
  • 网络Time Domain;time domain analysis;Time-domain analysis;BOTDA
  1. 基于MATLAB的线性系统时域分析

    Time domain analysis of linear system based matlab

  2. 应用24h动态心电图观察心率变异性时域分析。

    Time domain analysis of HRV was observed using 24 hours Holter monitoring electrocardiogram .

  3. 基于MATLAB实现高阶系统的时域分析

    Time domain analysis of a higher order system based on MATLAB

  4. 非理想E类零电流开关整流器的时域分析

    A Time-domain Analysis of Nonideal Class E Zero-current-switching Rectifier

  5. 提出一种电能质量PQ(powerquality)扰动信号时域分析方法。

    A new time-domain based method for power quality ( PQ ) analysis is brought forward .

  6. MATLAB在时域分析中的应用

    The application of MATLAB to time-domain analysis

  7. 超宽带TEM喇叭天线阻抗加载的时域分析

    Time Domain Analysis of Impedance Loaded Ultra Wide Band TEM Horn Antenna

  8. Nd~(3+):YAG固体激光器电光调Q激光脉冲的时域分析

    Time domain analysis of EO Q-switched laser pulse of Nd ~ ( 3 + ): YAG solid-state laser

  9. PWM型开关变换器闭环系统时域分析的精细积分法

    A precise time - integration for analysis of time - domain to closed - loop PWM switched converters

  10. HRV分析包括时域分析和频域分析。

    HRV data including time domain analysis and frequency domain analysis were analyzed .

  11. 因此,利用ANSYS数值计算平台的二次开发进行桥梁气动稳定性能的时域分析是可行的。

    So it is feasible to conduct time domain aerodynamic stability analysis in the ANSYS program resorting to its function of secondary development .

  12. 合肥电视塔TMD风振控制的时域分析

    Wind Induced Vibration Control of Hefei TV Tower with TMD in the Time Domain

  13. 圆波导TM(01)模激励加多扇区介质透镜圆锥喇叭的时域分析

    Analysis of Conical Horn with Multi-Sector Dielectric Lens Excited by Circular Waveguide TM_ ( 01 ) Mode in Time Domain

  14. 并充分讨论和分析了齿轮的各种振动信号分析方法,包括时域分析、频域分析和EMD分解方法以及各种时、频域特征提取的方法。

    The analysis methods of vibration signals are discussed thoroughly , including time domain analysis , frequency domain analysis and EMD .

  15. 本文从系统模型的时域分析出发,对一阶的RC微分电路和积分电路的激励及响应进行了分析。

    This article embarks from the system model time domain analysis , has analyzes encouragement and response of one steps of the RC differential circuit and circuit of total mark .

  16. RSA密码算法的功耗轨迹分析及其防御措施论述了几种常用的振动信号分析法,如时域分析、轴心轨迹、波形分析、轨迹分析、频谱分析等。

    It describes the time-base analysis , wave form analysis , trace analysis and frequency spectrum analysis which are always used to evaluate the vibration signals measured on machines .

  17. 本文首次把波形松驰迭代法和快速Walsh变换相结合,提出了时域分析具有任意终端的高速数字集成传输线的新方法。

    A new approach , based on the fast Walsh transform and the waveform relaxation technique , is first presented to analyze the lossy coupled transmission lines with arbitrary terminations .

  18. 基于现有的颤抖振最新理论,本文发展了大跨度斜拉桥抖振时域分析的实用方法,基于ANSYS软件,提出了一整套桥梁抗风分析解决方案。

    Based on the present theory on buffeting and flutter vibration , the practical flutter time domain analysis method of long-span bridges is developed . A full set of wind-resistance solution of bridge is put forward using ANSYS software .

  19. 目的:评价信号平均心电图(SA-ECG)时域分析和频谱时间标测在预测冠心病心律失常事件(AE)方面的差异。

    Objective : The purpose of this study was to compare time domain analysis ( TDA ) of signal-averaged electrocardiogram ( SA-ECG ) with spectrotemporal mapping ( STM ) in predicting arrhythmic events ( AE ) .

  20. 文章介绍了一种基于滤波器S11响应的时域分析的调谐方法。

    This paper describes a new tuning method based on the time domain analysis of responses of filter S_ ( 11 ) .

  21. 针对直线电机驱动的高性能XY工作台的结构及运动特点,提出基于小波多分辨率分析与信号时域分析相融合的高性能XY工作台故障诊断方法;

    Directing to the structure and dynamic characteristics of a high performance XY-stage driven by linear motors , this paper presented the fault diagnosis method based on wavelet multi-resolution combined with time-domain analysis for the stage .

  22. 振动模态参数识别的Ibrahim法是近年来振动参数时域分析法的一种新发展。

    In this paper , the principle of the Ibrahim Time Domain Algorithm ( ITDA ), developed in recent years and used for identification of vibration modal parameters and its implement are discussed .

  23. 时域分析包括了对信号的自相关分析、互相关分析;频域分析包括幅频分析、相频分析、FHT分析。

    The time domain analysis including the signal autocorrelation analysis and the mutual correlation analysis ; Frequency domain analysis including amplitude frequency spectrum analysis , phase-frequency analysis , FHT analysis .

  24. 第二章研究了传统的基于幅域分析、时域分析以及以傅里叶变换(FT)为核心的故障特征提取方法的一些基本概念和方法,总结了该类方法的特点。

    Chapter two studied the traditional technology of extracting features from rotating machine 's faults , such as the numerical data magnitude analyzing , time area analyzing and several classical feature extracting technology based on FT , and then summarized the characteristic of these methods .

  25. 设计了基于微波电光调制的布里渊光时域分析传感器实验系统,实现了25km的分布式温度传感,达到5m的空间分辨力和3℃的温度分辨力。

    The experimental procedures and results are presented . A laboratory system of 25 km distributed Brillouin optical time domain analysis temperature sensor is achieved , with 3 in temperature resolution , and 5 m in spatial resolution .

  26. 用时间序列的时域分析和频域分析法,探讨2002~2004年空气中可吸入颗粒物(PM10)浓度的频谱和趋势。

    The frequency spectrum and the trend of the concentration of particulate matter less than or equal to 10 microns ( PM10 ) in the air from 2002 to 2004 by using the method of time domain analysis and frequency domain analysis of time series are explored .

  27. 通过对桥梁时域分析和频域分析比较,结果表明智能设备MR-TMD具有优于TMD的减振性能。(5)设计桥梁动力检测模型试验,论述了桥梁损伤检测模型试验的可行性。

    The damping property of MR-TMD is superior to that of TMD through the comparison of time domain analysis and frequency domain analysis . ( 5 ) Dynamic detection model test of bridge was designed , and the feasibility of damage detection model test of bridge was discussed .

  28. 根据国际计量局(BIPM)时间部2000年时间公报公布的数据,用时域分析方法,对这两种传递技术的长期特性进行了统计分析和比较。

    According to the data published by Time Bulletin of the BIPM Time Section during 2000 year , by using the analyzing method of time domain , statistical analysis and comparison for their long term characteristics on two transfer techniques have been carried out .

  29. 焊缝超声探伤中缺陷分类时域分析方法

    Time domain analysis for flaw classification in ultrasonic testing of welds

  30. 健康成人135例心率变异性时域分析

    Time domain analysis of heart rate variability in 135 healthy adults