
jué duì
  • absolute;absolutely;definitely;perfectly;dead;vitally;by a long chalk
绝对 [jué duì]
  • (1) [absolute]∶无条件的;不受任何限制的

  • 绝对优势

  • (2) [absolutely;perfectly]∶必定;肯定

  • 绝对办不到

绝对[jué duì]
  1. 绝对个人自由的观念是一种幻想。

    The idea of absolute personal freedom is an illusion .

  2. 我工作时需要绝对的安静。

    I need absolute silence when I 'm working .

  3. 她的话你绝对不能只看表面。

    You shouldn 't take anything she says at face value .

  4. 你怎么能忽视医生意见的绝对重要性呢?

    How can you ignore the sheer weight of medical opinion ?

  5. 假如没有您,我是绝对渡不过这个难关的。

    I 'd never have got through it all without you .

  6. 他不会干这事的,绝对不会。

    He 's not going to do it , no siree .

  7. 没有任何政党可望获得绝对多数。

    No one party is expected to gain an outright majority .

  8. 也许有人会发现,那是绝对不行的。

    Someone might find out , and that would never do .

  9. 她认为,是与非是道德上的绝对准则。

    Right and wrong are , for her , moral absolutes .

  10. 没有什么,绝对没有什么会使他改变主意。

    Nothing , but nothing would make him change his mind .

  11. 中午快餐吃意大利面绝对没错。

    For a quick lunch you can 't go wrong with pasta .

  12. 公司奠定了对竞争对手的绝对优势。

    The company has established total supremacy over its rivals .

  13. 他这个人绝对不适合你。

    He is so not the right person for you .

  14. 他看起来很轻松,有绝对的自信完全能控制住自己。

    He looked relaxed and totally in command of himself .

  15. 这个食谱绝对管用,每次都万无一失。

    This recipe is foolproof ─ it works every time .

  16. 我们在赛前绝对不被看好。

    Before the game we were definitely the underdogs .

  17. 他拥有绝对的权威。

    He is in a position of unchallenged authority .

  18. 这样的气候绝对需要有空调。

    Air-conditioning is an absolute necessity in this climate .

  19. “乏味”这个词绝对和她的小说沾不上边儿。

    The word ' unexciting ' could never be applied to her novels .

  20. 美是不可能用任何绝对标准来衡量的。

    Beauty cannot be measured by any absolute standard .

  21. 别嘲笑她——她绝对正确。

    Don 't scoff ─ she 's absolutely right .

  22. 委员会的审议过程是绝对保密的。

    The deliberations of the committee are completely confidential .

  23. 她得到了全体职员的绝对信任。

    She had the implicit trust of her staff .

  24. 他对父母一向绝对服从。

    He had always obeyed his parents without question .

  25. 航空绝对是最佳旅行方式。

    Flying is quite the best way to travel .

  26. 那个音对我来说绝对太高了。

    That note is definitely too high for me .

  27. 这个队以5:1的绝对优势领先。

    The team built up an impregnable 5-1 lead .

  28. 别把他的话当作绝对真理。

    Don 't take his word as gospel .

  29. 我们的猫绝对捉不到老鼠。

    Our cat is hopeless at catching mice .

  30. 相信我,我绝对是当真的。

    Believe me , I 'm deadly serious .