
  • 网络Command ability;Command Skills
  1. 基于LMBP算法的防空兵群射击指挥能力评估模型

    Research on the Air Defence Artillery Group Firing Command Ability based on the LMBP Algorithm

  2. 无人飞机能够大幅度的帮助地面指挥官提高指挥能力,使得它变成了一个炙手可热的“商品”,一个前F-16战隼式战斗机飞行员说。

    What make unmanned aircraft such a hot commodity is the proven capabilities they give ground commanders , the former F-16 Fighting Falcon pilot said .

  3. 这位德国的1号球员在2014世界杯上状态不错,7场比赛仅失守四球,这一成绩令FIFA官方技术统计组对其拦截射门的能力、卓越的指挥能力以及在罚球区发动进攻的能力都叹为观止。

    The Germany No1 was in fine form for the Nationalmannschaft during Brazil 2014 , conceding just four goals in seven games and impressing FIFA 's Technical Study Group with his shot-stopping ability , his commanding presence and his ability to start attacks from his own penalty area .

  4. 舰船装备技术保障指挥能力评估研究

    Study on the evaluation of warship equipment technical support command ability

  5. 体操教学中指挥能力评定方案的研讨

    A Study on Evaluating Scheme on Commanding Abilities in Gymnastics Teaching

  6. 战术导弹指挥员指挥能力模糊评估模型

    Fuzzy Evaluation Model of Command Ability for Commander of Tactical Missile

  7. 信息化条件下装甲团作战指挥能力评价研究

    Research on Evaluation of Operational Command Capability for Armored Regiment under Information Condition

  8. 防空兵群射击指挥能力的模糊综合评价方法

    A fuzzy comprehensive assessment method of air defence artillery group firing command ability

  9. 卫生行政部门突发公共卫生事件指挥能力研究

    Study on Emergency Command System Capacity of Health Administration

  10. 模糊综合评判理论的战时指挥员指挥能力

    Study on Command Ability for Commander During Wars based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Theory

  11. 云重心理论在装甲机械化部队射击指挥能力评估中的应用

    Application of Cloud Gravity Center Theory in Armor Mechanization Troop Fire Control Capability Evaluation

  12. 投入业务运行以来,显著地提高了实施火箭高炮人工增雨、防雹作业的地、市级人工影响天气作业的指挥能力。

    It greatly improves the command capability for prefecture-level rain enhancement and hail suppression operations .

  13. 这也从侧面反映了一名教练员临场指挥能力的高低。

    From the side , which also reflects the level of a Coaches command ability .

  14. 带有内置传感器和无线电指挥能力,为了满足用在墙上和地板上使用。

    With built-in motion sensor or wirelessly interconnect able , for wall or floor mounting .

  15. 基于支配矩阵的指挥能力模糊评价方法

    A Method 's Research of the Vague Appraisement Of Command Ability Based on the Controlling Matrix

  16. 目的:了解卫生行政机构在突发公共卫生事件的应对过程中指挥能力的现状并分析其影响因素。

    Objective : To investigate the emergency command system situation of health administrations and analysis the influencing factors .

  17. 该系统为卫勤组织指挥能力的评估,提供了评定标准与方法。

    This system also provides criteria and methods for evaluation of the ability of organization and command of medical service .

  18. 警察指挥员的执法作战指挥能力是影响警察执法活动效能的基本因素之一。

    The ability of police commanders in law enforcement operations is one of the fundamental factors which can affect their efficiency .

  19. 从教练员的基本知识结构、基本能力、领导行为、临场指挥能力等方面对有关教练员素质研究的115篇文献进行总结分析。

    This paper analyzes 115 papers about the quality of the coaches from the knowledge structure , ability and leadership behaviors .

  20. 最后为基于信息系统的体系作战指挥能力引入了合适的评估方法并应用举例,增强了论文研究的现实指导意义。

    At last introduced appropriate assessment methods for the capability and application examples and further enhance the practical significance of this thesis .

  21. 干部,包括各级领导干部,都要在苦练中增长指挥能力和管理能力。

    All cadres , including leading cadres at all levels , should increase their ability as commanders and managers through intensive training .

  22. 分析其原因,提出相应的建议和措施,为我国教练员临场指挥能力的提高提供一定的理论依据。

    Analysis of the reasons put forward proposals and measures to provide a theoretical basis for the improvement of our Coaches command ability .

  23. 分析了不同指挥能力下的参与者,怎样从受骗强度这个参数有效的判断指挥员的“能力”;

    We study actors command ability that is different and how about in " Fucked Intension " that is parameter estimation command ability .

  24. 领导挂帅,集中精力,不断提高对专案侦查的组织指挥能力;

    The leader is in command , concentrate his energy and steadily improve the ability of organizing and directing the investigation of the examplary cases ;

  25. 由内布拉斯加大学所做的一项研究发现,有节制地运用所谓人类“阴暗面”品质能够提高人们的指挥能力。

    A study by the University of Nebraska found that these so-called " dark side " qualities in moderation enhance people 's ability to command .

  26. 运用基于模糊交集运算的分析方法,建立了战术导弹指挥员指挥能力评价指标体系及模糊评价模型。

    Based on the method of fuzzy intersection calculation , evaluation index system and fuzzy evaluation model of command ability for commander of tactical missile are established .

  27. 对指挥员的作战指挥能力建立多层评估指标体系,采用二级模糊综合评判模型对其评估。

    The aim of the project is to divide the commanders operational command capability index system , and to realize evaluating it by using two-level fuzzy synthesis evaluation model .

  28. 从领导科学的视角,提出了加强防汛救灾行政指挥能力建设、促进行政指挥活动科学化的途径。

    From the angle of leadership science , the author presented the routes to strengthen administrative leadership construction and to promote scientific administrative command for flood control and disaster relief .

  29. 阐述了武警水电部队在应急救援具有强大的指挥能力、迅捷的应急机动能力、精湛的专业技术能力和很强的装备能力。

    Armed Police Hydropower Troops have strong command ability , rapid emergency mobile ability , consummate professional technology ability and advanced equipment ability , but it has still many disadvantages to progress .

  30. 近年来,国家将劫持人质事件核心区武力突击重任交与武警部队,对武警部队的应急指挥能力、处置能力等均提出了很高的标准和要求。

    In recent years , the country has taken the armed assault of core area to the CAPF , which proposed high standards and requirements for the emergency command capacity and disposal capacity .