
shí hou
  • when;time;hour;date;season;weather
时候 [shí hòu]
  • (1) [time]

  • (2) 某事发生的时间

  • 在船顺着岩石开过去的时候,我们离岩石还不到二十米

  • (3) 事情、过程或情况经过的时间

  • 写这篇文章用了多少时候

  • (4) [season]∶季节;节候

  • 时候何萧索

  • (5) [weather]∶天气,气候

  • 其时正是仲冬天气,时候正冷

  • (6) [hour]∶时辰

  • 才去不到两个时候。--《儒林外史》

时候[shí hou]
  1. 每年一到这个时候,商店总是挤得水泄不通。

    The stores are packed solid at this time of year .

  2. 到了认真考虑这一问题的时候了。

    It 's time to give serious consideration to this matter .

  3. 等议会重开的时候,这个问题将成为焦点。

    The issue will come under the spotlight when parliament reassembles .

  4. 我离开的时候他们都还在努力工作。

    When I left they were all still hard at it .

  5. 我说不准我们什么时候能到。

    I can 't say for certain when we 'll arrive .

  6. 政府将在今年晚些时候对形势重新加以研究。

    The government will review the situation later in the year .

  7. 这匹马起跳完全不是时候,把骑手摔了下来。

    The horse completely mistimed the jump and threw its rider .

  8. 你在法国的时候最怀念的是什么?

    What did you miss most when you were in France ?

  9. 我在这周过半的时候应该就能完成。

    I should have finished by the middle of the week .

  10. 只要约翰在就不会有沉闷的时候。

    There 's never a dull moment when John 's around .

  11. 到了这个时候,我应该申明我的利益关系。

    I should , at this point , declare my interest .

  12. 他们想在价格合适的时候卖掉股票。

    They want to unload their shares at the right price .

  13. 早些时候的交通事故过后,现在交通通畅些了。

    Traffic is now moving more freely following an earlier accident .

  14. 政府将在今年晚些时候重新检讨形势。

    The government will review the situation later in the year .

  15. 现在是结束这场暴力活动的时候了。

    It is time to put a stop to the violence .

  16. 他看她的时候,眼神里明显流露着敬佩之情。

    His eyes showed open admiration as he looked at her .

  17. 你在价钱高的时候出售,真明智。

    You did well to sell when the price was high .

  18. 很多动物只在一年的某个时候交配繁殖。

    Many animals breed only at certain times of the year .

  19. 呈交提案的最后日期是什么时候?

    When is the final date for the submission of proposals ?

  20. 应聘面试的时候,你真得推销你自己。

    You really have to sell yourself at a job interview .

  21. 她不睡觉的时候都在照看母亲。

    She spends all her waking hours caring for her mother .

  22. 他开车通过的时候,有人向他乱开了一枪。

    Somebody took a potshot at him as he drove past .

  23. 是该让权的时候了。

    It was time to hand over the reins of power .

  24. 这孩子四点多的时候就离家不见了。

    The child disappeared from his home some time after four .

  25. 年年在这个时候天气都变化无常。

    The weather is very changeable at this time of year .

  26. 我认为是尝试新方法的时候了。

    I think it 's time we tried a fresh approach .

  27. 他总是在你最意料不到的时候出现。

    He always turns up just when you least expect him .

  28. 给他们打个电话,问问他们什么时候来。

    Phone them up and find out when they are coming .

  29. 大多数时候,我只有星期天才休息。

    Most weeks , Sunday is my only day off .

  30. 不要在我困难的时候离开我。

    Don 't desert me in my hour of need .