
  • 网络milk maturity;milking maturity;milky maturity;milky ripe;milk ripeness
  1. 抽穗期、齐穗-乳熟水稻处生长旺盛阶段,其白天CO2通量水平与产量高低基本一致;

    Day-time CO2 flux is generally consistent with yield during the period of heading and the period from full heading to milky maturity .

  2. 无论冬、春小麦,在其整个生育时段中,最大需水量均在开花-乳熟时段,日平均需水量达5mm左右;

    For either winter or spring wheat , in the whole growth stages , the maximum CWR is in the period from the blooming to the milky maturity stage , being about 5 mm / day .

  3. 开花之前水分胁迫使SOD、POD活性增强,开花期各处理SOD活性均达到最高值,随后开始降低,灌浆期到乳熟期急剧降低;

    Under water stress condition , SOD and POD activity enhanced before flowering stage .

  4. 乳熟期玉米青贮DM的有效降解率比乳熟前期高7.78个百分点(P0.05)。

    The DM effective degradability of milk stage was higher 7.78 ( P0.05 ) percent point than premilk stage 's effective degradability .

  5. 初步分析了乳熟期水稻群体野外光谱、微分光谱与土壤盐分、pH值的关系。

    The relationships between canopy field spectra and the first derivative spectra of rice at ( milky-ripe ) stage and total salt content and pH value of soil were discussed initiatively .

  6. 在H2和CO2生长的产甲烷菌数量,晚稻在分蘖盛期明显增高,到乳熟期可高达3.1×10~(11)个/克干土;

    That on H_2 / CO_2 increased significantly at the vigorously tillering stage of late rice , reaching 3.1 × 10 ~ ( 11 ) / g dry soil at milk ripening stage ;

  7. 青贮玉米乳熟期鲜产量较高,但含水量也最高,DM含量较低,营养物质累积过少,不利于青贮。

    But also with the highest liquid water content , the lowest dry matter , and the nutrientsubstance cumulation is little , not suitable for the silage .

  8. BA不同时间处理不同器官对各器官氮素的吸收和运转均有影响,对增加穗氮积累最明显的是乳熟期BA处理穗。

    That BA treated different organs in different stages influences absorption and tranfer of N. While what the most significantly increased ear N accumlation was BA treated ear in milky stage . 2 .

  9. 结果表明:蜡熟期玉米青贮DM的有效降解率(60.07%)分别比乳熟期(52.91%)和乳熟前期(45.13%)高7.16个百分点(P0.05)和14.94个百分点(P0.01);

    The results showed that the DM effective degradability of dough stage was higher 7.16 ( P0.05 ) and 14.94 ( P0.01 ) percent point respectively than milk stage 's and premilk stage corn silage 's.

  10. sul型甜玉米种子乳熟后百粒重和活力变化的研究

    Study on 100 kernel weight and seed vigor of sul type sweet corn seeds after milky rite

  11. 穗壳果聚糖积累和含量在开花期(0N)或乳熟期(200N)最高。

    For chaffs , its peaked at anthesis ( 0 N ) or milk-ripe stage ( 200 N ) .

  12. 饲喂乳熟前期、乳熟期、蜡熟期玉米青贮组成的日粮的奶牛瘤胃液pH值变动范围分别为6.37~7.27,6.37~6.97,6.33~7.27;

    The rumen pH value of cows fed diets containing corn silage harvested at premilk stage , milk stage and dough stage ranged from 6 . 37 to 7 . 27 , 6 . 37 to 6 . 97 , 6 . 33 to 7 . 27 ;

  13. 从乳熟期至成熟期,随着干物质、果聚糖和氮在营养器官中积累的降低,GY、GNY和籽粒果聚糖积累快速增加。

    GY , GNY and grain fructan accumulation increased sharply while dry matter , fructan and nitrogen accumulation of vegetative parts decreased from milk-ripe stage to maturity .

  14. 植株果聚糖积累和含量从拔节期逐步增加到乳熟期(0N)或开花期(200N)达到高峰。

    Its increased step by step in plants from jointing to a maximum at milk-ripe stage ( 0 N ) or maturity ( 200 N ) .

  15. 在水田、旱田栽培条件下,考查了乳熟期DH系及其亲本的茎基粗、茎秆长及茎秆强度等性状。

    Three culm traits , basal culm thickness ( BCT ), culm length ( CL ) and culm strength ( CS ), of DH lines and their parents under upland and lowland ecosystems at milk stage were studied .

