
  • 网络the functions of social conflict
  1. 指出科塞《社会冲突的功能》一书在研究方法上的不足是为了强调建构命题化的理论的一些基本原则。

    This article aims to emphasize the principle of instituting the theory that comprised some propositions through pointing out several shortcomings in Coser 's book The Functions of Social Conflict .

  2. 社会冲突的双重功能

    The Dual Functions of Social Conflict

  3. 社会冲突的根源与功能探讨

    On the Source and Function of Social Conflict

  4. 在当代的宪政制度发展中违宪审查制度起着有效地解决宪法规范与社会现实冲突的重要功能。

    In the development of constitutional system of the time , the constitutional review power plays an important role in effectively resolving the conflicts between constitutional rules and social praxis .

  5. 文章的重点内容是第三和第四章的案例描述和分析,在这两部分中,论文重点分析了社会冲突的政策根源及其后果,以及社会冲突的建构功能之所以有限的原因和表现。

    The third and fourth chapters are the main parts of this paper to describe the case and analyze the causes and consequences , also the reason for the limited performance of social conflict .

  6. 社会冲突存在于每一个社会中,辩证地认识社会冲突的功能具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。

    Social conflict exists in every society . A dialectic recognition of its functions is of great theoretical and practical significance .