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jié lìng
  • Festivals;climate and other natural phenomena of a season
节令 [jié lìng]
  • [climate and other natural phenomena of a season] 某个节气的气候和物候

  • 节令不等人

节令[jié lìng]
  1. 大自然的宏伟的客店象别的客店一样有其自己的节令。

    Nature 's Grand Hotel was its season like the others .

  2. 它被誉为全马最出色的节令鼓队。

    She is reputed the most outstanding Festive Drum troupe in malaysia .

  3. 出售圣诞卡是一种节令性的生意。

    Selling Christmas cards is a kind of seasonal trades .

  4. 追忆老北京的节令玩具

    A review of seasonal toys in old Beijing

  5. 七夕诗属于节令诗,以牵牛织女传说和七夕节日为主要描写对象。

    Its main description object is the legend of Qianniu and Zhinv and Qixi festival .

  6. 其次,探讨杜甫节令诗的艺术特征。

    Secondly , to explore the artistic features of the of Du Fu seasonal poem .

  7. 现在恰是上海吃大闸蟹的节令。

    It 's Shanghai hairy-crab season .

  8. 此外,秧歌还与乡村宗族关系、宗教信仰、等级制度、节令娱乐有着密不可分的渊源和纽结。

    Moreover , Yangge also inseparably relates to village agnation , religion , grade and feast amusement .

  9. 它是第一支在滨海艺术中心剧院及表演厅呈献表演的节令鼓队。

    She is also the first Festive Drum Troupe in the world to perform in Esplanade Theater and Concert Hall .

  10. 最后,文章指出节令诗的发展趋势,并为中国传统节日和节令诗的继承与发展提出建议。

    At the end , it indicates the new development orientation of " Jieling " poetry , and gives several suggestions .

  11. 我是那种典型的焦虑型新娘,婚礼筹备中的那些个细枝末节令我心烦意乱。

    I was the typical anxious bride , distracted by the dozens of tiny details that go into planning an event .

  12. 发扬这种美德,和重阳佳节的节令情调倒也是蛮融洽的。

    There is no denying that promoting and developing these virtues are perfectly harmonious with the cheerful atmospheres of the Double-Ninth Festival .

  13. 剪纸也是一种民俗艺术,它的产生和流传同农村的节令风俗有着密切的关系。

    Because papercuts are a Chinese folk art , they have close links with traditional Chinese festivals and customs in the rural areas .

  14. 在这里,女娲神话及女娲文化完全被日常化、生活化、世俗化、地城化和节令化了。

    Here , Nuwa myths and Nuwa culture are closely connected with people 's daily activities , lives , customs , and local festivals .

  15. 从娱神到娱人&北京节令庙会与说唱艺术关系研究

    From " Amusing God " to " Amusing Human Being ": the Relationship Between Seasonal Temple Fair and Arts of Talking and Singing in Beijing

  16. 作为节令歌,反映乞巧节仪式的内容也成为乞巧歌必不可少的内容。

    As a seasonal song , reflect the Gregorian calendar quarter ceremony has become an indispensable contents of the content of the Gregorian calendar song .

  17. 当习俗与节日相关联时,便称作节令习俗;当这种节令习俗每年由全社会共同庆祝时便成了节日。

    When customs are associated with holidays they become calendar customs , and when such events are celebrated annually by a whole community they become festivals .

  18. 选育和推广高产抗旱的玉米良种是提高玉米降水利用率的基本保证,在最佳节令播种是提高玉米降水利用率的关键措施。

    Adopting high yield maize varieties with drought tolerance is a basic guarantee for improving the utilization rate of rainfall . Sowing at the optimal season is the crucial measure .

  19. 通过文献资料法分析认为,唐代体育诗歌描写的内容主要包括当时流行运动项目、节令体育、女子体育以及休闲娱乐活动等。

    Through document information law , the author think that the sports poetry in Tang Dynasty described popular sports , holiday sports , female sports as well as recreations and so on .

  20. 杜甫往往以其敏感的心灵把笔触深入到社会生活的每一个角落,其中包括节日诗和节气诗在内的节令诗是其创造的又一朵奇葩。

    The festival is popular Du Fu often its sensitive soul strokes deep into every corner of social life , which including holiday poems and the Solar Terms poetry , including poems created a wonderful work .

  21. 民众在长期的生产实践中逐步认识到季节更替和气候变化的规律,把一岁(一年)分为二十四节气,后世节日大多与这些节令有关。

    People in the long-term production practice gradually realize the rules that is about the changes of the seasons and climate , divide one year into twenty-four solar terms , whcih related to the festival in the future .

  22. 时间上,花儿会的举行主要集中在5、6两个月份和当地的农时节令有着密切的联系。

    In time , the hua ' er song competition holds mainly concentrated in May and June , and it is connected closely with the local farming seasons . " Flowers " is belonged to the northwest China culture .

  23. 本文把中国传统节日和节令诗结合起来,研究中国传统节日的由来以及在此基础上发展而来的节令诗,以此来挖掘中国传统节日深厚的文化底蕴,张扬中国传统节日文化。

    This paper focus on the origin of Chinese traditional festivals and the " Jieling " poetry derived from these festivals , and attempt to excavate the deep culture in these traditional festivals , to carry forward the conventional festival culture .

  24. 心内也不说,我们应当敬畏耶和华我们的神。他按时赐雨,就是秋雨春雨,又为我们定收割的节令,永存不废。

    Neither say they in their heart , Let us now fear the LORD our God , that giveth rain , both the former and the latter , in his season : he reserveth unto us the appointed weeks of the harvest .