education journals experienced up and downs in Chinese modern history .

  2. 试论教育期刊的文化追求

    On the Cultural Pursuit of Education Journals

  3. 随着我国文化产业的兴起和WTO规则在我国的全面实施,教育期刊社几十年来享有的市场特权将面临严峻挑战。

    With the rising of the cultural industry and the complete implementation of WTO regulations in China , these privileges enjoyed by the houses of the educational magazines for the past decades of years will be encountered with serious challenge .

  4. 远程教育期刊编辑素质浅论

    On the Editors ' Making in the Journal of Distance Education

  5. 试析化学教育期刊对化学教师专业化的重要作用

    The Importance of Chemistry Educational Journals to Teacher 's Professionalization

  6. 建立营销型教育期刊社(企业)的策略探讨

    On the Measurement of Establishing Marketing Enterprises of Educational Journals

  7. 教育期刊编辑对教师教学研究的认定和观察

    Educational Periodical Editor 's Identification and Observation for Teacher 's Teaching Researches

  8. 确认其为最早的医学教育期刊。

    YiYu was regarded as the first journal of medical education in China .

  9. 教育期刊如何坚持先进文化的前进方向

    How to Adhere to the Correct Way of Advanced Culture in Periodical Publications

  10. 对教育期刊一个热市场的冷思考

    A Cold Reflection to the " Hot Market "

  11. 高等教育期刊中的信息分形理论及其应用

    Message Fractal Theory and its Practice in Periodicals

  12. 新课程背景下中等地理教育期刊比较研究

    Curriculum Against the Background of the New Middle-Series a Comparative Study of Geography Education

  13. 浅谈教育期刊的编辑原则

    About the editorial principles on educational magazines

  14. 中国教育期刊的现代化特征

    The modernization features of Chinese educational journals

  15. 论教育期刊的社会视角

    The Social Visual Angle of Educational Periodical

  16. 教育期刊的发展是中国教育现代化的重要动力和内容。

    The development of education journals is the key drive and content of Chinese education modernization .

  17. 关于远程教育期刊走向世界的思考

    On Distance Education Journal Toward World

  18. 成功的教育期刊的专题策划,应具备深刻性、创新性、实践性三种品质。

    Successful special topics planning of education periodical should possess three kinds of quality : profound , innovative , practical .

  19. 其次,重点介绍了欧洲主要的高等教育期刊以及其他高等教育研究出版物的情况及各自的特点。

    Second , an account will be given on European higher education journals and other types of publications on higher education .

  20. 从陶土到特殊合成纤维,新兴材料创造了新建筑〉,《建筑教育期刊》(2004年出版),第54-65页。

    " From Kaolin to Kevlar Emerging Materials for Inventing New Architecture . " Journal of Architectural Education ( 2004 ): 54-65 .

  21. 据去年秋天的医学教育期刊报道,绝大多数学生感觉到通过四年的学习他们受到了足够的临床训练。

    Last fall the journal Academic Medicine reported that the vast majority of students felt they had received adequate clinical training during their four years of schooling .

  22. 教育期刊应该坚持以下几个编辑原则:编辑方针上坚持正确的导向性;

    There are some basic editorial principles in the field of educational magazines : The editorial guiding policy should be on the side of correct opinion orientation ;

  23. 教育期刊是期刊的重要组成部分,它有着相对固定的受众群体,因此,教育期刊封面设计应适时调整。

    Education journals is an important part of the journal , it has a relatively fixed audience , so the design of education journals cover should be to adjust timely .

  24. 因此,中国近代教育期刊属于中国近代教育发展进程中一个重要方面,是中国近代教育史研究的一个重要组成部分。

    Therefore , the Chinese modern education periodical publication belonged to both an important aspect of Chinese modern education development progress and an important part of Chinese modern education history research .

  25. 主要揭示了教育期刊在教育发展中扮演的重要角色、采用的传播策略、产生的积极影响,及其对教育发展做出的杰出贡献。

    Open out the important role , the policy , the positive influence and the outstanding contribution of the Chinese modern education periodical publication for the development of the Chinese modern education .

  26. 远程教育期刊编辑要提高自己的素质,就要不断更新自己的远程教育专业知识,在实践中努力学习;

    It also puts forward the opinion that it is the improvement and renewal of the professional and practical knowledge on distance education that becomes the core of the editors ' makings of distance education journal .

  27. 文章通过考察中国教育期刊与近代教育理论传播的历史,总结出教育期刊传播的主要教育理论内容及传播策略。

    By reviewing the history of the Chinese modern education periodical and the education theory spread , we can open out the important content and policy of the Chinese modern education periodical for the Chinese modern education theory .

  28. 研究近代教育期刊,揭示它与中国近代教育发展的关系问题,对于教育史研究和当代教育发展都具有重要的理论和实践价值。

    The study of the modern education periodical publication and the relationship between it and the development of the Chinese modern education , are historic for both the contemporary education development and the research of the education history .

  29. 中国近代教育期刊是中国近代教育发展的客观需要和必然结果,是近代教育发展过程中的一个重要方面,也是中国教育史研究的重要组成部分。

    The Chinese modern times education periodical is the Chinese modern times education development objective needs with the inevitable result , is in a modern education developing process important aspect , is also the Chinese history of education research important component .

  30. 从历史的角度考察近代教育期刊的产生与发展全过程,为进一步客观分析和研究教育期刊与中国近代教育发展的关系问题打好实证基础;

    Investigating the creation that modern educate periodical from the historical angle and development whole process , for further objective analysis with study to the relationship between it and the development of the Chinese modern education lays the substantial evidence foundation ;