
  • 网络Adjustable resistor;TRIMMER RESISTOR;varistor;SMD
  1. 传统的RC有源滤波器不能用数字量来控制截止频率,采用数/模转换器代替可调电阻,实现用数字量改变电阻值,从而达到改变截止频率的目的。

    In traditional PC active filters , digital variables cannot be used to control the cutoff frequencies . A D / A converter is used instead of the adjustable resistance so that the resistance can be altered by digital variables and the cutoff frequency changed .

  2. 本文设计的电压&电流转换电路使用片外可调电阻,将带隙基准电压源产生的输出参考电压转换成稳定的电流。

    The circuit converts the output reference voltage from the bandgap voltage reference , to a stable current .

  3. 通过对激光头输入、输出的电信号进行采集和处理,调整激光头上的浮动螺钉和可调电阻,使激光头的各项性能标达到规定值。

    This system collect and deal with the input and output electric signal from optical pick-up itself , adjust floating bolt and adjustable resistance , make the specification of the optical pick-up attain the demanded data .

  4. 本文介绍了一种用E~2POT数字电位器作为可调电阻,用高精度固定电阻替代比例臂电阻的新的微小电阻自动测量系统。

    This paper introduced a new auto measure system meet to low resistance , it replace former adjustable-resistance by high-precision resistance as the bridge-arm , and as a originality , use E ~ 2POT digital potentiometer as the adjustable-resistance .

  5. 比例因子和量化因子可调的电阻点焊模糊控制器

    Resistance spot welding fuzzy controller with self-adjusting proportion factor & quantification factor

  6. 提出了一种考虑了电导率调制效应的、随SB间距可调的衬底电阻模型。

    Considering the conductivity modulation effect , a substrate resistance model adjustable with the SB spacing is proposed .

  7. 其次,环形蔡氏电路具有两个独立可调的分岔参数电阻,起到了密钥参数的作用,进一步增加了对信号破译的难度。

    Second , loop Chua 's circuits has two regulated bifurcation parameter resistors , they play a part in encryption key parameters and increase the difficulty of unmasking signals .

  8. 在本文中,主要针对DC/DC转换器中的升压和降压转换器中电压环控制和电流环控制进行分析,其特点是内置补偿,并且都是输出可调型,前馈电阻并联与分压电阻之上。

    In this article , the analysis is focused on the voltage loop control and current loop control for the step-down and step-up converters and the common feature are internal compensation , adjustable output voltage .