
  1. 中、越、朝社会主义经济体制改革之比较

    The Economical System Reform of Socialism in China , Vietnam and North Korea

  2. 中国医疗体制改革是社会主义经济体制改革的重要部分。

    Reform of our health care system constitutes an important part of Chinas socialist economic restructuring .

  3. 以市场为取向的社会主义经济体制改革推动了我国企业并购的蓬勃发展。

    The socialist economic system reform taking market as orientation has promoted the flourishing development which enterprises of our country merged .

  4. 随着我国社会主义经济体制改革的推进,中小企业作为社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分受到了越来越多的重视。

    With advance of the Socialism economic system reform in our country , SMEs , as an important component of Socialism economics , have got more and more attention .

  5. 据此,社会主义经济体制改革的根本目标是建立与市场经济内在制度要求相适应的市场型公有制及新的所有制结构,不能把经济改革停留在实现形式这个层面上。

    According to this , the main purpose of the reform of socialist economy system is to build " a market mode of public ownership " and its ownership structure .

  6. 社会主义经济体制改革和社会主义现代化建设的实践,使得马克思主义经济理论在当代中国的发展具有客观必然性。

    In contemporary China , Marxist economy theory development appears to be its objective and inherent nature , with the reform of socialist economy system and constructive practice of socialist modernization .

  7. 立足于现实经济条件讲授马克思经济理论,要突出其建设性对社会主义经济体制改革和现代化建设的指导性,推进社会主义生产力的发展。

    Basing on the economic condition of reality to teach Marx 's economic theory , we must stress its constructiveness , and the guidance of the socialist economic system reform and modernization to advance the development of socialism productivity .

  8. 社会主义经济体制改革需要巨大的精神支持和科学的价值导向,而促使传统的职业价值观的更新,形成适应社会主义市场经济发展的职业价值观,就是其中的一项重要内容。

    The reform of the socialist economic system needs great moral encouragement and scientific values leading . While spurring the renewal of traditional vocational values and forming vocational values which is adjust to socialist market economy are just one of the important items .

  9. 在社会主义经济体制改革中铁路长期受计划经济和高、大、半管理模式的影响,铁路体制改革滞后,铁路建设工程的管理也与我国全面建立社会主义市场经济很不适应。

    Resulting from long-time influence of the planned economic system and " high-concentrated , large-geared , and half-militarized " management mode , railway structural reforms have fallen far behind in the structural reform of the socialistic economy and cannot adapt to the socialist market economy .

  10. 在1986年企业破产法(试行)移植之际,我国刚刚开始社会主义经济体制改革,计划经济仍占主导地位,因此在移植中借鉴吸收了许多东欧社会主义国家和大陆法系国家破产法的相关内容。

    In 1986 enterprise bankruptcy law ( trial )' s transplantation , our country just begun the socialistic economic reform , the planned economy still dominated the whole society , so we absorbed a number of relevant Bankruptcy Laws from Eastern European socialistic countries and civil law countries .

  11. 所有制改革是当今社会主义国家经济体制改革进程中的一项基本内容,也是一个热点和难点问题。

    The system of ownership reform is a basic content in economic restructuring advancement of present age socialistic countries ;

  12. 经济责任审计是一项我国特有的审计工作,与我国社会主义市场经济体制改革密切相关。

    Economic responsibility auditing is a unique auditing work in China , and it 's closely related to our socialist market economic system .

  13. 究其原因,既有社会主义市场经济体制改革实践推动的正面原因,也有我国目前分配体制不完善、调节机制不健全的负面原因。

    The reasons of this situation are reform of socialism economy system in positive side and the defect of our nation 's distribution system .

  14. 改革开放以来,我国大力推进社会主义市场经济体制改革,国民经济取得了巨大的发展。

    Since reform and opening , China has been vigorously promoting the socialist market economic system and the national economy has made great development .

  15. 因此,改革传统的行政决策体制是社会主义市场经济体制改革深入发展的必然要求。

    Therefore , it is an inevitable demand of socialist market-directed economy system for its further development to reform the traditional administrative decision system .

  16. 山东省级政府采购制度建设,是伴随着社会主义市场经济体制改革的不断深入和行政体制改革的不断深化而逐步发展起来的。

    Shandong Provincial Government Procurement System ( SPGPS ) has been gradually developed with the continuous reform progress of socialism market economy and administrative system .

