
  • 网络counter-urbanization;Counter urbanization;deurbanization;de-urbanization
  1. 郊区化与逆城市化是既有联系又有区别的两个概念,逆城市化是郊区化的升级版本。

    Suburbanization and counter-urbanization are two concepts of similarities as well as differences .

  2. 文中指出了“逆城市化”理论的片面性。

    The paper points out the one-sidedness of theory " Counter-urbanization " .

  3. 他将这称之为美国的“逆城市化”趋势。

    He sees a trend toward " de-urbanization " across America .

  4. 逆城市化道路对中国城市发展的启示

    The Counter-cities ′ Enlightenment to the Development of Cities in China

  5. 城市发展进程中的逆城市化趋势及其经济学分析

    The trend and its Economic Analysis on the " Counter Urbanization " in the Process of Urbanization

  6. 研究结果表明,俄罗斯在上个世纪90年代发生的事件并非逆城市化现象,而只是由于动乱而引起的暂时波动,在经济逐渐得到恢复之后,俄罗斯城市化进程再次步入动乱前的正轨。

    The changes in Russia in 1990s is not counter-urbanization but a temporary fluctuation because of social transformation .

  7. 逆城市化在某种程度上缩小了城乡差距,有利于乡村经济的发展;而休闲化的乡村经济将会促使“休闲乡村”的产生。

    The counter urbanization is good for developing rural economy because it reduces the distance between cities and countries at some degree .

  8. 面临逆城市化和低碳革命两大机遇的迟疑,是蓝色江苏发展政策的误区。

    The hesitation under the opportunity of urbanization and revolution of low-carbon is a mistaken idea of developing policy of blue Jiangsu .

  9. 本文在充分探索了一些主要国家“逆城市化”过程的基础上,从经济学理论角度通过分析区位地租衰减以及级差地租规律分析了城市化过程中居民点的布局一般行为选择。

    In this article , the author initially analyzed the issue of urbanization on the basis of studying the main countries counter urbanization .

  10. 针对我国居民短暂离开城市的现象,本文提出浅‘逆城市化’现象。

    This paper proposed the phenomenon of " light counter urbanization " for the phenomenon of our residents to leave the city for short .

  11. 在城市化的模式上,先后经历了向心城市化、郊区化、逆城市化、再城市化四个发展阶段。

    In the urbanized pattern , has successively experienced the centripetal urbanization , the suburb , the counter urbanization , the again urbanization four development phases .

  12. “城市病”的内逼和交通条件降低物流成本的外引,导致了“逆城市化”现象的产生。

    Furthermore , the " Urban disease " as the inner cause and the outer pressure for better traffic conditions to reduce logistics costs result in the " counter-urbanization " .

  13. 研究表明,城市化高度发展的发达国家都曾经或正在经历“逆城市化”,“逆城市化”是城市化另一种表现。

    In order to better boost the urbanization , we should know that the " counter urbanization " which is undergone and undergoing in some developed countries is another show of urbanization .

  14. 在回顾发达国家逆城市化和我国城市化历程的基础上,分析了我国逆城市化和西方逆城市化的差异,对我国的逆城市化发展提出了一系列的建议。

    In this paper , the authors reviewed developed countries ' urbanization and chinese urbanization , analyzed the differences between China and developed countries on counter-urbanization , and pointed out a series of advice to develop chinese counter-urbanization .

  15. 但中国的工业化却呈现出逆城市化的趋向,并且城市的发展水平在不同地区存在着重大差距,这就使农村劳动力的转移必须走一条符合中国国情的道路。

    But China 's industrialization has gone against the trend of urbanization , and there is a big gap of urban economic development in different regions , which shows that the transfer of rural laborers should be suitable to China 's situations .

  16. 20世纪后半叶美国等西方国家经历了逆城市化和都市蔓延,分散开发建设模式致使大量的农田被侵蚀,农业生产用地和产业链的连续性遭到破坏。

    The late of the 20th century has been witnessed the counter urbanization and urban sprawl in USA and other many west countries . The decentralized construction model has brought up the invasion of farmland and broken the integration of the agriculture production land and the chain of industries .