
  • 网络humanism
  1. 人本思想在医院图书馆工作的应用

    The Application of Humanism Thoughts at the Hospital Library Work

  2. 古希腊神话与人本思想

    The Mythology of Ancient Greek and the Thought of Humanism

  3. 学校人力资源管理中的人本思想探讨

    Idea of " People-orientation " in Human Resources Management at Schools

  4. 泰勒科学管理中的人本思想分析

    The Analysis about the Human-oriented Thought in Taylor 's Scientific Management

  5. 用人本思想创建图书馆管理新机制的思考

    Thinking on Creating New Management Mechanism for Libraries with Human-oriented Thought

  6. 中国特色社会主义视野下的人本思想

    The Humanistic Thought under the Vision of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

  7. 浅议科学发展观对马克思主义人本思想的践行与发展

    On Practice and Development of Scientific Concept on Marxist Human-oriented Idea

  8. 人本思想政治工作途径探索

    Exploration on the Ways of Ideological and Political Work that Human-Oriented

  9. 美国研究生教育中的人本思想研究

    A Study on the Human-Centered Idea in the American Postgraduate Education

  10. 对教育中人本思想理解与运用的三层面

    Three Levels of Understanding and Practice of Human-oriented Thought in Education

  11. 收入分配与经济萧条:霍布森的人本思想

    Income Allocation and Economic Depression : Hobson 's Humanitarian Thought

  12. 其现世利益思想对中国传统的人本思想结构产生了某些深远影响。

    It influenced the humanistic thought in Chinese traditional culture .

  13. 应用人本思想提升设备管理水平

    Lifting the Equipment Managing Level by Using the Humanistic Thought

  14. 用人本思想管理高校图书馆的人力资源

    Management of Manpower Resources of University Library with Humanistic Thought

  15. 人本思想吸引着古往今来诸多思想家的目光。

    Human-oriented thought have been attracted many thinkers ' visions for ages .

  16. 人本思想在教育中有不同层面的理解,本文对此做了一些梳理:即教育实践层面上的以学生为本;

    There are different levels of understanding about human-oriented thought in education .

  17. 所以,《西游记》是从高视点上突出了人本思想。

    So it highlights human-oriented thought from a high perspective .

  18. 论马克思政治经济学的劳动者人本思想

    On " Laborers ' humanism " Thought of Marx 's Political Economy

  19. 现代图书馆建筑设计中的人本思想

    Man-serving Idea in the Architecture Design of the Modern Library

  20. 社会发展观人本思想演变的研究

    An Study on Evolvement of Humanistic Orientation of the Idea of Social Development

  21. 科学发展观语境中人本思想的来源与创新

    The Source and Innovation of People-orientation Thought in the Context of Scientific Development Outlook

  22. 佛教人本思想对现代企业管理的启示

    Implications of Buddhist Doctrine for Modern Business Management

  23. 传统儒家人本思想现代化研究

    Study on the Modernization of Traditional Confucian Humanism On Deng Xiaoping 's Humanity Thought

  24. 中国古今人本思想比较及其意义儒学在近代中国

    Comparison and Significance between Ancient China 's Humanism Idea and Modern China 's Humanism Idea

  25. 军队财务管理人本思想探微

    The humanistic approach to military financial management

  26. 我国的人本思想源远流长,为现代中国的人本管理提供了得天独厚的思想条件。

    China has long history of human-oriented ideology . Which provide ideological conditions for human-oriented management .

  27. 西方管理理论中的人本思想是其直接的理论来源。

    Third , the thought of human-orientation in the western management theory is its direct theory-source .

  28. 论《政治学》教学中的人本思想教育&兼谈《政治学》课程群的教学改革

    On the Humanism Education in Politics Teaching & Also on the Teaching Reform of Politics Courses

  29. 在西方,它是人本思想发展的产物。

    And in the west , it is the outcome of the development of person-centered thought .

  30. 萨特的自由思想是存在主义人本思想的重要组成部分。

    The free thought is the core and the soul of Feyerabend s thought of philosophy .