
  • 网络Contradiction between human and land;human-land conflict;contradiction between land and farmers
  1. 喀斯特石漠化过程、演化特征与人地矛盾分析

    The process of karst rock-desertification , the feature of evolvement and its analysis of human-land conflict

  2. 可持续发展概念的提出,使人们重新审视人地矛盾,重新审视土地利用关系,重新审视调节土地利用的可持续性。

    Nowadays , sustainable development has been put forward , so that people can re-examine the human-land conflict and land use relationship as well as the sustainable use of it .

  3. 论江苏省人地矛盾中的粮食发展问题

    Study on food development under the contradictory of man-land in Jiangsu Province

  4. 人地矛盾突出,生态环境污染严重;

    The pollution of the ecological environment is very heavy .

  5. 人地矛盾在一定程度上比较严重。

    Contradiction between human and to a certain extent is more serious .

  6. “人类-环境”系统:人地矛盾

    The contradiction between man and the earth in human environment

  7. 人地矛盾化解:农村土地制度创新的关键

    Resolving the Population-land Contradiction : The Key to Innovating on Rural Land System

  8. 就宁夏地区日益显现的人地矛盾进行了探讨;

    The article issue about conflict of man-earth of Ningxia region in recent years .

  9. 另因为库区安顿容量严峻不足,人地矛盾十分凸起;

    In addition because storehouse district placement capacity serious insufficient , human contradictory very prominent ;

  10. 第一节,着重分析当时山东地区的人地矛盾。

    First section , emphatically analyzes the contradictory of paddies to person at that time .

  11. 因此,由于这两方面的原因,人地矛盾日益尖锐。

    For these two reasons , there are increasingly acute contradictions between population and cultivated land .

  12. 但农用地占用过多过快,建设用地控制失调,人地矛盾日益突出。

    The contradiction of land shortage sharpened by high-speed agricultural land occupation and uncontrolled constructional land .

  13. 四川人地矛盾尖锐,迫切需要评估与监测其可持续性。

    The sharp contradiction between human and land urgently need to be evaluated and monitored its sustainability .

  14. 相应地,耕地面积逐渐减少,人地矛盾日益突出。

    As result , the plowland are decreasing and the contradiction between plowland and human is intensifying .

  15. 再论农业危机人地矛盾与二十世纪前期中国农业危机

    Contradiction between the population and the farmland and China 's agriculture crisis in the earlier twentieth century

  16. 人地矛盾、人与空间的不协调日益严重。

    The contradictions between man and land , the inharmony between man and space become critical increasingly .

  17. 适当提高和合理利用居住容积率是实现土地集约利用的可行之路。在一些土地资源短缺的国家或地区,都通过适当的提高容积率有效地缓解了人地矛盾。

    Promote and put good use to the FAR is a feasible road to achieve land intensive use .

  18. 合理利用土地缓解乡镇人地矛盾

    Make Rational use of Land and Lysis Contradiction between the person and the Land of Village and Town

  19. 最后,提出了缓解人地矛盾的对策性建议。

    Finally , this paper advances several suggestions for retarding the supply and requirement contradiction of population and land resources .

  20. 耕地面积逐年减少,人地矛盾同趋尖锐。

    Farmland is decreasing year by year , the contradiction between people and land is acerb with each passing day .

  21. 人地矛盾是当前和今后我国农业和国民经济可持续发展面临的主要问题。

    The contradiction between people and land is a major problem during the development of Chinese agriculture and national economy .

  22. 随着经济的迅猛发展和城市化进程的加快,城市中人地矛盾日益加剧。

    The conflicts between population and land resources are getting worse along with the rapid economic development and process of urbanization .

  23. 内蒙古草原牧区人地矛盾的加剧及缓解对策

    The Sharpening Contradiction Between Man and Land in Inner Mongolia ; Pastoral Areas and Measures to Be Taken to Mitigate It

  24. 随着建设用地的需求日益增加,人地矛盾越来越突出。

    Along with the demand of construction land increasing , the growing contradiction between human and land has been gradually revealed .

  25. 土地流转解决了农村人地矛盾问题,提高了生产效率,拓宽了就业渠道。

    Land circulation solves rural problem of person ground contradiction , improve production efficiency , widen the employment channel . 3 .

  26. 海涂淤泥开发是当前解决沿海地区人地矛盾的有效途径。

    The development of tideland sludge is an effective way to solve the contradict-tions of the people and land in coastal areas .

  27. 说明其数量少、质量较差、分布不均、人地矛盾明显,建设高标准基本农田势在必行。

    It shows that the number is small and quality is poor , distribution is uneven and apparent contradiction between people and land .

  28. 因此,如何保证耕地生产力的持续稳定提高成为缓解人地矛盾的关键。

    Therefore , how to ensure the continuous stability of farmland productivity were the key to ease confliction between people and land use .

  29. 加之经济发展、人口增加及人们对土地资源的浪费和不合理利用,更加剧了我国土地资源利用的矛盾,以城乡用地矛盾为表征的人地矛盾日渐突出。

    Coupled with economic development , population growth and unreasonable use of land resources , conflicts of land resource utilization tend to exacerbate .

  30. 随着经济的持续增长,这一对矛盾越来越突出,在一些区域出现了人地矛盾激化的现象。

    With the sustainable growth of economy , it is getting more and more outstanding . At some regions , it becomes acute .