
  1. 转变教育思想观念应对WTO规则

    Conversion of educational concepts to meet the rules of WTO

  2. 需要实现教育思想观念的转变;

    It needs the turnaround of the educational thought and conception .

  3. 地方高校教育思想观念的变革

    On Reform of Education Ideology of Local Colleges in China

  4. 更新教育思想观念是推进素质教育的关键

    Renewing Educational Thoughts and Ideas Form the Key to Promoting Quality Education

  5. 更新教育思想观念,扎实推进双语教学改革

    Study on Updating Teaching Ideas to Propel Solidly the Reform of Bilingual Education

  6. 浅谈教育思想观念的转变与更新

    A Superficial View on the Transformation and Renewal of Educational Ideology and Sense

  7. 可持续发展与教育思想观念的更新

    Sustainable Development and the Renewal of Educational Perspectives

  8. 教育思想观念要实现以下转变:从单纯的专业教育向综合素质教育转变;

    The following transformations are necessary : from specialized education to overall quality education ;

  9. 转变教育思想观念促进大学生创新能力培养

    Transform Educational Thought and Concept and Promote the Cultivation of University Students ' Innovative Ability

  10. 转变教育思想观念,深化动物类专业教学改革,提高人才质量

    Changing Education Ideology to Deepen the Reform of Animal Husbandry Specialty Teaching and Improve Talents Quality

  11. 转变教育思想观念培养新世纪高素质人才

    Revising the Thinking Mode Concerning Education and Cultivating Talents of High Quality for the New Century

  12. 中医药学教育思想观念的变革势在必行

    Change of TCM educational ideology

  13. 在对当代大学生人文精神缺失的原因分析的基础上提出了提高当代大学生人文精神的举措:一要确立现代教育思想观念;

    On the basis , I have put forward the countermeasures of improving university students ' humane spirit .

  14. 教育思想观念的转变,是推进高等工程教育改革的前提。

    The transformation of educational thoughts is a precondition for innovation for the development of higher engineering education .

  15. 摘要“大学理念”是人们对大学的理性认识、理想追求及所持的教育思想观念和哲学观点。

    Theory of university means rational recognation , ideal pursue , educational concept and philosophical concept people hold towards university .

  16. 借助现代远程教育思想观念对新时期成人高等教育发展的促进,构建与时俱进的成人高等教育创新发展模式。

    With modern distance education promoting the development of adult education we should construct creative developing mode with the advancing time .

  17. 教师的教育思想观念需要不断更新,对素质教育及基础教育课改的理解把握尚有欠缺。

    The educational idea of tutor needs replacing continuously and their mastering the quality education and the reform of the elementary education course is in deficiency .

  18. 从教育思想观念、体系、模式以及师资建设、人才培养等方面,提出正确发展我国高等工程教育的思路。

    The author put forward some suggestions on developing our higher engineering education correctly from the points of educational concept , system , mode and teachers construction , talents cultivation .

  19. 小学教师特有的素质由教育思想观念、思想道德素质、专业素质(业务素质)、文化素质、身心素质五方面构成。初步起草了因宁片的质量标准。

    The peculiar quality for primary school teachers consists of the following five parts : educational sense , ideological and ethical standards , professional qualities , cultural levels , and psychosomatic qualities .

  20. 大学办学理念指大学人对大学如何运作所形成的理性认识、理想追求及其有关的大学教育思想观念。

    The university-running ideas refers to the ideas on how to operate a university , which includes some rational knowledge , the pursuit of ideal , and some related educational theories and ideas .

  21. 从转变教育思想观念出发,完善教学管理制度,调整专业结构、增设全院性选修课,进一步深化教学改革。

    From the view of changing our educational ideas , some ways of perfecting teaching management system , adjusting the structure of specialities , extending college-wide selective courses and deepening teaching reform are introduced .

  22. 教育思想观念和意识创新、教育教学方法的创新、教育管理体制的改革创新是教育创新的重要内容。

    Educational concept and consciousness innovation , educational reform and innovation of management system of teaching method are the important contents innovated in education . This paper probes into studying these three respects mainly .

  23. 在热能与动力工程和建筑环境与设备工程两专业课程体系整合中,注意更新教育思想观念,优化课程体系,加强素质教育。

    In the course of the adjustment of the two specialty courses-heat treatment and dynamics , architecture and installation engineering , we should renew our educational concepts , optimize the discipline system , strengthen quality education .

  24. 大学理念:人们对那些综合性、多学科、全日制普通高等学校的理性认识、理想追求及其所形成的教育思想观念和教育哲学观点。

    And ( 3 ) University concept refers to human beings ' rational understanding , ideal pursuit as well as ideological ideas and philosophical viewpoints concerning those comprehensive , multidisciplinary and full time institutions of higher learning .

  25. 从转变教育思想观念入手,深人田径课程体系和教学内容的改革,构建合理的田径课程结构框架,有效地保证培养目标的实现。

    To perfect the system of the track and field course and deepen the reform of the teaching contents , we should set about changing the conception of education and build a reasonable structure for the course .

  26. 在这个阶段,要求更新教育思想观念、人才培养模式以及教育方法,全面实施素质教育,这对教师素质提出了更高的要求。

    In this stage , the request renewal education ideological concept , the personnel training pattern as well as the education method , implement the education for all-around development comprehensively , this set a higher request to the teacher quality .

  27. 农村教师的教育思想观念陈旧,教育科研能力欠缺,教学方法和手段落后,严重制约了农村教育的发展,提高农村教师的专业化水平势在必行。

    The thought and idea of the rural teachers are obsolete , while the teaching methods are old-fashioned , which limit seriously the development of the rural education , so it is inevitable that improving the rural teachers ' professionalism level .

  28. 本文还从教育思想观念转变、教学方法手段改革、学生科研能力培养、优质教育资源共享、加强国际合作交流等方面提出了保证人才培养模式有效实施的若干建议。

    This thesis finally comes up with some suggestions as to how to effectively put the Pattern of Training Talents into practice from the aspects of transforming educational thoughts , reforming teaching methods and training students ' research ability and sharing high-quality educational resources .

  29. 高等师范院校要从教师教育思想观念的创新、学科专业结构的调整和人才培养模式改革等方面积极推进教师教育管理制度的改革创新,为建设有中国特色教师教育体系做出新的贡献。

    They should actively carry out the reform in management systems from aspects of bringing forth new ideas , adjusting the structure of subjects and specialities and reforming the mode of cultivating qualified personnel so as to make new contributions to the building of teachers education with China 's characteristics .

  30. 关于高等教育转变思想观念与深化教学改革的思考

    Thought on Transforming Ideology and Intensifying Teaching Reform in Higher Education