
jié nénɡ jiàn zhù
  • energy saving building
  1. 我国混凝土空心砌块节能建筑案例分析

    Analysis on energy saving building by concrete hollow blocks

  2. 江苏墙体材料革新与节能建筑推广的战略意义浅释

    Explanation of Strategic Importance for Promoting Wall Materials Innovation and Energy Saving Building in Jiangsu Province

  3. 节能建筑围护结构EPS板设计研究

    Study on EPS plate design of energy efficient building exterior-protected construction

  4. 中国节能建筑CDM项目基准线方法

    Study on baseline methodology for energy efficient building CDM project in China

  5. 从理论上验证了节能建筑被模块化的可行性;同时运用Logistic方程对节能建筑模块化发展机理进行了推导演绎,从机理上分析了模块化节能建筑的可行性。

    And we found that energy-saving building can be modular theoretically ; at the same time we use Logistic equations of energy-saving building modular development mechanism are also deduced to deduce , from the analysis on the mechanism of energy-saving building modular sustainability .

  6. 节能建筑设计方法的思索与革新&解析基于DOE-2软件辅助的一个节能住宅单体设计

    Thinking and Reformation for Power-saving Building Design & Analyze a Power-saving Housing Design with the DOE-2 Programme

  7. PVC塑窗是国家重点推广的节能建筑产品,焊接加工是塑窗组装中的重要工序之一,其加工质量与效率直接影响门窗的生产。

    PVC Plastic Doors and Windows are the key energy-saving building products . The welding of Plastic Doors and Windows is the important machining process of plastic window assembly , its machining quality and efficiency directly affect the production quality and efficiency of Windows .

  8. 结合建筑CDM项目的特殊性,探讨了不同类型的节能建筑CDM项目的基准线(Baseline)的设定方法,并以一办公建筑CDM项目为例尝试了基准线的选择。

    Based on the nature of CDM project in the building sector , the paper discussed the different approaches and methodologies for determining baseline of the CDM project of energy efficient building and made a case study .

  9. 指出了在今后10a~15a间是中国建筑围护结构保温隔热技术成熟发展的鼎盛时期,也是中国节能建筑发展的普及时期。

    Finally , the article pointed out that Chinese heat insulating technology of exterior-protected construction of building will be prosperously developed in 10 ~ 15 years for the future and the popularization of this technology will also be in that period .

  10. 节能建筑中应用保温砂浆的性能分析

    Analysis of thermal performance of heat insulating mortar for energy-saving building

  11. 聚苯乙稀泡沫板在节能建筑中的应用

    Application of polystyrol foam board in comprehensive energy & saving building

  12. 节能建筑施工质量通病及预防

    Common Quality Demerits and Prevention in Energy Saving Building 's Construction

  13. 房地经济的市场导向与绿色节能建筑

    The Market Direction of Real Estate Economy and Green Energy-saving Buildings

  14. 节能建筑特点及其采暖热负荷计算

    Characteristics of Energy Conservation Buildings and Calculations of their Heating Loads

  15. 夹芯混凝土砌块在节能建筑上的应用研究

    Study on the applications of the core-blocks in energy efficiency buildings

  16. 陶粒混凝土复合保温砌块在节能建筑中的应用

    Ceramsite composite insulation blocks in the application of energy saving buildings

  17. 节能建筑的能耗及运行费用模拟计算分析

    Simulation Analysis of Energy Consumption and Operating Cost about Energy-saving Buildings

  18. 我国节能建筑现状及通过实例谈节能设计

    Sustainable Building in China and Sustainable Design Introduction by Instances

  19. 节能建筑现状与发展前景探索

    Probe on the Actuality and Development of Energy Conservation Buildings

  20. 采暖居住节能建筑评估软件的开发

    The Development of Evaluation Software about Heating Residential Energy-saving Building

  21. 新型环保节能建筑材料&泡沫玻璃

    A New Type Environmental Building Material to Save Energy & Foam Glass

  22. 我国东南沿海地区节能建筑设计探索

    Probing into Design of Energy-Efficient Building in Coastal Area of Southeast China

  23. 节能建筑伸缩缝设置初探

    Preliminary Research for the Expansion Joints of Energy Conservation Construction

  24. 我国节能建筑市场的信息不对称研究

    Information Asymmetry Research of China 's Energy Efficiency Building Market

  25. 发展保温隔热节能建筑改善居住生活环境

    Build Energy-Saving Building to Improve the Living Conditions of Resident

  26. 更多的州致力于推广乙醇、再生能源,或节能建筑。

    Many more promote ethanol , or renewables , or energy-efficient buildings .

  27. 生态节能建筑的新能源利用

    The Utilization of New Energy in Ecology Energy Saving Building

  28. 第二,研究节能建筑模块化体系的构建。

    Second , construction of the energy-saving building modular system .

  29. 节能建筑外墙体采用的技术措施

    Technical Measures Applied in the Outer Walls of Energy-Conservation Buildings

  30. 节能建筑外墙保温层厚度的经济性优化

    Economical Optimum of Insulation Thickness on External Wall of Energy Saving Building