
kě nì
  • reversible;reversibility
可逆 [kě nì]
  • [reversible] 可以反向进行的

  • 可逆反应

可逆[kě nì]
  1. 因为光路是可逆的,所以也可以反过来安装。

    Since optical paths are reversible , the opposite arrangement is also true .

  2. “动力减退”的症状表现相对温和,而且通常是可逆的,但是从长期来看,可能会导致严重问题。

    Brownout can be fairly mild and is usually reversible , but in the long term can cause serious problems .

  3. 她处于医生所说的不可逆性植物人状态已经5年了。

    She had been in what doctors described as an irreversible vegetative state for five years

  4. 相比之下,最近的世界粮食价格上涨是由趋势造成的,除非趋势本身得以逆转,否则这种上涨是不可逆的。

    In contrast , the recent surge in world grain prices is trend-driven , making it unlikely to reverse without a reversal in the trends themselves .

  5. 我们将致力于证明任何无穷维赋范空间的球面皆为可逆

    We shall prove that the sphere of any infinite-dimensional normed space is invertible .

  6. 电化学方法研究DNA与不可逆靶向分子的相互作用

    Electrochemical Methods for Studying the Interaction of DNA with Irreversible Targets

  7. 螺恶嗪溶液在不同pH值范围存在颜色的可逆变化。

    At different pH values , the color of spirooxazine solution changed reversibly .

  8. 智能控制的印制电机N倍频PWM可逆调速系统

    N-time frequency PWM reversible speed governing system of printed motor with intelligent PID control

  9. 水凝胶具有一定的pH可逆性。

    The hydrogel had pH reversibility .

  10. PLC在多台电动机降压起动、反接制动及正反转可逆控制电路中的应用

    ANALYSIS ON REVERSIBLE ROTATION SHADED MOTOR Application of PLC in the Circuit of Multiple Motor System

  11. 可逆的DCT整型变换与无失真图像压缩

    Reversible DCT Mapping Integers to Integers and Lossless Image Compression

  12. 层状Li(Ni(1-x)Cox)O2首次可逆行为研究

    Study on the first reversible behavior of the layered Li ( Ni_ ( 1-x ) Co_x ) O_2

  13. 盐酸多奈哌齐是近年来应用于临床的一种新型可逆性胆碱酯酶抑制剂,用于治疗轻中度AD,国内外报道其具有一定疗效。

    Donepezil is a new reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor which is used to treat mild-moderate AD in clinical trials recent years .

  14. Hilbert空间有界自伴正可逆算子的一个不等式

    An inequality on the positive definite operator in Hilbert space

  15. 传热规律为Q∝(ΔT)~m时热机的内可逆热经济学

    The Analyses of Endoreversible Thermoeconomics for Heat Engine with Heat Transfer Law of Q ∝(Δ T ) ~ m

  16. 单晶表面上水-气转移反应动力学及可逆吸附的作用&MonteCarlo模拟研究

    The Kinetic Study of Water Gas Shift Reaction and the Role of Reversible Adsorption & Monte Carlo Simulation

  17. 结果为:(1)H2O2和抗坏血酸-Fe(Ⅲ)使该酶不可逆失活;

    The results showed as ( 1 ) the enzyme was irreversibly inactivated by H2O2 and ascorbate-Fe (ⅲ);

  18. 可逆变长编码的解码器设计及VLSI实现

    Reversible Variable Length Decoder Design and VLSI Implementation

  19. 残差X-图对平稳可逆ARMA过程数据的检验能力

    Detection Capability of Residual X - Chart for Stationary Reversible ARMA Process Data

  20. 目的探讨CT、MRI在诊断脑后部可逆性脑病综合征(PRES)中的价值。

    Objective To evaluate the role of CT and MR / in the diagnosis of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome ( PRES ) .

  21. 这种荧光猝灭作用是可逆的;当醇分子从体系中移除后,CdS量子点的荧光可以完全恢复。

    The quenching effect was reversible ; the PL was totally recovered after the alcohol was removed from the system .

  22. FeO基氨合成催化剂的可逆中毒研究

    Study on the reversible poisoning of FeO-based ammonia synthesis catalyst

  23. 结论COPD患者气道阻塞具有一定可逆性,但可逆程度明显低于哮喘患者;

    Conclusion The bronchial obstruction in patients with COPD is of certain reversibility , lower than that in patients with asthma .

  24. PBX药柱的不可逆长大对TATB/粘结剂界面粘结性能的影响

    Influence of Irreversible Growth of PBX on Interface of TATB / binder

  25. SBA-15经TEA改性后,对CO2的吸附选择性大大增强,但吸附仍是可逆的。

    It was observed that the adsorption selectivity for CO2 of the SBA-15 modified with TEA increased considerably while the reversibility of adsorption remained .

  26. 该文根据混沌系统中的logistic映射方程,首先构造了一种生成混沌序列的算法,并分析了算法的不可逆性。

    An algorithm for generating chaotic series , which is according to logistic map equation in chaotic system , is firstly constructed . Its non-reversible characteristic is analyzed .

  27. 背景与目的:急性脑梗死(acutecerebralinfarctionACI)又称缺血性脑卒中(cerebralischemicstroke),是指各种原因引起的脑部血液供应障碍使局部发生不可逆性损伤,导致组织缺血、缺氧性坏死。

    Background and object : ACI ( acute cerebral infarction ) or cerebral ischemic stroke refers to irreversible local lesion caused by dysfunction of brain perfusion and successive ischemic-hypoxic necrosis .

  28. 讨论了一般电路上的随机徘徊,验证了电路与可逆的遍历Markov链是一一对应的;

    Secondly , we discuss random walks on general networks , prove that there is an one to one correspondence between networks and reversible ergodic Markov chains ;

  29. 基于Fuzzy-PI方法的可逆式冷轧机液压压下系统的控制

    Control of reversible cold mill hydraulic screw down system based on Fuzzy-PI method

  30. 基于可逆跳MCMC的AR模型阶次判定及其在陀螺漂移预测中的应用

    Model Order Selection of Autoregressive Process Based on the Reversible Jump MCMC and Its Application on Gyro 's Drift Prediction