  16. 不同器官的总RNA以小麦乳熟期籽粒中含量最高;研究表明小麦叶片的rRNA组成比较复杂,除含有细胞质25S和18SRRNA,还存在大量的叶绿体23S、16S和9SRRNA。

    Constitution of wheat leaf rRNA was very complicated , besides of 25S rRNA and 18S rRNA in cytoplasm , there exist large amounts of 23S rRNA , 16S rRNA and 9S rRNA of chloroplast .

  17. Sh-2超甜玉米乳熟期籽粒大小糖分积累酶活性变化及其相关性分析

    Changes of Kernel Size , Sugar Accumulation and Enzyme Activity in the Kernel of sh-2 Sweet Corn and Their Correlation Analysis During Milk Maturation

  18. 通过田间试验研究了不同栽培模式及氮素供应水平下,采用开花期喷施6-BA和在高氮区乳熟期喷施乙烯利的分阶段调控措施对冬小麦养分吸收利用的影响。

    The field experiment with different cultivation patterns and nitrogen fertilization were conducted to study the effects of spraying 6-BA at flowering stage and ethephon at milk stage in the high nitrogen rate by stages on the nutrient uptakes and utilization of winter wheat .

  19. 甜玉米是玉米的一种胚乳突变型,甜玉米根据乳熟期胚乳中糖分含量和WSP含量的多少分为普通甜玉米、超甜玉米和加强甜玉米,加强甜玉米又称超甜粘玉米。

    Sweet corn is an endosperm mutant of corn . Based on sugar and WSP contents in corn endosperm during the milking stage , sweet corn is divided into normal sweet corn , super sweet corn and enhanced sweet corn .

  20. 燕麦与箭豌豆间混播最佳刈割期为燕麦乳熟期+箭豌豆满荚期,因为此时混合饲草产量最高,饲草N产量与RFV较高,而ADF与NDF较低。

    The optimum harvest time of intercropping and mixture was milky maturity stage of oat and pod filling stage of pea , when the mixture forage yield was the highest , the nitrogen yield and RFV were relatively high , and ADF and NDF were relatively low .

  21. 于水稻开花期及乳熟期田间高氮区群体饲喂14CO2,测定结果表明:直立穗型品种冠层中顶部三片叶的光合速率最高,其光合量占单株总光合量的87.4%;

    At anthesis and milky stages under field high-nitrogen condition , the results of labeling 14C showed that the three upper leaves of erect-panicle type variety had showed the higher photosynthetic rate , which accounted for 87.4 % of the total photosynthate .

  22. 从齐穗期至成熟期、乳熟期倒伏危险性最大;

    The lodging danger was biggest at the milk - ripe stage .

  23. 在燕麦乳熟期进行刈割可以获得更高的鲜干草产量。

    Cutting on the milk stage can obtain a higher dry forage yield .

  24. 乳熟期鲜食玉米穗不同部位碳水化合物的变化

    Study on the Carbohydrate Change at Different Parts of Fresh Unripe Maize Ears

  25. 乳熟期时秸秆中蛋白质含量为8.39%。

    The cpc of straw harvested in the milk stage is 8 . 39 % .

  26. 乳熟期比乳熟前期高7.78%(P<0.05)。

    The milk stage was 7.78 % ( P < 0.05 ) higher than premilk stage ;

  27. 根茎禾草乳熟期净光合速率日变化的比较研究

    Comparative study on daily change of photosynthesis rate of the rhizomatous grasses in milky ripe stage

  28. 超甜玉米籽粒乳熟期碳水化合物变化及食用品质

    Changes of Carbohydrate and Taste Quality in the Kernels of Super-Sweet Corn in the Milky Maturity Stage

  29. 玉米灌浆乳熟期多雨高湿的条件有利发病;

    The conditions of raininess and high moisture at the milk ripe stage are favourable for the wilt .

  30. 从生育期来看稻曲病田间发生流行规律,侵染期在孕穗期,始见期在水稻抽穗扬花期,发生高峰在灌浆至乳熟期,黄熟期病情趋向稳定。

    Epidemic peak period is from grouting to milky-stage , and the disease incidence tended stable at yellow - ripeness .