
  • 网络Time variable;time-invariant
  1. 直线运动时间变量的取值范围&对速度函数v(t)与时间变量t的定义域分析一文的补充

    The Range of Time Variable of Line Movement

  2. Sobolev方程的间断时间变量的Galerkin有限元方法

    The Time Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods for the Sobolev Equations

  3. 如果把标量场X看作时间变量,则可得到宇宙的最可机半轻为Planck长度,这说明宇宙是量子力学稳定的。

    If the scalar to be quantum mechanically stabilized with a most probable radius of the planck length .

  4. 在此基础上,依据具有时迟效应的Logistic模型,分别利用温度、日照时数的累积代替Logistic模型的时间变量对其进行改进,再结合栽培因子和气象影响模型构建综合模拟模型。

    The Logistic model with time - lag effect was improved by substituting accumulate temperature and sun - times for variable t in it .

  5. 但现有GIS本质上都是静态系统,不仅无法完善地表达时间变量及时空拓扑,也没有提供充足的时空分析功能。

    But most of current GISs are static in essence , they cannot represent temporal information and temporal topology , and have not rich functionality of multitemporal analysis .

  6. 然后在这一模型下,将未知时间变量扩展为随机变量,采用基于最大后验概率估计(MaximumaPos-terioriEstimation,MAP)的方法进行统计时间推理。

    In the model , the reasoning algorithm about time instants has been derived from treating the unknown temporal variable as random variable and introducing MAP estimation into temporal reasoning .

  7. Levy过程可以分解为时间变量、布朗运动和纯跳Levy过程的线性组合。

    A Levy process can be written as a linear combination of time t. a Brownian motion and a pure jump Levy process .

  8. 对时间变量采用向后Euler格式,对空间变量采用mortar元近似。得到L2模及能量模误差估计。

    The L2 norm and energy norm error estimates are derived for the backward Euler scheme in time variable and the mortar element approximation in the space variables .

  9. 壳体的三个位移函数首先沿环向展开为Fourier级数,由此得到解耦的偏微分方程,它包括一个空间变量和一个时间变量。

    In this method , three shell displacements are first expanded in Fourier series in the circumferential direction , then an infinite number of decoupled partial differential equations containing a spatial variable and a time variable are obtained .

  10. 然后对空间变量和时间变量分别进行Fourier变换和Laplace变换,利用逆变换褶积积分,得到了弹性地基无限长梁一般动力问题的解析解。

    By using Fourier transformation for space variable , Laplace transformation for time variable and convolution theorem for their inverse transformations , a general solution for dynamical problem of infinite beam on an elastic foundation is obtained .

  11. 时域有限差分法(Finite-DifferenceTime-DomainMethod)是一种重要的数值方法,它把带时间变量的Maxwell微分方程转化为差分方程,然后求解电磁场各分量。

    Finite-difference Time-domain ( FDTD ) method is a kind of important method in numerical calculation . It transforms the Maxwell differential equation with time variant to difference equation so as to find the solution of the electromagnetic field problem .

  12. 本文针对这种现象通过对浅水弱非线性Boussinesq方程,讨论界面波由于反射效应产生的反射波与入射波的非线性相互作用,得出了一个不受时间变量制约的不传播非线性二阶驻波解。

    In this paper , a standing wave solution has been made by nonlinear interaction of reflection wave and incident wave , thus producing a second order wave solution with Boussinesq equation .

  13. 然后,本文分析了使用基于Laguerre多项式的阶数步进法(MOO,marching-on-in-order),它在求解时域电场积分方程时,可以将时间变量从中分离出来。

    Secondly , by the marching-on-in-order ( MOO ) algorithm with Laguerre polynomials , time domain electric field integral equation can be solved without the time variables .

  14. 用Boltzmann统计状态熵度量怪引子的展开程度,从而提出选取延迟时间变量的第一极大熵准则。

    The Boltzmann 's entropy is used to measure the spreading extent of strange attractors in this paper . The first local maximum of entropy function is suggested as a criterion for selecting delay time in reconstruction of strange attractors .

  15. 分析了系统的自由横向谐振动,借助Kantorovich平均法消去时间变量,将偏微分控制方程转化为非线性常微分方程边值问题。

    Then , considering harmonic vibrations of the system , the non linear partial differential equations are converted into ordinary differential equations through elimination of the time variable by using the Kantorovich time averaging method .

  16. 首先对连续时间变量用Galerkin变分方法导出对流扩散方程的有限元方程,它是关于时间变量的一阶线性常微分方程,进而求解该方程组,完成求解对流扩散方程的全过程。

    By Galerkin 's variation method of continuous time variable , the finite element equation of CDE is derived . It is a system of first-order ordinary differential equations with respect to time variable . Solving this system of equations , we yield whole process of solving CDE .

  17. 本研究则考虑了时间变量,建立了气固颗粒反应的瞬态模型,并通过对模型中偏微分方程的离散化处理,开发了一个有界Wegstein数值求解方法。

    In this paper , taking time as a variable , non catalysed gas solid reaction models were developed in a transient nature .

  18. Kirilov的基于极大似然估计(Maxi-mumLikelihoodEstimation,MLE)的推理方法将未知时间变量看作常数,估计方差较大。

    The approach based on Maximum Likeihood ( MLE ) treats the unknown temporal variable as a constant , which generates a larger estimate variance , In this paper , the relation model of known temporal information and unknown temporal variable has been established .

  19. 考虑时间变量时单十字万向节的运动学研究

    Kinematic Analysis of the Single Universal Joint with Time-dependent deviation angle

  20. 热传导方程时间变量的双参数化

    The bi - time - parameter representation of equation of heat conduction

  21. 热动力学时间变量法&简单级数化学反应

    Time Variable Method of Thermokinetics Chemical Reactions with Simple Order

  22. 含时间变量的凝胶溶胶分配方程及其应用

    Gel - sol distribution equations with time and Its Applications

  23. 时间变量上整体呈递增趋势,称长时功效。

    Learning performance was better with time , which is named long time efficacy .

  24. 研究非线性振动的双时间变量正则摄动法

    Canonical double variables perturbation method for nonlinear vibrations

  25. 引入时间变量的创新产品价格演变模型研究

    A Research on Evolving Model of Innovated Product Prices with Introduction of Time Variable

  26. 从多元化到成本领先:基本战略演进的逻辑&交易费用、风险、时间变量及合约选择的一种解说

    From Pluralization to Cost Leading : the Logic of the Evolution of Basic Strategy

  27. 文章介绍了根据时间变量,进行盈亏分析的计算方法。

    The calculating method used in the analysis is also introduced in the essay .

  28. 一种基于时间变量的产品开发管理流程模型

    A Model Based on Time for Product-Developing-Management

  29. 用霍尔开关测量刚体转动惯量实验中的时间变量

    Measure the variable time with Hall switch in the experiment of moment of inertia of rigid body

  30. 时间变量对员工态度和行为的影响:人际支持的中介作用

    The Effect of Temporal Variables on Employees Attitudes and Behavior : The Mediating Effect of Interpersonal Support