
  • 网络inverse element
  1. 三对角矩阵的逆元素表示式的新证明

    A Note on an Expression for Inverse Elements of Tridiagonal Matrix

  2. 一类三对角矩阵逆元素的估计式

    Estimation on the inverse elements of a certain tridiagonal matrix

  3. 我们称-a为a的加性逆元素。

    We call - a the additive inverse of a.

  4. 本文给出了严格对角占优的周期三角矩阵逆元素的上界估计。

    In this paper , we give the upper bounds for inverse elements of strictly diagonally dominant periodic tridiagonal matrices .

  5. 利用严格对角占优和三对角矩阵的某些特性,推导出严格对角占优三对角矩阵逆元素的统一估计式。

    The estimation on the inverse elements of strictly diagonally dominant tridiagonal matrix is established ; in this estimation , the nonnegative condition of matrix elements is moved .

  6. 允许气水火土元素及其逆元素以太,蒸汽,烟或灰烬以及熔岩找到其办法来极好平衡,以将气候带入平衡当中。

    Intend that air water fire and earth elements along with ether vapor smoke and lava inverse elements find their way to the perfect balance to bring the weather to balance .

  7. 三对角矩阵的条件数计算,部分逆元素的计算及线性方程组求解等问题都涉及到该类矩阵的逆。

    The inverses are necessary in many problems , such as the computation of the condition number of this matrix , the computation of the " partial inverse elements " in some engineering problems and the solution of linear system whose coefficient matrix is tridiagonal or block tridiagonal .

  8. FDSR算法主要思想为,先在基因排列中找降序小队,在其末元素和逆相邻元素之间作相应的翻转操作。

    The soul of FDSR Algorithm is finding the descending strip in permutation and then make a corresponding reversal operation between the last item and the con-adjacent one every time .

  9. 由块三对角矩阵的LU分解,得到了其逆矩阵块元素的显式表达式。

    With the LU decomposition of the block tridiagonal matrix , an explicit expression of the block inverse elements is obtained .

  10. 由于有限域上的运算中,计算域元素的逆元以及域元素相乘是消耗时间最多的两个部分,因此对它们的研究本文给予了特别的重视。

    The main focus concentrates on the two most time consuming arithmetic in finite field calculation , field inversion and field multiplication .

  11. 本文对投资组合分析中的协方差矩阵的逆矩阵进行推导,并分析该逆矩阵的构成元素的现实意义和应用价值,然后对投资者风险资产最优持有量的本质进行解释。

    This paper empathizes on the derivation and application of the inverse of the covariance matrix in portfolio analysis . As we show , the inverse matrix is meaningful to investors ' optimal holdings of risk assets .