
  • 网络Social records;society in the news
  1. 《社会记录》是中央电视台新闻频道晚间的一个新闻栏目。

    Social Recording is a news programme of CCTV-News Channel which is presented at mid-night .

  2. 社会的记录深邃的思考&读冰心的问题小说

    Social Record , Deep Thought & Reading Issue Novel by Bing Xin

  3. 信息技术的快速发展不仅改变着人类社会的记录内容与方式,同时也改变着人类社会包括档案观在内的信息观念和思想。

    Its fast development is not only changing the recording mode of the society , but also changing the information conception and thinking .

  4. 佛罗里达州桑福德的一名法官称,邻里守望志愿者乔治·齐默尔曼的律师可能会传唤特雷沃恩·马丁的学校和社会媒体记录。

    A judge in Sanford , Florida says lawyers for neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman may subpoena school and social media records of Trayvon Martin .

  5. 马丁的父母出席了法庭审理,并谴责齐默尔曼查看他们儿子的学校及社会媒体记录的作法,称该行为是指责受害者的手段。

    Martin 's mother and father attended the hearing and condemned Zimmerman 's efforts to get access to their son 's school and social media records , saying it 's part of the strategy to blame the victim .

  6. 奎因说,这些证据已经包含在向社会公开的记录文档中。

    Mr. Quinn said the exhibits were already in the public record .

  7. 地方文献是有关一个区域自然和社会的历史记录,是一种重要的信息资源。

    The local documents are the historical records about the history and nature in a region , and are the important information resources .

  8. 语言作为社会生活的记录和重要的文化现象,必然会受到民族文化心理的影响。

    Language as a record of social life and the important cultural phenomenon , we certainly will be the psychological impact of national culture .

  9. 相比岩芯百余年来的时间跨度而言,广西社会统计资料记录的年限较短,无法满足本次研究较长时间的需求。

    Compared with the time span of 100 years , the data of social statistics in Guangxi was shorter , which can not meet the needs of academic research .

  10. 他说:我们第一次见到可能是抄写人员留下的真实记录,其工作就是玛雅社会的官方记录员。

    For the first time we get to see what may be actual records kept by a scribe , whose job was to be official record keeper of a Maya community , Saturno said .

  11. 这是一次社会实验录像记录下的一部分,今夏这个视频已经在网络上传开了并触碰了时下该国关于物质主义和价值观的争论。

    That scene ispart of a video , a social experiment of sorts , that 's been making the rounds onChina'sInternet this summer , and has struck a nerve in the country'songoing debate over materialism and values .

  12. 新词语是社会生活的真实记录。

    The new words are a true record of the social life .

  13. 磁记录是当今信息社会不可或缺的信息记录方式。

    Nowadays the magnetic recording is an absolutely necessarily method for message storage in the information era .

  14. 通过后继问卷调查,社会保障行政死亡记录及国家癌症登记得出结果。

    Outcomes were followed using subsequent questionnaires , Social Security Administration death records , and state cancer registries .

  15. 档案是人类社会活动的真实记录,学生档案又是学校整体档案中的主要组成部分。

    Archives is a real record of the human society , and the student archives is an important part of the whole archives in the school .

  16. 笔者分《游居柿录》为游览山水之记录、文学思想之记录、奇人异事之记录、社会民虞之记录、文字之特色五个部分。

    I divide Yuan 's diary into travel record , literature record , strange people record , social the people record , parts of characteristic of characters .

  17. 本章首先通过对游记与游记里的世界和民族的分析,揭示了晚清至1927年以前的游记中对社会观念变化的记录和表现。

    This chapter shows how the travel notes recorded the change of the social concept by the way of analyzing the world and the nations in the travel notes .

  18. 档案作为人类社会活动的真实记录,是党和国家的宝贵财富,是管理国家和进行建设的重要依据。

    Files as the true record of human society , the party and the state is a valuable asset , the management of State and an important basis for building .

  19. 事实上,作为社会产物和历史记录(尽管是间接的)的哥特小说,积极地参与了政治,探讨和反思了社会的方方面面。

    Close scrutiny reveals that American Gothic fiction , as part of social product and ( indirect ) historical record , involves itself in politics and reflects almost every aspect of the society .

  20. 档案作为社会政治、经济、文化、艺术等各种社会活动的原始记录有着其特殊的不可替代的重要意义,成为当今社会不可缺少的重要社会资源。

    Archives which recorded the various social , political , economic , cultural and artistic primitives activity of human carries the special irreplaceable significance and has become one of the indispensable and important social resources today .

  21. 地名的命名总是有它不同寻常的由来和含义,一般与当时的历史背景、地理环境、社会生活、民族习俗等密切相关,是一个地区、一个民族文化起源、社会发展的真实记录。

    The place name assigns always have unusual origin and meaning as the place-name closely related to the general historical background , geographical conditions , social life , and the place-name is a region 、 a cultural origins and is alse the true record of social development .