  17. 但随着我国社会主义市场经济体制改革的深入和劳动关系的变革,我国劳动法中的解雇保护制度已经不能满足现实的需要。

    However as the deepening of socialist market economic system and the changing of labor relation , it can no longer meet the need of the reality .

  18. 中国培育民法理念的有效途径是深化社会主义市场经济体制改革、完善民事法律制度以及培育现代化的法律观念。

    The efficient way to cultivate civil-law idea in China is deepening the reform of socialism market system , consummating civil-law system and cultivating modern law concept .

  19. 随着社会转型和社会主义市场经济体制改革带来的社会分层加剧和利益格局分化,中国正从单一性社会向多样性社会转型。

    With the innovation of socialism market economy , that society stratifies and the pattern of interests becomes divided make the china society transfer from oneness to diversity .

  20. 激进经济学对资本主义的批判,对我们认识当代资本主义有积极意义,对社会主义市场经济体制改革也有借鉴意义。

    The criticism of radical economics on capitalism is a positive contribution in the study of contemporary capitalism , and also a meaningful reference for the socialist market economic reform .

  21. 从国内情况看,自1978年十一届三中全会以来,我国积极推行社会主义市场经济体制改革。

    Judging from the domestic situations , since the Third Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party in 1978 , our country has actively promoted the systematic reforms in the socialist market economic .

  22. 在这一时期,能否实现经济公正不仅关系到社会主义市场经济体制改革的成功与否,而且也会影响到人的全面自由的发展。

    In this period , whether we can realize the economical justice does not connect with the success or fail of the socialism market economy reform but can influence the full development of the man .

  23. 高校信贷融资风险研究是随着社会主义市场经济体制改革以及高等教育事业迅速发展而出现的一个崭新的课题。

    The investigation of the higher education financing risk is a brand-new topic which appears along with the reform of the socialist market economic system as well as the rapidly development of the higher education cause .

  24. 我国随着社会主义市场经济体制改革的发展,公用设施建设的投资已由单一的政府财政投入转为多元投资(引入社会资金)和市场化运作的新机制。

    With the development of reform of socialist market economic system , the investment of public works construction has been changed from the unitary investing by the government to a new system of multi-investing and marketable management .

  25. 企业是微观经济的基础,关系着物质资料和经济关系的生产和再生产,能否解决好企业改革问题直接关系到我国社会主义市场经济体制改革的成败。

    The enterprise is the basis of micro-economy . It matters the production and reproduction of material and economy relationship . The solution to the enterprise reform has a direct effect to the success of socialist economy system .

  26. 应通过加强诚信教育,积极推进社会主义市场经济体制改革,规范政府行为,建立、健全信用管理体系等措施重塑我国诚信形象。

    To reconstruct credit in China , it is essential to strengthen the credit education , to promote the re-form of socialist market economic system , to regulate the government actions and to set up credit administration system .

  27. 地方政府债务是在我国社会主义市场经济体制改革进程中,伴随着计划经济体制向市场经济体制的转轨和政府职能的转换而产生的一种社会经济现象。

    As a social and economic phenomenon , local governmental debts came into being in the process of our socialist marketing economy reform when the planned economy is being transformed into the marketing economy and the functions of governments are being switched .

  28. 本文根据社会主义经济体制的改革趋势,提出三种宏观控制模式:计划产品经济的宏观控制模式Ⅰ;

    Three models for macroscopic control are seen by the author of the present arti-cle as working in the trend of reforms in the socialist economic system , they are : Model ⅰ of the macroscopic control for the planned product economy ;

  29. 而且,随着社会主义市场经济体制改革的深化和社会经济的快速发展,西部地区现行的水利工程管理模式已不能适应新形势的要求。

    Also , with the the deeply change of the socialism 's market economy system reform and the development of society economy , the actual management mode of water resource engineering in the west region has not already adapted with the demand of the new situation .

  30. 与此同时,社会主义市场经济体制改革的深化,也迫使政府不断的优化目标管理,向基层单位增加任务和职能,为社会承担起更多的责任。

    The people set the new request to their life style , Meanwhile , Socialist market economic system reform deepening , Also force government unceasing optimization management by objectives , Increases the duty and the function to the Basic unit and undertakes more responsibilities for the society .